Civ 4 burnout


Praise Vivec!
May 23, 2011
I have burnt out from too much civ4 lately. Had plenty of time these days and couldn't make myself play a single game. Was so desperate that I played civ5 a bit only to feel insulted.

I want to play. But I cant :crazyeye:.

Do you, and how do you deal with this? Which games do you play instead?

How long does it last?

Please help/support.
Is it that bad? :)
Reading historical books can make you hungry of civving.
Or mod something. Or write a story.
But, seriously, you knew it will come some day, didn't you? :D
Taking a break always works for me. Just ignore all things Civ (even the forums [gasp! yes I know, crazy-talk!]) for a few weeks, the urge should come back.

Or read a strategy guide and try and concentrate on doing one thing... like a win with a cuir rush, or an espionage economy, or a super-early space push...

also give marathon a break if that's what you're doing. A normal speed game now and then is wholly rewarding and a lot easier on the attention span... and carpal tunnel :p
I deal with it by doing other things, like trolling forums. :p But in all seriousness, doing too much of anything requires a break.

Also try other settings, like always war or OCC, or strange maps. In a month it won't be a problem since I'll be off with Diablo III.

You may also try to convince a friend to play civ and do multiplayer. Multiplayer always increases shelf life.
No marathon, only normal games for me.

Multiplayer. Never played actually since I have noone to play with. And those games take some serious time. Or do they?

The only other game I want to play is XCOM: Enemy Unknown. And it isnt out yet.

And just to clarify, I want to play civ. It is just that I cannot concentrate on playing civ, and then I play some bad civ and get sad.

Taking break from forums could work if I could pull it off. First thing in the morning is taking my phone and checking Civfanatics. Omg, I am an addict.

But, seriously, you knew it will come some day, didn't you?

Indeed, but it still hurts. I don't want to end like many great players who no longer post and shadow games. Especially before I become great.

I deal with it by doing other things, like trolling forums. But in all seriousness, doing too much of anything requires a break.


So no magic potions?
It is just that I cannot concentrate on playing civ
Sounds familiar.
Either you'll need a very long break (at least 1 year) or it's simply over.
I guess, the existence of civ5 has something to do with it. It's newer, but it's not better.
As soon as you reach the point in every new civ4 game
where everything becomes predictable and repetitive,
then you know it's time to move on.
It happens every now and then. I haven't played in ~3 months and I was in the middle of my 1st 2nd ever Monarch game and it was really beginning to pick up. I had fought my way out a bad start and was clinging to a competitive position for all I could. Then Stalin declared war on me, but invoked the AP Defensive Pacts in the process and landed himself in a war with the rest of the world. If I can pick him apart I may be a But when you hit one of those dry spells the urge just isn't there. Tatran is right: I've had some that lasted from a few weeks to a'd be a good idea to start looking for something else. I also recommend trolling on forums. (But not this one. Of course)
I've filled in the time making imaginary designs for Civ 6, but it has been a mixed success. On the one hand it keeps me positive about civ in general during burnout periods. On the other hand it makes me think about those parts of Civ 4 I would change, and that reminds me why I'm not actually playing! :crazyeye:
It happens to everyone at some point. Instead of a slow paced TBS game, try out some fast paced FPS:s like COD or Quake Live for example.
I find that going outside for a walk helps :)

Seriously though, what I actually often do is wander over to my friend Adam's place. And there I drink beer and watch him play I game I don't have (World of Tanks). I get vicarious pleasure watching him destroy/get destroyed and as I'm a total clutz at anything real time I have no need to download it myself. After a day doing that I'm ready to build a real tank based army again, and Civ does that for me.
Hi Shakabrade,
Sure enough, every game I've played compulsively and/or in a challenging/competitive environment led to a/many burnouts. I sure like a challenge but I sure hate competitions.
So my overall advice would be to try to get a more friendly gaming environment. Even though friendly may be the wrong term. Maybe cool is better.

