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Civ1 DOS Succession Game!

My turns:

Preturn 1200bc
Change production at Chiangmai from Chariot to Trireme. We need to sail east and see the western shore of the Mongels. (the other way would be to send the settler below Ubon Ratch down to the fish and build a city, then launch trireme. Would take a long time that way.)

Civil disorder in Hua Hin. I give them a clown. That ought to make them feel better.

Troops continue to move eastward and south toward Mongels
Surin founded on bonus grass east of Trat
Trireme on the "French continent" moves south and sees "blue settler" on the coast
Other trireme moves east exploring

Turn#2 1160 bc
Troops continue toward Mongels. Several fortify their positions
New trireme launched at Chaingmai and sails hoping to find the "other side" of the Mongels
Change Surin's production from militia to settler

Turn#3 1140bc
Troops continue south and east
Trireme moves west on new continent - then jumps south and lands on coast with a "pink" city

Turn#4 1120 bc
We get Democracy. Set for Astronomy next
Our pop exceeds over 1 million!
Settler builds road
Trireme passes on by the "blue settler" and goes south
Chaingmai's Trireme moves south, soon to go east
The "pink city" is Argus. Our Trireme moves east, then south

Turn#5 1100 bc
Our Triremes are seeing some new lands.
Chaingmai's Trireme may have to try a suicide run hoping to land on the shore to find Mongels

Turn #6 1080bc
Rats! ^$#^% our Chaingmai Trireme was lost at sea. (Thought I had those three moves figured out so it would land on shore. Sorry.:( )

Last turn - I misnumbered somewhere. :crazyeye:
1060 bc
We continue to send troops toward Mongels
Our chariot on the other continent explores
Trireme explores
Our palace expands

Thoughts: Settler is building a road southward below Ubon Ratch toward fish. Might be a good spot for a city.
And Sirus ' settler will be ready in 6 turns and that settler can go south and build nearer Mongels.

But Sirus will need to rush a phalanx so it will be defended.

Again, sorry about losing our trireme. Would have been a good plan if it had worked. :)

Will one of you please let me know if the save works. I seem to have a hard time zipping files and naming them.

stwils: Haven't actually looked at your log yet. The save loads for me although you gave it up a bit early as 10 turns should've taken you to 1000 BC... I'll play either late tonight or sometime tomorrow.

Brainly: Those are a composite of several (8-10 currently I think) screenshots pasted together. I play on Windows98 and have the shortcut I use to play civ configured to process PrtScrn itself but I can still use Alt-PrtScrn to get screenshots.
I'm glad the save loads OK.

I did misconfigure how many turns, didn't I?

Anyway, psescobar, print out my map if you will, and take my extra turns. Sorry I messed up.

No problem stwils, I can take the 3 extra turns. I'll be making a map at the end of my turns, but if you'd like I can make one for 1060 as well.
The Chronicles of Siam, 1060BC - 800 BC

Download the 800BC save files

Preturn (BC 1060)
-Thon Buri switched from Chariot to Settler. They have 1 chariot exploring already and I'd like to get some roads up and the horses irrigated. I also don't expect any major aggression on this continent until we deal with the mongols. MM them to use both horses instead of horse and fish giving the settler in 7 turns (was 13); surpluses are 6spt and 1fpt.
-Fire the clown in Hua Hin and put them on forest (2spt/2fpt) Change them from temple to settler (20 turns) as I'd rather keep them happy by siphoning off a settler and sending him to colonize "West Siam" since they are on that coast.
-MM Hat Yai to get 1 more spt by switching forest to mined hill. Won't matter on current trireme production but will later and I don't want to forget.
-MM Da Nang to get 4 more spt at the expense of 1 trade arrow by using coal hill. Research time doesn't change.
-Wake Chariot from Bangkok who was stationed in Da Nang and send it down to Lop Buri to police as they are about to riot otherwise. Set this chariot to get support from here and sentry, upping bangkok's surplus to 2spt and dropping Lop's to 3spt after MM. Leave them building temple since they will need happiness.
-MM Chianthaburi to use horse giving 1fpt/4spt surpluses.
-Rush Ubon Ratcha temple (14gp leaving 213 in treasury) to keep them from rioting next turn.
-Hire a clown in Nong Khai to keep them from rioting send one of Ubon Ratcha's MP militia up there as the temple will keep Ubon ok for a bit.
-MM Trat to use bare BG instead of fish so they build their phalanx before growing.
-Change Surin from Settler to Phalanx, due next turn, to provide defensive support on the mongol invasion.
-Wake some chariots E of Bokhara and sent them around the lake to come from the NE.

