Explaing "Whip-stacking" with screens from Kakumeika's SGOTM 18:
(Special thx to WastinTime and elitetroops who checked this example for its correctness!)
This is the capital, and it whipped a Temple with max-OF on the last turn. As you can see, we have about 30 base-
of OF, which got taken over to this turn. In this turn, a Market got whipped with max-OF again, and as the Market needs 150
, up to 75 base-
can be taken over to the next turn while having multipliers for 200% production, which is more than enough, because 33 base
+30 base
OF from the Market are only 63 base
, which you see here:
Those 63 base
get multiplied to 146
with including the production of that turn. Now we 2-pop-whip a University again with max-OF and even work the Marble for 4
And with working all Hammer-tiles + even working an Engineer Specialist while starving the city for three
, the wonder happens, Oxford in 1T:
Note that this would have been impossible without being IND, and that it's only to demonstrate OF-whipping into NWs in general. If you're not IND, you need to add Forests on the final turn, or you need to drag out the production by inserting Oxford in the queue for 1T, to get rid of the existing OF at that time. The key again is, to pre-produce useful buildings up to the point of max-OF before Universities and Oxford become available, to then whip that OF indirected into Oxford, because whipping it directly would suffer the usual rush-penalty for NWs and WWs.