• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

CFC Minecraft Server -- World 4


  • /help -- Lists ALL commands
  • /spawn -- Return to world spawn point
  • /sethome -- Sets your own warp point
  • /home -- Warp to your personal warp point
  • /msg <player> <message> -- Messages a specific player
  • /r <message> -- Quick reply to the last player who messaged you
  • /me <message> -- Formats message as: "* croxis thinks he is awesome"
  • /mail <read|clear|send [player] [message]> -- Sends an in game mail to another player, useful if they are not online
  • /nick <name> -- Changes your in game name
  • /realname <nick> -- Checks the minecraft name of the user
  • /seen <player> -- Check when the player last logged off.

  • /money -- Show a player's balance
  • /money help
  • /money rank
  • /money top
  • /bank
  • /bank help
  • /bank join <name>

Global Shop
<Angle Brackets> denote parameters.
(Round Brackets) denote optional sections.
The brackets themselves are not part of the command; they are just used to describe syntax. Brackets should not be typed.

  • /shop - Shows the main help page. Lists commands and shortcuts.
  • /shop help <topic> - Shows help on the given command or subject.
  • /shop help tag <tagName> - Shows help on the given item tag.
  • /shop <id>( :<count>) - Shows current buy/sell information on the given item.
    <id> can be an item name or a type number with an optional subtype:
    <id> = <itemName> | <itemID> | <itemID>,<subtypeID> | Default
    If <count> is used, shows the total price for the given number of items/bundles.
  • /shop list (<partname>) (<pageNum>) - Lists a page of items in the shop. Default page = 1.
    If <partname> is used, lists only items with <partname> as part of their name.
  • /shop buy <id>( :<quantity>) - Purchases an item. Default quantity is 1 bundle.
  • /shop sell <id>( :<quantity>) - Sells an item. Default quantity is 1 bundle.
  • /shop add <id>( :<bundleSize>) (<buyPrice> (<sellPrice>)) <tagList> - Adds an item to the shop list.
    <buyPrice> and <sellPrice> are accepted for convenience, and are internally converted to BasePrice and SalesTax.
    Unused tags will have their data copied from the Default item.
    Transactions will be in multiples of <bundleSize>. Default quantity is 1 item per bundle (unless overriden with the Default record)
  • /shop info <id> - Shows much more detailed information about an item in the shop, such as stock level, volatility, etc.

Chest/Door Protections
  • /lwc -c public Create a public protection (anyone can view/modify, but not protect)
  • /lwc -c password <password> Create a password-protected protection
  • /lwc -c private Create a private protection
  • /lwc -m Modify an existing protection
  • /lwc -u <password> Unlock something (when asked)
  • /lwc -i View information on an already protected inventory
  • /lwc -p Activate a mode if it is not blacklisted
  • /lwc -r <protection|modes> Remove an existing protection or all modes activated on you

These are the Generic money commands

() = Optional

[]= Required

  • /money - Check your balance
  • /money ? - Shows condensed help.
  • /money rank (player) - Player ranking of total funds.
  • /money top (amount) -- List the top money holders.
  • /money pay [player] [amount] -- Send money to player from your account.

  • /shop [id] - Show item information
  • /shop list
  • /shop buy [id]([:amount])
  • /shop sell [id]([:amount])

Elevators -- All commands start with /elev
  • help|? - shows the commands.
  • permission|permissions - shows your current permission level.
  • create - creates a new elevator at your current position.
  • remove - removes an existing elevator from your current position.
  • call|floor <Floorname> - creates a new floor with the given Floorname.
  • up - creates a new UpBlock, right-click to select block after command.
  • down - creates a new DownBlock, right-click to select block after command.
  • go|direct [<Floorname>] - creates a new link to the given floor or the nearest. Toggled by redstone input. Right-click a block.
  • redstoneout [<Floorname>] - creates a redstoneoutput, right-click to select the output block after. Has to be a lever.
  • glassdoor [<Floorname>] - Type command and place glass blocks. A door will be created to the given floor or the nearest. Use /elev finish to finish and disable glass block listener.
  • glassremove [<Floorname>] - Removes all glass blocks linked to the given floor or from the cabin when no floor is specified.
  • finish - Finishes an action (like glassdoor placement).
  • info - creates debugging info file. CONSOLE ONLY.
  • lock - locks the cabin blocks to stop updating before every movement.