Mongols shift troops around

BC 1040
-Ubon Ratcha: temple -> settler
-Surin: phalanx -> settler
-Start forest-to-plains conversion 4E,3S of chiengmai for new city. We're far enough along I don't mind spending 5 turns before settling in order to get a nice spot that has a coast, BG, fish, and uses all the tiles on the peninsula with no overlap.
-Exploration/troop mov't continues. Stacking units 3 tiles directly NE of Bokhara to gather for assault when the bulk of the force is in range.

-Mongols shift troops around including a catapult.
-We discover Astronomy despite f5 saying it would be 6 more turns :confused: (Ohh, civ1 lists total number of turns needed instead of number of turns remaining, doesn't it?) I choose Navigation over Banking, Medicine, or Feudalism. F5 says 7 turns for that.

BC 1020
-Hat Yai: trireme->settler. This should be the last trireme as the other 2 won't be done until navigation. The settler, along with the one Hua Hin is building, is intended to go on the peninsula we are occupying to the West. Trireme does a little exploration along this coast but will hang around to ferry the settlers.
-Militia arrives in Nong Khai so we make Elvis get a real job. Leave support in Ubon R. because I intend to send it back when the phalanx is built.
-Exploring trireme locates Moscow.

The mongols must have founded a 3rd city becuase Nishapur just built the Lighthouse...
A usurper claims that I am not the rightful king. I prove my worthiness by knowing that Philosophy requires Mysticism and Literacy.

BC 1000
-Chariot in West pops 50gp from hut
-Change Tak's chariot to caravan as it's about to be built and I think we're good on chariots now. There are 4 others in production. I'll let Khon Khaen's finish but the others may change depending on how things go in Mongolia.

Mongols move back and forth

BC 980
-MM Trat back to the fish as the phalanx is 1 shield away.

Doing the Mongol Shuffle...

BC 960
-Chianthaburi: phalanx -> settler; phalanx remains & fortifies.
-Trat: phalanx -> settler; phalanx remains & fortifies.
-Khon Kaen: chariot -> temple. Chariot remains for backup vs the Mongol Militia and will go West after.
-Trireme exploration shows more Greek troops but no new cities other than Leningrad in the far, far West.
-5 chariot, 2 catapult in the stack outside mongolia + 2 chariots fortified next to Bokhara, the trapped chariot, and the cavalry blocker. Another chariot and a phalanx just N of the stack. Will attack in 2-3 turns.

-Barb sail attacks a mongol cavalry S of Samarkand but loses.
-Standard Mongol impatience.

BC 940
-Lop Buri builds Temple, switches to Diplomat.
-Napoleon pops in for a visit. He has 2 advisors of the ancient republic look. He wants to trade us his banking, I decline. He demands religion, I laugh. I demand tribute, he laughs.
-Phattalung founded on the square I converted from forest. Phalanx ordered.
-Pre-attack stack outside Bokhara complete.
-Find Washington. It's size 10.

-Americans build Copernicus in Boston :(

BC 920
-Thon Buri: settler -> walls; settler moved toward south horses.
-Nong Khai: phalanx -> temple; phalanx fortifies, ubon militia sent home.
-Chariot pops a hut between France and Greece and gets a free Legion, then discovers Tours.
-One chariot moves to roaded plains NE of Bokhara, rest of stack moves 1 square behind it.

