Chatroom Rivalry

Save sent to Gainy, and here's a screenshot of the Bootstantinople city radius:

Sent back to Strider. I can'not post a pic of my map, as it would give too much away. I'll post one later on in the game though :)
Looking good, y'all. ;) I'm going to have to keep an eye on this... GO STRIDER! ;)
Originally posted by Superevie
Looking good, y'all. ;) I'm going to have to keep an eye on this... GO STRIDER! ;)
Go Strider? Why don't you cheer for the underdog, the one who's never played a PBEM before (excluding the MSDG and a very short-lived one with Strider and CG), who has only won one game at regent and none above that (not counting the DG), and who has the lowest score. Namely, go me. :D

Anyway, save to Gainy.
Originally posted by Bootstoots

Go Strider? Why don't you cheer for the underdog, the one who's never played a PBEM before (excluding the MSDG and a very short-lived one with Strider and CG), who has only won one game at regent and none above that (not counting the DG), and who has the lowest score. Namely, go me. :D

Anyway, save to Gainy.

I guess because I'm winning... I've beaten diety... and I've won/played many PBEM's already. ;)
Because I was told to. :mischief:
Save passed to boots
Once this game is over I am planning to host the CHatroom Rivalry 2 :)
Strider, I've also beaten Deity, and you're only winning cause you got a city/settler from a hut ;) I've not seen a hut yet... :(
Boots has a warrior on my furs, and I request for Boots you remove it (from my territory)... I don't care about your exploration needs ;)
Here's an updated pic of my territory...

Edit: And Spacetrvler, doesn't it kinda defeat the point of having a "Chatroom Rivalry" thread, if the participant(s) don't visit the Chatroom? :p
Gainy... actually... No... I didn't get it from a hut ;)

Also, save passed to boots
Originally posted by Gainy bo

Well you cheated then :p
Save back to Strider...

Just because I'm good at the game doesn't mean I cheated ;).
Gimme a break.

You guys are in the chatroom. No point saying "Sent."

Now screenshots... those would be appreciated.
I'll come up with some creative names, but you guys won't understand them ;).
lol, I understand your problem but I can never get the chatroom to work anymore. but im willing to have a forum rivalry and to start it out: I've won on diety, and even if you had 5 settlers from goody huts on the first turn, I would still win ;)
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