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Civ 5 announced!

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When I first bought Civ IV I played with the effects turned on. After a couple of games I turned them all off. The game's the thing. I played the first three iterations of Civ plus all of the xp's without the benefit of 3D graphics.

To me, the only contribution that 3D graphics makes is to assure that fewer people can play the game.
Another game coming... Civ V or not, it better be fun!

3-D will be fine for me. It's easier to make things out when they put flashier and cleaner graphics in.
I hope it has better AI than whatever is on the market now. I don't want cheating AI with bonuses to make up for its lack of intelligent and/or logical decision making. I want AI that has good decision making rules and adaptability to various circumstances. If you can not provide me with that, if I don't read about how good the AI is (Incredibly hot online play in a turn based game would be an acceptable substitute) I will not buy this next release. I have bought CivII, III, IV, but Civ V will not make the cut if it is not leaps and bounds better than CivIV, as CivIV was unfortunately a complete and total disappointment to me.
I bet it will be a console version of Civ4 & Warlords Expansion. So, instead of spending time working on a new expansions to Civ4 or working on Civ5 or other content they will waste their time on consoles. PC Gamers are increasingly getting shafted due to consoles.
Why the hell you want 2d?
I see someone's develped a bit of a sweet tooth ;) :mischief:
Im not serious, I can rationalize with ya. We pay high price or equal to that of any tricked out game on the Platform right? why get short changed in the graphics department?.

Simply put, theres going to come a time when graphics can't help the expierence intended, Civ4 actually harmed it.. I believe the Civ series has reached this point on a gameboard front and should dig in to fortify and expand its fan base to enhance the genre and attract more to its market base!. The stategy fans shoudn't have to crawl over to ride the candy train leading to boring expierences when youve seen all the sights. We should have a game that apeals to the thinkers taste and a engine that dosn't distract from the thought process . Even the pedia in Civ4 was quilty of that.

What got them this far? Real strategy not latest in eye candy. Civ has always been behind in this way and still always prospered from Amazingly addicting gameplay. The consumer who might get the sudden urge to play as Rome from waching HB, doen't want long commitments emersed deep in hands on stagegic principles, they wanna wipe out some barbaians in gloroius 3d! and enjoy a couple zoom ins for close-ups of legions decapating the heads of enemys al the while saying " look his head is spinning its spinning man! Look it SPINNING!!!. Those are happy consumeres but should've had to wait for a titles like, "True Crime: Rome City' They are the ones who complain about 2d. Let the company makes games that suit their needs, Oh wait theres thousands of them already!

You don't need 3d to enjoy a good game of checkers or chess right? If they spent the resources on AI enchacment and other stategy support features instead of ones that hinder it we would all be enthralled with the challange and depth of the game instead of with zoomin into outer space and back a few times... or the way the bannanas fall ever so neatly into a basket

Hey besides in its defence, theres always advanced 2d technolgy :) 2d already looks better now then before and Civ3 Ares is proof of that . . Consider modders being able to improve on already enhanced 2d models Civ5 presented. THe freedom a user friendly yet still more advanced editer of Civ4's with compatabilty to the latest pallette applications raise the bar again
Alpha centauri is actually the first thing that springs to my mind.

Because it's easily the best civ-game ever, but have some flaws such as stupid AI, one of the few Civ games I actually beat with the hardest difficulty. And that the endgame gets very tedious.

Although the mention of third parties makes me wonder...
Civ V has better work on Windows XP machines!
I don't know why you want 2d? 3D is 100% better IMO.

For the type of game Civ is, 3D really isn't needed. It adds nothing to the game. The only reason I can see 3D has been used is in the hope that the eye candy will hope boost sales, but as Civ is a well known and popular game series, I doubt it had that much of an influence.

Personally, I think 3D has taken some of the fun away. The largest maps can no longer be used by most as they experience far too much lag, especially in the late game. This wouldn't occur with 2D.
Civ V has better work on Windows XP machines!

I agree. I would also say, though, that Civ IV needs to be updated to work on Vista machines. And Warlords needs to work on XP machines with Radeon graphics cards. It's frustrating to get an unplayable game and not be able to get a refund!
Having optional 2D/3D would cover the most market share and would be the best solution IMO.
Well, I'm happy with CIV graphics. Just, please, please, PLEASE don't make the graphics any better. I don't think my comp can handle it :(
Well, I'm happy with CIV graphics. Just, please, please, PLEASE don't make the graphics any better. I don't think my comp can handle it :(
Well, the Civ Series has to follow along Moore's Law (or something like that)
Well... I guess I'll go ahead and be the party-pooper.

You will never see a 2D Civ game come out in the future.

Look, everyone knows that graphics don't necessarily make a good game. But graphics *do* help to sell games (especially as impulse, or non-researched buys).

If you walk into a store, and pick up a computer game box and the graphics look mid-90's, are you likely to say, "oh, even though these graphics suck; I bet the gameplay is incredibly in-depth to make up for it!" No, you'll likely throw the game back on the shelf and move on, assuming that if the graphics are that bad, the game must be cheap.

This is the way it is. Games cost millions of dollars to develop, market, and produce. Companies cannot stay in business if their products don't sell exceptionally well. Games sell because of hype. Graphics really, really help generate hype.

If anything, everyone should be hoping that Civ V has stellar 3D graphics, and that it sells well. Otherwise, Civ V might be the last Civ game ever made.
I just hope they hire software developers who can actually IMPLEMENT 3D graphics without crashing mid-range systems!
Well... I guess I'll go ahead and be the party-pooper.

