City States All Located in One Map Region

Killer Rabbit

Jan 5, 2008
So, I know this has been an occasional problem in Civ 6 for a long time, but I've been playing a few multiplayer games recently with friends, and in both of my recent games, all of my city states (usually 8 in our map size) have spawned in the same region of the map.

I don't have a screenshot at the moment, but it's a little bizarre. Like literally there are 8 city states near each other, with no major civs in between. Is this still a known issue?

For whatever reason, this has always seemed to be a problem in Civ 6. It's one of the few areas (very minor of course) where Civ 5 does seem to do it a little better.
Just curious, which map type are you playing? I think there are scripts, maybe not official, I don't recall, that do this.
I have had this happen a few times, where all the CS are grouped in a corner, the one time I remember vividly it was on a fractal map. I'll have to test it on a few different map types, but these days I play on Continents and Islands and I haven't had that issue with that map script. So maybe try that out? Also make sure not to add too many CS, I think that messes up the spawns.
Since the last update the game has been pretty good with its map generation and spacing of civs and city states, so maybe a freak occurance?
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