Changes in India


Jan 1, 2003
Changes to India & other stuff are up on SVN
- Bakuel's new units for Indian civs
- playable Malwa
- change in Rajput civs unit lines (horse archers -> lancers)
- more mercenaries & invaders in India
- some map changes in Rajputana
- units belonging to independents now have art styles fitting their location

The release is 1-2 weeks away still, so feel free to test/comment, particularly Malwa's UU, UB, UP & UHV, if you're using SVN. Note that the current SVN version is not compatible with 0.4.

Kingdom of Malwa
UU: Kshatriya Archer (Archer, +2 First Strikes)
UB: Sanskrit College (Library, +25% GP Rate)
UP: Patronage - Double Production Speed of National Wonders
- Build 3 Sanskrit Colleges and 3 Hindu Mandirs by 1060 AD
- Settle 5 different Great People in your capital by 1300 AD
- Have at least 1 city with Legendary Culture by 1300 AD
I really welcome new playable Hindu civ :goodjob:. Good civ to try URV too!

On the related Rajput theme -- is there any way to create some Jauhar event. We have Chittor on the map: perhaps if any Muslim civ captures it -- population drops to 1? Or city get razed before you know it?
It would make a great Unique Power for Mewar (respawned Ajmer) since it's not-playable. Conquered Mewar cities could lose some or most of their population, depending on circumstances (i.e. last 2-3 cities or all cities in Rajputana would trigger it, but there's no sense of burning Delhi etc.). I can add immolation effect from FFH2 if that's not too tasteless ;)
How comes you already have Bakuel's new units? ;) I haven't found them anywhere else.
Uh, I cheat :mischief: Some are found here and there, actually, and it's also a small part of what's to come. Also added some Armenian-Georgian units remixed from older Bakuel's units, and working on changes to Crusaders.
As a result, Malwa and Timurid are going to share a same UP name?:rolleyes:

Good catch, I'll find a new name for it.
Great works embryodead! Love the new changes in India. The new units are beautiful. :)

However, it seems that the button to toggle stability layer is broken as of revision 271.
Great works embryodead! Love the new changes in India. The new units are beautiful. :)

Thanks, also on behalf of Bakuel for the units ;)

However, it seems that the button to toggle stability layer is broken as of revision 271.

Confirmed & fixed, TY.
I love Malwa and their UHV, I have a partiality for the non-militaristic victory conditions. I've won a UHV game as Malwa: Finished in 1190 with a Great Engineer, Merchant, Artist, Prophet and General settled in the capital, obtained using Caste System, Religious Law and backstabbing Gujarat respectively. Bombed a few great artists to get culture, which was the last requirement. The whole game was pretty trivial, not because of anything Malwa specific (I don't believe), but because within the first few turns I got a quest to capture the Iron equidistant between Chittor and my capital, which was successful a few turns later due to culture growth. This in turn led to a half-dozen axemen appearing under my control within a few turns of start, which conquered Chittor, Ajaymeru (before Ajmer had a second city) and Gwalior in short order. I imagine it's a rare occurence, but that quest in particular seems totally unbalancing when it activates so soon after a civ spawns.

Not Malwa related, but in India under the latest SVN version, the Hindu URV seems to be achievable without any real effort as a Hindu state (certainly Ajmer and I imagine Gujarat). I won as Ajmer in 1276 by URV unintentionally when aiming for UHV. Becoming a saint is inevitable when holding a large single religion empire, as Ajmer requires, and Gujarat's UHV directly requires becoming a saint. Gujarat province is a great contender for the population requirement (especially once the Abbasids fall), and comes with the requisite Hindu holy city. Finally, placing the shrine in the holy city makes it an obvious contender for the royal mint, and the royal mint makes it the best place to settle high gold output GPs, plus the city's natural commerce output is extensive especially if cottaged. I had two Great Merchants settled in the city, but out of expedience rather than aiming for the URV. I really love the URV conditions, and they have a great synergy with the Hindu countries, but as Ajmer especially, if conquering Gujarat is part of your UHV plan then I think winning by UHV before the URV kicks in could actually requiring planning to avoid the URV.

SoI is one of my favourite mods at any rate, and it just keeps getting better. :)
Thanks for the report - in the latest version the Greed quest has been adjusted to provide 3-5 units (depending on the number of opponents alive) instead of 7. Accidental Hindu URV seems like an isolated case, but we'll see.
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