Cannot build Academy with Great Scientist


Dec 27, 2007
I remember in the past I used to be able to build academies with great scientists. In my current game however I can't seem to build one.

I've searched the forums and in-game civilopedia and can't figure out what is required (besides the Great Scientist, of course) to build the academy in a city. Were they removed from the game in BtS?

I'm playing the latest BtS Steam version.
I can't remember, do you need to have a library present in the city?
I cannot think of any reason why you shouldn't be able to do this...
Is there already an academy in the city?
No library needed, ofc you would rarely think about an academy in a city with no library but it's possible without.
(tested it, yup no restrictions..can be built in a size 1 city with no buildings)
As Krikav said, the only reason I can think of why you can't build it because there is one already.
Yep, you can only build one academy per city, but you can build academies in any city - no limit there. Although you really only need one in your capital.
Thanks for confirming!

Apparently, it must have to do with the mod I'm using. I just tried unloading it and tested in World Builder and it works again. Relief.

At least I know my next step to troubleshoot... I combined several mods years ago to suit my play, and only now just noticed that I can't build academies! Why would anyone want to turn that off? *shrug*

Edit: Turns out I messed up the great scientist (GS) in CIV4UnitInfos.xml. I had removed and replaced Aluminum Corp. (also built by GS) with my Petroleum Corp. and somehow also messed up the BUILDING_ACADEMY entry. Fixed now.

Now we also know how to turn off the academy, should anyone else want to do it :)
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