You will never see a 2D Civ game come out in the future.
This is the way it is. Games cost millions of dollars to develop, market, and produce. Companies cannot stay in business if their products don't sell exceptionally well. Games sell because of hype. Graphics really, really help generate hype.
The Civ Franchise is an article of exception to this truth, or at least whenever it is treated by designers in that way, are problems with performance and AI weakness will go out the window

Ya we all know how it goes but that don't mean we all agree its good for the continued legacy. Are pleas are worth as much as any post here. Lots of em reflect a ratio constant to the number who want off this 'crash' course. Those who should be listening, would be checking here if they were. (though not crossin any fingers)

Your right, its all we can realistically hope for is less bugs and lag n less money in upgrades.
Once they get around the killer of great games, the graphics evoluton on all thta rot franchises, then wake up an focus their efforts on a AI Evolution instead, the Civ seriies would prove you wrong. Stores would move a ton of carts after the press acknowledges the fact CIv brings home the serious side again!. Players who fell by the way side to cartoonish "seasame Civ" land after so many years have all divvied for what they were waiting to hear.

You see Civ is unique in that it caters to thousands of people who don't play computer games just Civ1,2 3, and chess lol *mybe a couple games the love of Civ inspired them to try thats it. Remeber that Sci FI Auther who misssed his deadline cuz of Civ3 addiction I bet hes one of them.

Im telling you, Firaxis can still use 2d to carve its own category that replicates the demand, to a slightly lesser degree, of the timeless table classics like chess and checkers. I mean streamlined strategy that runs seamlessly for everyone. Ya More complex then checkers, still when your including all types of combat, economic, political, and religious options that pit you opposite an AI as intriguing as any opponent, devised to counter in every area. Invested in making you alternate on the plan for once, cuz to learning from patterns of player or other AI who attcks it AI could respond in attack in similar order (avoid non commitment fail seige manovers) and how its deviates from predicatablity to some degree could be pressed with the resources usually flowing inot programming like the fish jumping from the sea or Clouds that block your view.. These would be the steps that raise the game to 2009 standards.

Growth in the area of graphics? Sure but whats crucial is added variety of culture using civ3 style citys that also have more stages of growth. Having the city veiw back this time with a UP\DOWN (or 3d!!!) slidebar to show modders buildings and options for flik files attachments for a puff of smoke from Iroqious camp fire or the roof of a church glinting from the sun, small things, etc.
Imagine the mod Rise n Rule with a City Veiw feature that enables you to collect a wonderful n' realistic assortment almost endless amount buildings and this time in tune with the population (not 2 skyscappers for city of 2 million residents), all the same with additionally designed wonders, let us showcase it all in one proud city if we want to.

The theme built on what Civ3's got. Use Land like startegic resources to add geographic stipulations to certain buildings like Mount Rushmore having to have mountains in city radius or The Statue of Liberty welcomig friendly's from across the ocean...not some big lake. :D The possibilities are endless where to spend the money.
CIv5 being a step up from Civ3 engine would be the greatest game ever. Heck, fix the artys and half you would come running work on the settler sprees and the other half next -Ok now imagine those two fixs with what I mentioned on top as the tip of the iceberg then lay her down on a new 2d palette juiced with new modder flexabilty like Google earth skin graphs :) Comon folks the game will cost 60$ at the most. CIv3 was a huge success. CIv3 as a template is the only thing to work from

Civ4 made a signifigant haul from the rep Civ3 earned. Look at the proof in Warkords dismal sales." We can't be fooled twice " is what "Desperate Housewifes the Game" beating Warlords its 3rd month out was telling them .
Like those players who've tried to replicate huge maps the likes of Civ3 size, Firaxis already knows why Big Polly really needs to go.

Going zoom zoom with higher lines of resolution is neat but Im saying 2d can set the franchise apart in exellence without going with the usual emphisis on 'improved' Graphics. The start of this course to "keep up" has so far pressed limits on growth in army sizes, world maps, # of citys, Civs at the same time, custumizing new civs and units...More setback, lack of detail to Advisors, view from afar, troop's fluid movements, pedia linkin, rapid response for menu switching...Missing Palace/throne veiw, unit variety culture selection. an on an on

Gameplay is the best thing a game can have going for it. Not fancy props that pop out at ya, Civ5 need more indepth stategy code that draws you in.
If you walk into a store, and pick up a computer game box and the graphics look mid-90's, are you likely to say, "oh, even though these graphics suck; I bet the gameplay is incredibly in-depth to make up for it!" No, you'll likely throw the game back on the shelf and move on, assuming that if the graphics are that bad, the game must be cheap.

This is the way it is. Games cost millions of dollars to develop, market, and produce. Companies cannot stay in business if their products don't sell exceptionally well. Games sell because of hype. Graphics really, really help generate hype.

i wouldn't put it back on the shelf if it was a Civ game. but i know that most would, and that if most did, then the Civ franchise wouldn't be around for long. and that would certainly make me sad in the end. you speak the truth.

so, i've come to accept that 3d graphics, which make me dizzy if i play too long and are definitely not my preference, are here to stay since that's what sells now. i'm sure they're happy that i buy the game, but i'm quite frankly not their target audience. i'm a happily married woman in my 30s *giggle*. and i've adjusted.
I hope civ5 has an AI that improves its strategy with increased difficulty level and does not need to cheat. Also it would be nice to see Civ 5 play better on world maps than civ 4 does.
Duraska is right - time to just get over this 2d thing. We've got 3d CIV now, that's how it is. But yes lets hope they give it a rest now and focus on gameplay.

Its all about gameplay. Variation. New strategies. Interesting predicaments. Interesting negotiations with other civs. That kind of stuff. Its not about making even prettier graphics.

I personally want to see the whole spy system re-invented. Its never been balanced - maybe the next expansion can nail it and make it a really nice addition to the game...
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