Thanks for all the help and ideas. I didn't mean to rant. Maybe colonies will turn out to be very interesting. I'd like to see. But am just rather disappointed that, after 10 hours of play or so on marathon, and with all of North America under my control, I am now up the proverbial s... crick, as I started the game with 18 civs and thus have discovered that I am not able to create a colony.
Hence, would like to discover if it is possible in XML to turn the additional colony costs off.
Regardless, while I am currently playing the Composite XL mod, which only allows 18 civs max, and it is a mod that I quite like, I have just downloaded the Regiments and Formations mod, which I think I will also like, and which has several classic world maps attached that will allow 25 to 28 civs.
Hence, with your all advice, I will try this mod, but will limit my starting number of civs to 18 or so, which should allow for a good number of potential colonies.
Still not sure if I will like the colony concept in the end or not, and thus may still search for a way to turn the extra costs off, but will give it a good try or two and give it a fighting chance. Just might be an interesting addition to the game now that I have a mod that will still allow for a good number of starting civs in addition to the colonies.
Once again, didn't mean to rant, though for unmodded games with the 18 civ limit, I still think this means one must limit the starting number of civs to 10 or 12 in order to allow for colonies. And am disappointed about my 10 hour investment and that my awsome North American colony will never come to fruition. Oh well, another one bites the dust.
Thanks again for the info!