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Civ V - Beta 2

But would all work on the highest difficult level (Horsemen rush, ICS)?

Although ICS seems a bit 'too easy to go with' I tried a somewhat different approach and found that I was lacking at some point (for example policies). The policies to make my production etc. better are those used in the ICS. And is Civ not about founding new cities and conquer the world? So I agree with pagh80 on this one.
Check walkthrough on civ5 strategy and tips. There are emperor/deity topics. Luckily horsemen are not so powerful like on king, but ics is very strong (c) pagh80 :)
Horsemen work on king too. Sometimes the prince AI will field horsemen by turn 80.
All in all I have done many mistakes and got many more learnings. I am curious at which date I can manage to win, I expect 17xx...

OK, I have finished the game and as expected I could manage a 1730 win (Turn 375).
At the end I had 46 cities, 4 of them could produce parts with about 75 hammers per turn.


  • Washington_0375 AD-1730_4.Civ5Replay
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  • gauntlet-002-start.Civ5Save
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  • Washington_0375 AD-1730.Civ5Save
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That took me a while. At one moment I found out that a quick win was not ment to be. But because of the epic I didn't want to stop. Also my first win ever on King and first win ever with space (I played a lot of civ games, but I always liked the start the most, so finished only a few).

So my start was ok, had acoustics in turn 121. But I started annexing too early so that policies took too long. Also everybody declared war on me a few times, so had to build/buy more units and took out England. Science took way too long, until I realised you can focus on science, so after obtaining the right policies (most from ICS) I was finally building a descent economy.

Also took some policies in Patronage, which I got better use in Rationalism. So learned a lot again, but don't feel like playing again.

At least my destroyer had all upgrades possible, so that was very usefull.


  • Beta Gauntlet 2.1Win.Civ5Save
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  • Beta Gauntlet 2.1 Start.Civ5Save
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My first space victory on any civ game. Usually win on culture first. Went about the tech tree all wrong, but finally got them. America does not seem like a good country for a tech pursuit.


  • Beta Gauntlet 2.1, Space Victory.Civ5Save
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  • Beta Gauntlet 2.1, Start File.Civ5Save
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Here's my submission. I tried the ICS approach in this game. I also played another game after this one where I had 67 cities and would have had a significantly better time, but the game locked and I had to end it, probably because I had so many cities, so I can't submit it.


  • Space_0000 BC-4000.Civ5Save
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  • Space_0373 AD-1726.Civ5Save
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Turn 389 / 1758 AD

Nothing much to add outside of hoping they remove the Gold for Resource and Gold per Turn for Gold trading.... or at least add something to make it much harder to get as a deal. There just doesn't seem to be any penalty for setting up trades like X gold per turn for the AI's whole treasury, then declare war on the same turn, then trade that same X gold per turn to another AI for his whole treasury, then declare war... on and on. They will eventually give you peace and you can just do it again. Early game the rewards outpace the risks for this style of trading.


  • Sumorex T389 1758AD Amer HOFBG2.Civ5Save
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  • Sumorex T0 4000BC America HOFBG2.Civ5Save
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Turn 470, 1880

Fun game in the end, but were some things that held back my game.

Early on, had shortage of luxuries, because close to my spot was only several silver and one gems. Also horses were far away, in the end I actually traded for horses to be able to start the horse rush. By that time egypt had plopped a city down close to my borders and I took that first, which turned out to be a mistake because when I reached the 2nd city and capitol (which were some distance away, with tons of hills in between), they had gotten enough pikeman to defend. And the next civ was the aztecs that i was trading for horses, so I would lose it if I attacked... This held back my conquering a good while. Took egypt only after I had knights + swordsmen, followed soon after by the rest of continent, when I had rifles.

Also I should have realised earlier the power of specialists and, especially, unemployed (1 prod (2 with S. of Liberty) and 2 science!!, those are some crafty unemployed i have to say), purely from happiness perspective. I took way too long to start annexing stuff, holding my production and gold earnings back.

Finally, a factor for the space ship was also my two "best" cities were both on hills and not at desert/river so weren't helped by windmill + hydro/solar.

Shaving off 100 turns or so shouldn't be a problem, I think I will have another try.

Also there appeared a bug towards late game where a city would "lose tradelink to capital" - though it didn't really (no happiness or gold effect, and icon is still there on the city). Then regain the link some turns later. In the final few turns, it was like 20 cities that had this happen every turn!

