Can we have an official release info sticky?


Feb 16, 2006
Left Coast
Can we have a sticky at the top that is locked and contains ONLY official release information from Firaxis?

I'm sure little bits of info, more screenshots, and maybe even a demo will be released between now and Fall 2010, and it would be great to have one spot to collect it all.
That would make too much sense. Get real.
currently there is not much more info than that its supposed to be released ;)
it is highly likely that there will be some sort of compilation of official and published information once there is something to compile. I don't think a stickied thread is the way to go - but you are welcome to suggest that in the stickied thread asking for your opinion on what and how to present ;)
In my experience stickying a thread is just the best way of making sure its ignored by most users - and such information belongs somewhere on the main page IMHO. But luckily I am not calling the shots on this.
Well I would like a sticky as well, I'm tired of looking at all the speculation threads and having no idea what's FACT from mere rumor and speculation. The little that is on Civ5 site is rather vague and could be interpreted differently. I also still question the validity of that Danish magazine and wonder why the heck they get more info then any else would.
Well I would like a sticky as well, I'm tired of looking at all the speculation threads and having no idea what's FACT from mere rumor and speculation. The little that is on Civ5 site is rather vague and could be interpreted differently. I also still question the validity of that Danish magazine and wonder why the heck they get more info then any else would.

Exactly. One place for reference and sanity in the midst of all the flying rumors and speculation.

To start the sticky thread, include the information on this Firaxis page or at least a link to this page:
AlphaShard ... i'm hard pressed to explain how they got an interview with Jon Shafer (luck, infomation brokers, spying ... all guesses is open) but fact is that they did and do have some of the screenshots which is also on the page
I vote for such a sticky...already this board is getting clogged up with speculation, rumors, etc...some kind of sticky in which only mods could post (locked to civilians such as myself, I'm sure you guys can do that) OFFICIAL news would probably help things greatly...
i'd like a sticky as well ... if for nothing else then to weed out in the great number of threads all going somewhat like "1 unit per tile ... speculation?" or the like ...
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