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Caveman 2 Cosmos (ideas/discussions thread)

New introduction civics is very good,but better than the syncretism of secularization? They are almost all the same,secularization has 20 bonus to great people and not 10 and allows you to build buildings,and syncretism is not.
Not every Civic is designed to be an Upgrade of a previous one in it's category.
Interesting idea... I like this but it could be quite difficult to make happen so it wouldn't be a project that would happen soon. One downside, aside from the upside of research feeling much more organic, is that it would take out perhaps the most fascinating side of getting truly deep into the strategic choices you can make to get an edge in the game.
And while this sounds really interesting, I think that was the one new idea from SMAC (why is there no button for SMAC?) that wasn't well received.
And while this sounds really interesting, I think that was the one new idea from SMAC (why is there no button for SMAC?) that wasn't well received.
I couldn't imagine doing something like this as a non-option!
I see there is less features for futures eras (hum, just a "little" less).
So I bring here an idea of tech content (or can be used for anything else).

Fractal omniscience.
This idea come from an actual and considered a bit excentric physician (Nassim Haramein), but with a very interesting theory.
As human kind get limits at exploring infinity (we can't see below quark size), he's looking for a way to explore above the limits.
So here the theory (badly tell by me), is something like : we can't "see", but universe we can see have enough laws for us to guess what is next.
As there is fractal laws in universe, if we can fully study it and understand it, then there is no limits at what we can see, because structure of universe is fractal.
But he's not the only physician/mathematician with this view, people like Andrei Linde or Queiros-Conde studied that, and discovered than galactics large groups get a structure more easy to describe by fractals mathematics (guys made formulas for that !). Fractal universe is something we can see ourselves at all size. And if you look at universe structure, it look like a neuron network one.
I bring another idea : BLACK MARKET.
Sometimes, you would like to get a specific resource you don't have, but another CIV have, and maybe don't want to exchange by trading.
Then : send a criminal unit to the resource spot. When done, you can spendt some gold, and you will get this resource.
It simulate a sort of dissimulated bargain with some local workers extracting this resource.
I bring another idea : BLACK MARKET.
Sometimes, you would like to get a specific resource you don't have, but another CIV have, and maybe don't want to exchange by trading.
Then : send a criminal unit to the resource spot. When done, you can spendt some gold, and you will get this resource.
It simulate a sort of dissimulated bargain with some local workers extracting this resource.
There is mods that do exactly that and were/are part of future plans. Sevo's "Faces of God" mod has one way using a special bandit (only one possible per nation) and there were some others like it in the "White Lies, Black Ops" mod. If I remember correctly the code meant that you could only have one for similar reasons to why C2C can't have another unit that does things like the Great Farmer eg Great Geologist.
Damn, I stop to post ideas :lol:
I explain why I got this idea : it's because I find the hunt idea really great, as it make games differents. After starting 3 games, all ecosystem is differents. I got a lot of hyppo previously. Then oliphants. Now I get none but there is a lot of kangoo on the map (as I never met them before). I really like that all features making the game very differents like that.
So I post another idea about that.
In my current game, I don't need to use more explorers because I've explored all, I am on a little continent with another civ.
Instead of animals, there could be places dependant of the ecosystem where you can loot something (a mechanic near hunt one). But here, it's an explorer work. In these place, explorers get a different % to loot something. Maybe they can be in dangerous place also, who now ? As hunt provide production and food, these place could provide something else. Gold why not ? instead of developing animals building in the city, it could provide some improvements more related to resources they loot, herbs, nuts, seeds, some raritys quartz, ebene, bones, jewel etc. They could meet also some very little tribes, or pygmees, asking for help.
As I'm permanently out of gold, it could be nice to get some little building like that, more related to gold bonus, than science one. +extras on health or food sometimes.
Some new place could spawn also, like animals do. Making explorers an unit I would like to use more. I build only one in my current game, and it was enough ! But I have an army of hunters.
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Damn, I stop to post ideas :lol:
I explain why I got this idea : it's because I find the hunt idea really great, as it make games differents. After starting 3 games, all ecosystem is differents. I got a lot of hyppo previously. Then oliphants. Now I get none but there is a lot of kangoo on the map (as I never met them before). I really like that all features making the game very differents like that.
So I post another idea about that.
In my current game, I don't need to use more explorers because I've explored all, I am on a little continent with another civ.
Instead of animals, there could be places dependant of the ecosystem where you can loot something (a mechanic near hunt one). But here, it's an explorer work. In these place, explorers get a different % to loot something. Maybe they can be in dangerous place also, who now ? As hunt provide production and food, these place could provide something else. Gold why not ? instead of developing animals building in the city, it could provide some improvements more related to resources they loot, herbs, nuts, seeds, some raritys quartz, ebene, bones, jewel etc. They could meet also some very little tribes, or pygmees, asking for help.
As I'm permanently out of gold, it could be nice to get some little building like that, more related to gold bonus, than science one. +extras on health or food sometimes.
Some new place could spawn also, like animals do. Making explorers an unit I would like to use more. I build only one in my current game, and it was enough ! But I have an army of hunters.
Don't stop posting ideas.