Maybe this submission doesn't count anyway because I don't have the original start file (I think I restarted several times after discovering horse was so far away, but then finally returned after some even more horsehockey maps). So have attached my earliest save, which was turn 89.


  • Washington_0089 BC-1775.Civ5Save
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  • Washington_0470 AD-1880.Civ5Save
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Not stackable units? A warrior and spearman in one tile...


  • Stack.jpg
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Fun game and my first on epic speed. Not done ICS on archipelago map before either. Very little interference from the AIs. I just spread out to all the nearby islands with settlers first before puppeting most of Japan, Mongolia and the Irquois using frigates/destroyers and minutemen/rifles/infantry.
I had soo much money left at the end with nothing to spend it on!
Does anyone else find it odd that you get the railroad bonus across the sea?


  • HOF-B2_Start.Civ5Save
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  • Washington_0491 AD-1901.Civ5Save
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I have got a very promising game here - even when I have done a few mistakes.

But as this is my 1. game past medival age I wonder how to end - I need increase my science output further - somehow - atm I build library in every city and have 2 scientists in it - I have got a pretty big empire so getting new sp is hard - what d help A LOT d be getting the sceince bonus poitics for every special dude - but i m 2 or 3 sp away and well my cult is lacking ... any pro tips how to get culture boost? or is there some wonder or tech like oracle being somewhere?

I m coming from mp and what i have done is mainly building/conquering a big empire - u might call it ics or so - i have got lot of lux/land/production/food - everxthing - but i need science ...

oh and pls dont close - I think atm i m at least even (saw some ss of turn 200 or so where he teched naviagtion which i did tech in like turn 170 or so) to the best game posted
The two wonders that spring to mind are the Sistine Chapel and Cristo Redentor for culture. Often tho', once you've expanded so much you just have to accept you won't be getting any more SPs. Are most of your cities puppets or are they self-built? If they're puppets you're in a better position to get those extra SPs as they don't raise the cost.
1842 - turn 432

2nd submission - had hoped to get into the 1700s, but it was not to be.
Improved 38 years/turns, which I think is pretty decent considering I started on isolated island this time and had to delay acoustics for optics, lacked horses and taking ages even finding any maritime states when exploring... So some early puppets were not possible and had to build an early 2nd city to not lose out too much.
The start was super good for production and gold so that's why I kept at it.

Was checking beaker overflow from about mid/late-industrious era, which turned out a real chore, I sure hope they fix that next patch :mad:

Kudos to all pre-1750 subs, really impressive after what i've seen my two games.


  • Washington_0000 BC-4000 new beta.Civ5Save
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  • Washington_0432 AD-1842 beta2win.Civ5Save
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well wont be able to finish today - just started building apollo in turn 251 - got no clue if thats good or not - but my teching is too slow - cant do any faster then 1 tech in 4 turns - too slow
Would finish tonight - think somewhere between turn 290-300 - actually was a interesting experience - singleplayer got as many flaws as multiplayer - stuff like:

- maritime cs making all food on map/building totaly useless -
- broken global unhappyness system which force u to micro happyness every turn
- buildings/wonders generally too expensive
- lacking options for anexed cities - at least making em stop grow have to be built in - without that they are a too uncontrolled huge unhappyness generator
- razing anexed cities didnt work for me - shouldnt it?
- ai generally doing dumb fights and being too weak
- map dpendency - d have been easily 20 turns faster if there was bit more land/production on my homeland
- marble giving bonus only to nearby city contradicts the global/happyness/res system
- scientists as main/only real science producing system feels a bit flawed - like that they are no choise - once u got libary u r gonna fill it.
- rnd barb ships out of nowhere a bit too painful/anoying

OK, now some pointers for others:
forget horseman!
- use warriors and upgrade em to swords/longswords - they should never die - while horses can die sometimes to city bomb/unit attacks - also is upgrading way cheaper/easier then building
- expand early and fast, reading through this thread i got the (right) impression that way too many guys stay occ or 2city for way too long - get settler sp 1. and expand to 3 citeies as soon as the sp is awaylable - then u can do what u did intend to do in cap (wonders/lib/...) but have 2 more cities to further expand/build military
- get lux! plant right on em early on - whereever u see them - every lux is important - trade em and so on
- use the gold income from all the traded lux for buiing city stats which lux u lack
- all types of cs are strong - maritimes are op ...
- build settler in "sucky" cities with all the food from maritimes they still build fast
- the only REAL important tech is banking for forbiden palace - this 1 tech/building totaly changes game - forget other "slinghsots"

.. well see u :)
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