Civ VI Funny/Strange Screenshots

You'll loose the city once entirely under water and then you can settle the other tile? :/
I hate that thing about settling on flooded tiles! It's really stupid the way it is, if it's intended it should at least display a warning when settling.
Oh I had few games where I had abudance of Builders and just figured I might as well convert them to Scouts. Nobody expects the Peasant Spy Squad.
Simon Bolivar (we are allies) decided to sit with all his spies in my capitol ?
And as you can't spy on an ally, they are just enjoying the city! Maybe you offer a lot of amenities for them to stay?
PORTUGUESE CUSTOMS: Anything to declare?
COLOMBIAN SPIES: Yes, we're spies, but don't worry. We're off duty.

Hope this bridge does not become a mistake

Ah yes, the traditional start to every zombie horror/disaster movie. A big mistake from the government.

Hope this bridge does not become a mistake

If you're lucky, these will be Zombies from ex-military men, they will try to cross the bridge in step, and it will collapse with them on it, giving your Civ a Suspended Sentence . . .
If you're lucky, these will be Zombies from ex-military men, they will try to cross the bridge in step, and it will collapse with them on it, giving your Civ a Suspended Sentence . . .

Tbh it would still anger me we spent crapton of resources on World Wonder and it's ruined by one Zombie Horde. I think I'd rather took the Zombie Horde passing thorugh safely.
Kupe what the hell (Turn 5, by the way)


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Playing a (very chill, while I'm in future tech the opponents are barely in Modern, on Emperor) game completely peacefully, to see how much i can game Portugal as a Science civ, and i discover this mountain range on my Huge Splinted Fractal (Low sea level) map

Uh oh, my settler is gonna have a bad ti-

Barbs about to steal my settler, but they decided they'd rather be a city instead.

...They could have become one with that settler!
They decided they didn't want to get on your bad side. :p
Please indulge a little self-promotion. I promise, this is my last post about vampires for at least a few months!

This picture is a tie in to the "monthly challenge" thread in the strategy and tips section. Last month's challenge was all about vampires and combat strength. I didn't participate for obvious reasons, but since it's a new month, I decided to give it a go. Basically, the objective was to achieve max combat strength on a single vampire by 1800. I lost track of time-it's actually 1816, so I didn't perfectly follow my own rules. Needed to get back to the homeland to get the right setup. I learned a lot about how to maximize combat strength (in conjunction with other participants) and concluded Scythia (someone I never played previously) seems the strongest for this. Anyway, if your curiosity is piqued and haven't seen the challenge thread, feel free to take a look.

List of combat buffs:
+5 from governor Victor
+5 from defender of the faith
+5 from great general
+10 from Himiko
+15 from flanking bonus (increased to 15 by Zhukov)
+4 Wars of Religion
+4 Oligarchic legacy
+5 Fascism
+5 Giant's Causeway
+9 from intel on my opponent (master spy listening post plus great merchant)
+5 Military alliance
+5 from Killer of Cyrus leader trait (ironically Cyrus was my only ally!)
+10 from barbarian kills (very sad it caps at 10)
A little over 100 combat strength gained from kills
Base strength of 107 from modern armor army (I think this is as high as base strength goes?)

The world congress advisory resolution +5 strength to melee units was active but didn't seem to apply for some reason
I didn't have the last one from the culture tree that gives another +7 due to culture neglect, sadly
I am not sure if there is a cap on combat strength gained from kills - Does anyone know? - I'll try to find out

Mouzone takes at most one damage from attacks, always heals fully, and annihilates anything in one attack.
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