There is/was the intent for Archaeologists to be able to dig stuff up at Archaeology but it is a future plan and requires keeping some information about improvements that have disappeared ages ago in game. It in the early stages of design.

The sever lack of gold at points in the game is a reaction to a few people loudly proclaiming that there is too much gold in the game. In my last game I found I could build 5 new law enfourcer units in the time it would take to get enough money to upgrade one. This make it better to just scrap old units imo.
Damn, I stop to post ideas :lol:
I explain why I got this idea : it's because I find the hunt idea really great, as it make games differents. After starting 3 games, all ecosystem is differents. I got a lot of hyppo previously. Then oliphants. Now I get none but there is a lot of kangoo on the map (as I never met them before). I really like that all features making the game very differents like that.
So I post another idea about that.
In my current game, I don't need to use more explorers because I've explored all, I am on a little continent with another civ.
Instead of animals, there could be places dependant of the ecosystem where you can loot something (a mechanic near hunt one). But here, it's an explorer work. In these place, explorers get a different % to loot something. Maybe they can be in dangerous place also, who now ? As hunt provide production and food, these place could provide something else. Gold why not ? instead of developing animals building in the city, it could provide some improvements more related to resources they loot, herbs, nuts, seeds, some raritys quartz, ebene, bones, jewel etc. They could meet also some very little tribes, or pygmees, asking for help.
As I'm permanently out of gold, it could be nice to get some little building like that, more related to gold bonus, than science one. +extras on health or food sometimes.
Some new place could spawn also, like animals do. Making explorers an unit I would like to use more. I build only one in my current game, and it was enough ! But I have an army of hunters.

How are you "permanently out of Gold"? Is your research slider at 0%?

Sounds like you need to be a bit wiser in what you build and watch your costs closer.
Hi, I got new ideas. :D

I'm almost sure You got same but, i quickly looked tech tree, and I'm not sure to saw it (but the tech tree is so big than i can't be sure !).

It come from my actual game : I had another civ on my continent. I wouldnt make war to that civ because I had not enough gold for getting new city or make war.
BUT : I didnt want this CiV grow too fast and become a threat for me. So, I started an unconventionnal form of warfare.
Something really dirty : I sended a tons of criminals in his city. Finaly, his civilization exploded because many revolts. And his main city previously 10 pop decreased finaly at zero pop over the time !

I like this way to deal with opponents "without guns". Here come to my new idea :
Instead of spreading criminality, spread disease.
There is a lot of examples in history about bactoriological warfare. At first how indians of america was contaminated.

Another idea of non conventionnal war : Climatic weapons.
Actualy it's on the list of dirty weapons nobody should research or build. But we know that old URSS (CCCP) made research about that.
In america, there is a mysterious research complex : HAARP. Nobody is 100% to what happens here, but even it's not the truth, I find speculations very nice as idea for civ game : weapons able to create natural disasters, tempests, earthquake.
Diseases as a weapon and more is a current combat mod project. Just had some major programming upgrades to work with there awaiting xml implementation.

Natural disaster weaponry is a goal too. Just not one so close to completion.
Black ops warfare is something I've mentioned elsewhere, and yes, it can be very effective. I once managed to conquer or vassalize half of the opposing empires in one of my games without fielding a single conventional unit. That's not a common result, but properly utilized unconventional assets can be amazingly potent.

Disease warfare is something that really is only going to be minimally effective until the industrial era, as before that the capability to use it offensively just doesn't really exist. The whole "United States government used smallpox against the Indians!" trope doesn't really hold water. Yes, some of the blankets involved may have been contaminated, but you have to remember, the germ theory of disease was still in its nascent stage at that point - no one was really too sure how it worked, and using it as an offensive technique would be entirely too random and have too low a success rate to be worth bothering with. (Besides, considering that those blankets were wool, anthrax would be a more likely disease than smallpox...) Most of the disease outbreaks among the native populations were simply because of those diseases being introduced to a population which hadn't developed any resistance to them yet - hardly a deliberate war action.

