Hey. i have made several new city art sets, going through the 4 ages they are all medieval based and dont go into industrial or modern design.here they are:
Dwarf Cities are all combinations of privious city art made by several people. if you can see yours, point it out to me, id like to thank you
Elf Cities are similarly combinations of privious city art made by several people. if you can see yours, point it out to me, id like to thank you

the ist era is the original of somone elses art, the last is also someone elses, i only added some trees to them. the middle 2 are my own deign

but i got the idea from t he first set. (it uses the Spellforce Elf buildings and some from Heroes of Might and magic 5)
Human Cities now these are an even bigger combination of different peoples work. i should really call them Frankenstein Cities
Middle East Cities this is just a collection of my favouite middleeast city arts by lots of people. i didnt change much except the last era walls and some buildings
Thanks to all the people i 'borrowd' art from

it was really handy