* I am using a mod that adds a few Egyptian-inspired Pantheons, all of which are fairly overpowered, but that makes the game more fun imo, sooo...
* This is the first time I've ever won with a Religious Victory and I've a feeling it will be my last RV for a long time.
* I was super lucky though: None of the outright religious civs spawned (no Russia, Arabia, Khmer, Indonesia and Poland), other than Gandhia, whom we all know is superpassive anyway.
* In addition to all of that, I also had an isolated start with Spices and Grassland Hills.
No barbs or close neighbours meant that I could get Holy Sites and Shrines up in my first three cities, with no punishment. I was the third to found a religion as a result (Victoria was even faster in getting her sites up somehow O__O and Tomyris got Stonehenge)
* England, Scythia and India got their religions around the same time I did, but they were all on a different continent (and all spawned SUPER close to each other). Korea and Cree only founded theirs much, much later (Cree got their Prophet
without building a Holy Site
) and making converting them easily.
* Picked Exodus of the Evangelists as my Classical Era dedication bonus, founded the religion with Religious Colonization, built the Ancestral hall and REX'ed up to 11 cities, all of which had my religion upon settling. I don't think I've ever earned a Golden Age as easily as this one. The funny thing is that once Cree started following my religion through passive spread (remember: they had a Great Prophet but no Holy Sites at this point.
), they *also* started to expand, giving me additional Era score.
* When Cree finally built their Holy Site in their smallest city and founded their Sikhism, I stomped it out immediately and then I noticed Korea had only converted two of their cities to Buddhism, so I rooted that one out as well, whoops. Meanwhile,
every city settled on my landmass continued to give me +2 Era score because you know, Georgia.
* This game really made Georgia's abilities shine. From the medieval era onwards, I had a non-stop Golden Age and came nowhere close to dropping into a Normal Age, let alone a Dark one. I couldn't really make work of the Protectorate Wars CB in this one (because, *of course* the AIs that attacked my aligned city states were
also my Allies.
), but the extra envoys helped massively in controlling the city states on my continent. Brussels was especially handy, since Teddy went HARDCORE for Culture (he had 200+ Culture per turn in the renaissance era, somehow O_O) I only went to war twice, both against Cree, the first time they attacked my ally Persia and I was forced to declare, and the second time because they conquered my vassal Antananabananarivo and it spawned an Emergency against them.
* Coincidentally I won my first R&F game
exactly 10 months ago, also playing as Tamar (though in that game I won Culture Victory, after buying 5 Artillery Armies with Faith after declaring a Protectorate War against Khmer, and then capturing all of his Relic and Great Work Cities).