City graphics library

I need somebody to be the new librarian !

I decided to step to CivIV (actually, I started a few month ago but never let CivIII). So I won't work on this library anymore from september.
Hey. i have made several new city art sets, going through the 4 ages they are all medieval based and dont go into industrial or modern they are:

the Dwarf Cities are all combinations of privious city art made by several people. if you can see yours, point it out to me, id like to thank you ;)

The Elf Cities are similarly combinations of privious city art made by several people. if you can see yours, point it out to me, id like to thank you ;) the ist era is the original of somone elses art, the last is also someone elses, i only added some trees to them. the middle 2 are my own deign :D but i got the idea from t he first set. (it uses the Spellforce Elf buildings and some from Heroes of Might and magic 5)

Human Cities now these are an even bigger combination of different peoples work. i should really call them Frankenstein Cities :crazyeye:

Middle East Cities this is just a collection of my favouite middleeast city arts by lots of people. i didnt change much except the last era walls and some buildings :p

Thanks to all the people i 'borrowd' art from :p it was really handy :)
You know what would be great. Some cities for todays times. I'm trying to make a scenario where everything is in todays time and some good, modern looking cities would be great. I don't mean to be rude but if somebody could get on that my snario would be finished a lot sooner. Thanks for your attention and thanks in advance for those cities.
Thank you for the great cities guys!
And thank you for a couple of Russian buildings, too. It is difficult to find an authentic graphic basics for creation a Russian civ in a scenario. It's good you've posted nice graphics of 'izba' (small wooden house) - Now I can make ancient and medieval Russian cities with it+various Church buildings for my scenario.
Some cities are truly brilliant. I love the works by Kyriakos.
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