Do you, and how do you deal with this?
For me, I first had to realize that each turn matters, in order to improve. It's an important but dangerous realization on a TBS game.
To overcome it, the next important realization was that only so much can be done each turn : at a point you gotta click end turn and see what happens. Allowing unforeseen stuff to happen is key, to me.
Planning is enjoyable but tiring. One can learn all the same from a posteriori considerations.

Kossin had a series once that focused exclusively on the first 100 turns of the game. It was a perfect format for me.

Which games do you play instead?
Shogun Total War !!!
Well, it's almost been a year since I last played Shogun, but I sure will give it another go. There is this 1550 Imagawa campaign I wanna do, tear the map open in a blitz and claim dominion over Japan, hahaha ! I already know my opening for that campaign...
Afaic, I'm done looking for new and perfect games. I did that in my youth and each and every game ended lacking in something (even Morrowind :eek:), so I have my staples.
Civ4, HoMM3, Shogun. I consider RPGs from time to time but I don't want to get involved with those anymore :p Chess is a fine contender as well, given playing partners. Playing cards ; we have a kingly card game here in Cantaloupe island (tarot is the name) that is perfect for sleepless nights.

How long does it last?
People dependent. I'd say 2 months is enough to heal up one's brains. But then it will be summer and maybe a nap on the riviera with a bottle of wine will be more attractive than playing Civ.
So no magic potions?
There is ;)


Multiplayer. Never played actually since I have noone to play with. And those games take some serious time. Or do they?

This is the beauty in the MP - it takes a long time (at least the pitboss/play by e-mail variant), but they only require few minutes each day. And the level of challenge you can find playing humans, the friends, heroes and villains you will meet during the games cant be compared to any single play experience.

I can point you to some places where your beginning in the wonderland of MP can start :)
I may add Paradox Games: Europa Universalis 2 or 3 (quite different games), Crusader Kings, Arsenal of Democracy (warmongering is so fun here), many more. Haven't played all.

Or something you may not know, but I recommend it wholeheartedly. Armageddon Empires. Turn-based Indie game, in post apocalyptical environment. Cheap, each session takes about an hour, but loads of fun.
strippers and drugs should handle it.
I burned out on Civ4 awhile ago, but over the last year I've come back every couple of months to play a game (or finish on in-progress). It's still fun, if a little bit predictable.

Adding to zig zag's list: either of the Victoria games, which cover 19th century imperialism, industrialization, and social movements, are awesome. I've been playing plenty of simultaneous-execution turn-based wargames now, courtesy of AGEod (any number of settings). And Minecraft, which is tons of fun.
And what a response this is. :)

I am typing from my phone so I cannot adress everyones propositions since it is not as comfortable as pc. I am thankful for all your advice.

Regarding all the games I could play instead, well, I almost played them all to the finish. Yeah BIC, even morrowind, some 1000 hours. ME3 is finished, skyrim, BF3, Shogun, Shogun 2. Almost all rpgs since 1997. Quake live, lol, i burnout after 20 mins if I play well, CS, HOMM3. Played dota and hon, dont like lol. Even did some time with drugs...:p

Multiplayer taking only few minutes a day. Yeah right, and all the RL. I cant help myself but plan all the time until game is finished. Have some experiences with O-game.

I have rich RL, GF, but i have injured a foot on football and haven't been very mobile for last month. mhm, I obviously lost my life balance. I want to play now since some major shifts in life are about to happen soon. I wont be able to play as much as soon as I am about to become, well lets just say someone who shouldn't play as much.

I have decided I will not bring civ with me to my hometown. That is a month of withdrawal.

Some people had point with competitive gaming. I did find all this progress competitive. Been playing intensively for a year now, and did move from emperor to deity during last spring (discovered civfanatics :) ). But many people here play deity for 6 years. I obviously cant and I capitulate for at least a month.

It will be almost summer then, time i usually dont play much. My hometown is by adriatic sea afterall :)
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