And while there may indeed be some research going on into climatological and/or natural disaster weaponization, HAARP isn't likely to be involved. HAARP is a radio/radar development project, with some asides into related fields such as magnetometry. The research going on there is aimed at improving readings, not manipulating the external world. Besides, their main facility is a little too open to observation for a weapons research facilty; DARPA is a bit more paranoid than that...
Catapults will one day be capable of bombarding cities with dead cows, I'm sure of that. ^^
And worse. Just needs the xml now.

The whole "United States government used smallpox against the Indians!" trope doesn't really hold water.
I'm not going to ask you to justify that statement. But I WILL say there are quite a few passed spirits who would likely disagree with you strongly. I kinda get that you are claiming it wasn't as nefarious in intent, and some of your argument stands that it could've been less intentional and more that they were unusually vulnerable. The system we have does enable that sort of interaction as well. I'm not sure we can say for sure whether the blankets were intentionally collected from places where smallpox had been known to exist but that's also very possible and the people then weren't above it at all. It wasn't manufactured but opportunistic, thus of course it wasn't anthrax, which is rather hard to keep alive outside concentrated doses.

And while there may indeed be some research going on into climatological and/or natural disaster weaponization, HAARP isn't likely to be involved. HAARP is a radio/radar development project, with some asides into related fields such as magnetometry. The research going on there is aimed at improving readings, not manipulating the external world. Besides, their main facility is a little too open to observation for a weapons research facilty; DARPA is a bit more paranoid than that...
HAARP is officially an ionospheric heating system used to 'study the effects of expansion and contraction of the ionosphere. It is a high HIGH powered radio transmission array, in particular geared towards low wave radio transmissions. It may well have initially been able to capture the Navy's attention as a potential means to communicate with deep submerged vessels anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, but the science shows a LOT more than that can be accomplished with HAARP and since it has gone online there have been some interesting anomolies to suggest that its use for these purposes has been tested. Successfully. Weather control is a little weak in theory, more of a weather manipulator perhaps, and more for large storms than small ones. Earthquake generation could be very effective and other plate destabilization techniques. Remember this is actually pretty simple... HAARP has a tremendous amount of utility in creating wave energy on a huge scale and focusing it nearly anywhere by bouncing it off of the ionosphere, just like a short wave radio signal does. Wave energies on large scale can cause some pretty impressive things to happen. And when they found they COULD actually heat the ionosphere with concentrated blasts at it, that's the ability to gently adjust the jet stream and guide large weather patterns. Sure the Government doesn't admit to all this... would you?

And as for the placement, small town Alaska isn't exactly all that less out of the way than Area 51 and more inhospitable to get there most of the year. Plus, being so out in the open, one tends to diffuse suspicion. Apparently it's working on you.

I don't know exactly what they were doing to the ionosphere but I saw ripples coming from the NNW in the night sky (from where HAARP would be - I saw this from North Idaho.) soon after the date it went live. (I connected these dots in research and memory later on.) The ripples were concise circles expanding outward like those in a pond after tossing in a pebble... except they were composed of energy that appeared similar to the aurora borealis. The ionosphere is where auroras occur. The power of that station is impressive and we all know very little of what they can do with it.
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CERNE is a bigger concern for the whole world.
CERNE is a bigger concern for the whole world.
I wouldn't say BIGGER but there's certainly some interesting rumors there too about portal research and manipulation. And as far as the danger for a tech to unlock something completely horrible and unintended, it certainly is perhaps the most risky venture since splitting the atom. But observed forces in space seem to suggest that all that Cerne can do is already happening in nature somewhere so is it really that much of a risk? Maybe hard to say.
It's not as if CERN keeps its research secret, and there have been some breakthroughs already (including the W- and Z-Bosons, the Quark-Gluon-Plasma, the Higgs Boson, and ... the WWW). And considering it's an international cooperation with a bit of fluctuation it would be very hard to keep secrets.

Besides, do you really think there is a place in the world where young Post-Docs go and are told that their entire studies so far have been a sham? It's hard enough studying all that when the entire research is out in the open, but when you have to learn from the equivalent of cryptic scrolls and wise mentors, you cannot advance that far. Science skyrocketed when it moved beyond that, and there is no sign of it slowing down.
Now we know why mod isn't 100% compatible with reality :mischief:
Sorry for terrible joke :p

I believe, that reality is boring, that is no aliens at our side of galaxy, CERN/HAARP is completly harmless and so on.
Only those with power can make it interesing. Like few morons with nuclear power :mischief:

Even simple hammer can be dangerous tool.

How do i get back the size matters upgrade for ALL the Big Cats, my thinking is they start out as mild felines then progress up to dangerous "big" cats of the wild. . i know not all think this way, that is why i am asking here in this thread . . thx, SO
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