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CFC Fantasy Basketball

Still not open.

I can accept one more player (for a total of 12) for our league!
I'd actually prefer Yahoo! since I've got six other leagues of various games there.
I contacted sandbox about it. We'll see what they say :)

And sandbox is better than yahoo :p
In that case, it will be Yahoo, I'll set it up this week.

We will have to do a one day live draft, I'm thinking the afternoon on a saturday, that way everybody should be availiable for a live draft.

Sundays are OUT, as are weekdays, I work, I can't do a draft while working, and Sunday is football day.
I've go no problems with a Saturday draft, just need some notice so I can distract the wife long enough.
When they open it, I plan on a 1300 EST if I can, so it won't wipe out anybody from Europe by being to late.

I'll try to accomdate everyone as best i can guys. ;)
Are we talking this Saturday or a future Saturday?

By the way, I saw Yahoo has been taking teams/leagues sign-ups for a couple of days now...
I haven't set the day yet, I wanted some feedback first.
Fair enough. I've just got a full one coming up and was going to clear a hole if needed. Not trying to push.
OK guys, the ONLY saturday I can get for our league is this one. the 12th

The draft time they gave is 5:40 EDT (I asked for earlier, they said no)

The League ID # 34739

League Name: CFC

Password: CFC

Just go to Yahoo fantasy sports, and follow the instructions, and good luck!

The Texas Bricklayers have registered and are ready for action.

I should be able to make the time for the draft, but if not, it looks like you can have an auto-draft list, so that might be able to work for everyone.
Gonzo's Fanatics(I know, how original :D) are registered and kicking! I'll be there for the draft almost 100% sure.
Saturday, October 12 at 11:40 pm CEST

I registered, and although I can't probably make it to the drafting because of a birthday party of one of my best friends after that basketball game I told about, I'll just let the computer pick. It says I can put in which players I'd like most...so
Just about 24 hours before the draft and only six teams are registered... Come on guys, we need to fill this up.
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