Well, i started by cancleing granaries and ordering lots of wealth... C'mmon i even managed to get green numbers while having ten percent research.
25AD- mongolian spies detected Zara is teching Feuadalism...
100AD - construction done. Use Great Scientist on Golden Age. Start troop build. start researching Feudalism. Well, i surely could use some capitulations if i want to win in era of phantapult...
265AD - troops are being built and slowly shipped toward Bombay. Boudica has hands full and is annoyed with me, but luckily Zara won't open borders with her so i need to protect small front.
Of course Zara declare on pleased, but he has worst enemy and 90% peace on pleased...
I also do raze barb city - both to prevent Zara getting it and gain some cash. Workers are finishing road works and are being deleted... Well, in end i had zero
340Ad - i notice party
I guessed she was going to declare, but persuaded myself she was on Zara, so i place my slowly growing forces in some fancy positions, so they could come to defend or go join in rampage on Zara.
Very next turn she send that stack on my stack of Keshiks... Result was something like 6:1 in my favour
I finished survivors, picked my elephants+catapults and went on her. Still it was first time AI declared on me in neutral territory...
Zara was continuing insult us with that stupid mining
Meanwhile i reached first *celtian* city
Speed of phants and cats was killing me after that rampage of Keshiks.
City itself was not a problem, problem was Boudica refused open borders all the time and my spy simply did not went into Celtian land in time...
Luckily since Keshiks were iognoring terrain i could use them to move one tile and when catch up stack even in heavily forested area.
Tricks like that and seeing dirrection Boudica's counterforce wsa coming was enough to locate source of nonsense
Well, all that bobardment, stack healing was making me sick...
On other hand soon i saw Bibicrate from inside:
Shrine was nice...
I did more scouting and moved towards new cap
I thought that elephant was pretty much dead, but celts were total chickens... Well, i did not even get that city, just flatened walls, repelled Boudica's suicide attacks [i was actually upgrading archers to longbows on Celtian loot] and she kneeled before Narantsetseg.
Adis whatever was not even bad city, but i took poly instead. Not that i would need it, but at least that one was not costing in upkeep.
I also gave Boudica her cities back [except Yeha which she was not taking]. Well, i was approching red zone again...
i had two cities ordered to build cats non stop, and two on phants, while Rome was making longbows... Overall i was getting to unit/per turn...
I also teched Calendar since i had non covered spices and sugar [probably could have got that from Boudica, but i had nothing to research anyway].
Soon i found i could have trade for iron
Well, again, why i would need spears?
I used Celtian stack to attack from SW while another fresh went from NE and i ordered Boudica attack in NW arrea... Well, ofcourse i attacked Zara. I had no more targets...
Let say he was very angry with his sister in faith... Like that
Well, i also found use for that spy in Aksum
Well, i was not in mood to protect Ethiopian cities. I razed everything i could.
Not that Zara had lots of troops but things like this were annoying
Using siege was preety stupid so i used Keshiks and Flanking II elephant, meanwhile my warlord HA was getting in 70xp department...
To my surprise Boudica really send some trops were she was told to
Story actually repeated i flatened Gondar walls, Zara suicided few cats and he capped.
I was really close to domination
But i like Conquest movie lot of better. Especialy since in chess parts black ones win...
Add four curthouses, four archers and something like 8 longbows... Apparently that was really skeleton infra game

Well, Mongolia not having even single library... And i still got my Ceasar's ranking and
148450 score.
Also i believe that is nearly first pre 1000AD finish for me in which liberalism was not even close to being a factor...