Master List

[FONT='courier new', monospace]Most commands have help commands like "/town set" or "/town set ?"[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]All names are case insensitive.[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]add/remove will target all matched names online. "sh" would return both "SHAde" and "ShadEness".[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]add+/remove+ must have the entire name, but are used for offline residents and town/nation names.[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]Commands in red are not available yet[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]Chat[/FONT]

[FONT='courier new', monospace]/tc [message][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nc [message][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]Resident[/FONT]

[FONT='courier new', monospace]All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /player or /r[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident ?[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident [resident][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident list[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident set [] .. [][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident friend [add/remove] [resident] .. resident]
/resident friend [add+/remove+] [resident] .. [resident][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident friend clearlist[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident delete [resident]
[/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident set perm [on/off] [/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy] [on/off][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/resident set mode [mode] .. [mode][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]Modes:[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]reset : Reset modes to default.[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]map : Show the map as you move between town blocks.[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]townclaim : Claim as you walk.[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]townunclaim : Unclaim as you walk.[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]tc : Talking to your town won't require you to prefix "/tc".[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]nc : Talking to your nation won't require you to prefix "/nc".[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]waratk : Show logging of hp of the places your town is attacking.[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]wardef : Show logging of hp of the places your town is under attack.[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]Town[/FONT]

[FONT='courier new', monospace]All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /t[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town ?[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town list[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town leave
[/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]/town here [/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town spawn[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town claim [/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town claim outpost[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town claim auto[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town claim rect [radius][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town claim rect auto[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town unclaim[/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]/town unclaim all
/town unclaim rect [radius][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town withdraw [$][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town deposit [$]
[/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]/town new [town][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town new [town] [mayor][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town delete [town]
[/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]/town [add/kick] [resident] .. [resident]
/town [add+/kick+] [resident] .. [resident][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town wall [/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town assistant [add/remove] [resident] .. [resident]
/town assistant [add+/remove+] [resident] .. [resident][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set board [message ... ][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set mayor [mayor][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set homeblock[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set spawn[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set perm [on/off] [/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy] [on/off][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set pvp [on/off][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set taxes [$][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set plottax [$][/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set plotprice [$][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/town set name [name]
[/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]Plot[/FONT]

[FONT='courier new', monospace]/plot claim[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/plot unclaim[/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]/plot forsale[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/plot notforsale[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]Nation[/FONT]

[FONT='courier new', monospace]All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /n[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation list[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation [nation][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation leave[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation withdraw [$]
/nation deposit [$]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation new [nation]
[/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation new [nation] [capital][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation assistant [add/remove] [resident] .. [resident]
/nation assistant [add+/remove+] [resident] .. [resident][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace][FONT='courier new', monospace][FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation add [town] .. [town][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation kick [town] .. [town][/FONT]

[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation delete [nation]
[/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation ally [add/remove] [nation]
/nation enemy [add/remove] [nation][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation set neutral [on/off][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation set taxes [$]
/nation set name [name]
/nation set king [resident]
/nation set capital [town][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/nation set name [name]
[/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]Towny[/FONT]

[FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny ?[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny map[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny prices[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny top [money/residents/land][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace][FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny top money [resident/town/nation][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny top residents [town/nation][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny top land [resident/town][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny universe[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny version[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny war stats[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/towny war scores[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]Towny Admin[/FONT]

[FONT='courier new', monospace]All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /ta[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin ?[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin set [] .. [][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin set king [nation] [king][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin set capital [nation] [capital][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin set mayor [town] [mayor][/FONT][FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin set mayor [town] npc[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin set name [town/nation] [oldname] [name][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin npc rename [oldname] [name][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin npc list[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin war toggle[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin war toggle [on/off][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin givebonus [town] [n][/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin reload[/FONT]

[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin newday[/FONT]
[FONT='courier new', monospace]/townyadmin backup[/FONT]

Depreciated plugins

/landmark set <name>
Set a new landmark or update an existing landmark's position to your current position. Name may contain spaces.
/landmark delete|del|remove <name>
Remove an existing landmark. Name may contain spaces.

Nether Portals

X = obsidian
- = where to place signs (also obsidian)
| XX
| X X
| - -
| X X
| XX
Build a Netherworld portal first (don't light it up).

You then place a sign on one of the sign points.

