CFC Minecraft Server -- World 4

I will allow someone else to run a server on my dedicated machine if they are willing. I will not be doing it.

For someone who isn't really knowledgeable about the technical workings involved, what would such a job specifically require? I would be willing/interested (with your consent), to possibly take you up on this offer, barring your response and what others say (against) and if anyone else wants too. :)
I lied. I just spent a bit exploring a world seed (normal minecraft terrain engine) that I really, really like. It has a little bit of tall mountains, a little bit of flat space, a little bit of floating things, room for everyone.

My only condition is that I call dibs on the starting zone town!
Looks like my lag on multiplayer minecraft is finally gone and I can finally play on this server! :woohoo: However, I am yet to join a town and build stuff. All I did was build an empty hut near a mine that I dug out.

I guess such regulations are needed to stop griefers alright.
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