The text should be

Line 1: <blank>
Line 2: <Unique Gate Name>
Line 3: hell
Line 4: <blank>

Click on the sign a couple times to activate.

Residence -- Wiki
  • /res or /res ? - displays help.
  • /res select [x] [y] [z] - select a cuboid area to protect, X Y and Z are all a radius from your current location, you can also use a tool (wooden axe by default) to select land.
  • /res select size - show selected area size
  • /res select vert - expand selection from sky to bedrock
  • /res create [ResidenceName] - create a residence
  • /res subzone <ResidenceName> [SubZoneName] - create a subzone in your residence. You must be the owner to do this.
  • /res remove [ResidenceName] - remove a residence
  • /res info <ResidenceName> - get info on a residence, leave off <ResidenceName> to view info on the one your standing in.
  • /res list - list residences you own
  • /res listall - list all residences
  • /res unstuck - moves you outside the protected area your in
  • /res set <ResidenceName> [flag] [true/false/remove] - set flags on residences.
  • /res set ? - for exact arguments and list of flags.
  • /res pset <ResidenceName> [PlayerName] [flag] [true/false/remove] - set flags on different players
  • /res pset ? - for exact arguments and list of flags.
  • /res tp [ResidenceName] - teleport to a location
  • /res tpset - set the teleport location in your residence.
  • /res mirror [source] [target] - mirrors permissions from one residence to another. You must be owner of both to do this.
  • /res message <residence> [enter/leave] [message] - sets a enter or leave area message. You can ommit <residence> to use the one your standing in.
  • (NEW) /res message <residence> remove [enter/leave] - removes a enter or leave message.
  • /res market [buy/info] [residence] - buy / view info on a residence for sale.
  • /res market sell [residence] [amount] - put up a residence for sale
  • /res lease [renew/cost] [residence] - renew / show cost of renewing a residence. Cost only applies if using iConomy.
  • /resadmin lease set [residence] [#days/infinite] - sets a lease on a residence to expire in # days or to never expire.
  • /resadmin setowner [residence] [player] - changed a residences owner.
    New in 2.0
  • /res area <add/remove> <residence> <areaID> - Add or remove areas to the residence. These can overlap with areas of the same residence.
  • /res default <residence> - Restores residence to default flags.
  • /res lists - Predefined residence permission lists, do '/res lists' for details.
  • /res rename - <OldName> <NewName> Rename a residence. For subzones, OldName must the the full name(parent.subzone), while NewName is only the new name.
  • /res renamearea <Residence> <OldName> <NewName> - Rename a physical area attached to a residence.
  • /res select chunk - Select a whole chunk for protection.

Ticket Help System:
  • /pe open|create|new <Message>
  • /pe comment|log <#> <Message>
  • /pe close <#> [<Message>]
  • /pe list [<count>]
  • /pe view <#>
  • /pe assign <#> [<Operator>]
  • /pe unassign <#>
  • /pe warp|goto <#>
The Project -- Unique to the CFC server

Tasklist for 0.1 deployment
- Not Started
o In Progress
x Completed

x Add holding tier 1
x Add holding tier 2
x Found new holding tier 1
- Found new holding tier 2
- Logic for removing holding tier 1
- Logic for removing holding tier 2
- Found additional holding tier 2
x iConomy integration
x Wilderness penalty
x Holding block protection
- Holding monster protection
- Permission integration
- Add base resource
x Resource consumption for founding tier 1 holding
- Resource consumption for founding tier 2 holding
- Add other players to holding
Yes, not very long now.

Also, does claim your land using residence cost geld?
Hi croxis, I had just joined the cfc server a week or so ago, I'd like to be a part of the new world. My Minecraft username is amanbearpig. :)
It seems security is important, so my 9 o clock suggestions:
Make a fort.
Expand the bunker.
Build an extra door on the way to the port.
Expand the port and have a ton of ships ready in case.
Build a reserve bunker on a floating island.
How to use Resident:

Stand in the exact center of the area you want to claim, we'll assume you want a small house in a 12x12 area with a height of 30.

/res select x y z
x and z are horizontal values, y is vertical

/res select 6 15 6

It claims 6 in both of the X directions, 6 in the Z directions, and 15 in each U direction (up and down) of where you are standing.

/res create Myhouse

Replace Myhouse with whatever name you want to use (no spaces but you can use _).
I have been banned for being "Inappropriate" despite not having uttered inappropriate language, I was in the middle of a rant on how much life sucks. Why?
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