BC 900
-Tak caravan -> diplomat; hold caravan for future wonder building.
-Exploring trireme finds Athens
-The long-anticipated war with Mongolia begins!
--V chariot attacks bokhara, defeats phalanx
--V chariot attacks bokhara, defeats phalanx
--chariot destroys undefended bokhara, 16gp plunder. Mongols want talk, we don't
--chariot defeats militia
--chariot defeats fortified militia
--chariot defeats settler
--cavalry moves from block position and defeats militia
--V chariot defeats settler and unknown second stacked unit (After viewing f2 it must have been a chariot :D)
--former blocking chariot moves west, reveals catapult in the hills
--"trapped" chariot defeats catapult, attacks Samarkand and loses to phalanx
--legion takes out militia at Khon Kaen

-Navigation discovered, Physics next.
-Mongols do absolutely nothing that can be seen

BC 880
-Nong Khai phalanx arrives at Surin, changes support and fortifies.
-Chiengmai and Sara Buri switch from Trireme to Sail.
-Da Nang switches from imminent chariot to settler, MMs since only 1 shield needed
-Rayong switches from chariot to settler
-Nakhon Sawan switches from chariot to diplomat
-Explorations discover no land link between France and Greece; Greece is likely on a separate continent from France/America/Russia.
-Outside Mongolia:
--chariot defeats cavalry
--troop positiong

Mongol catapult moves into the fog where Nishapur might be

BC 860
-Da Nang: settler -> temple; settler set on improvements
-Nakhon Sawan: Diplomat -> temple; diplo moves toward the west
-Chiengmai: Sail -> temple; sail heads south
--Chariot finds Nishapur 4 tiles due W of Samarkand. Either that catapult in the north is at a 4th city or it's on its own.
--V chariot attacks chariot and loses
--V chariot attacks same chariot and wins
--V chariot defeats fortified militia
--V chariot attacks fortified phalanx and loses
--V chariot attacks same phalanx and wins
--4 chariots and a cavalry in range of samarkand for next turn

Mongol catapult moves back into view near two of our chariots.

BC 840
-Exploring troops note Paris and Orleans in disorder.
--V chariot attacks Samarkand, defeats phalanx
--V chariot attacks Samarkand, defeats phalanx
--Cavalry captures undefended Samarkand (size 2 for us), 62 gp plundered. Start settler as phalanx from invasion can defend. The catapult I've been watching foes "Poof"
--3 chariots in range of Nishapur for next turn.

Toynbee knows the score: The Glorius Civilization of the Siamese is 'The MOST POWERFUL Civilization in the World.'

BC 820
-Bangkok: Caravan -> temple; this caravan will stay home too. I'm letting the next player figure out what to do with them ;)
-Ubon Ratcha: settler -> settler; will help road to the East and probably peel off and settle at some point
-Hua Hin throws an unexpected riot at me. Buy the settler for 32gp using a temple switch (for future reference, is this trick considered ok for this SG?) and move the trireme there.
-Exploring tireme locates Tenochtitlan. We now know the location of at least 1 city for each AI civ.
--V chariot attacks Nishapur and defeats phalanx
--V chariot attacks Nishapur and defeats fortifying militia
--Nishapur now undefended but size 1. holding off until they can be captured since they have the Lighthouse.

-Barbs (2 legion, 1 diplo) land between Surin and Trat.
-Nishapur grows to size 2 but doesn't build anything. Excellent.

BC 800
-Hua Hin: settler -> temple; they are currently at zero shield surplus; I was planning to use this settler on the other continent and so it is loaded onto the trireme.

-Nishapur falls! Mongols destroyed and we own the Lighthouse. Gandhi has respawned somewhere...

Notes for next player:
-There are caravans chilling in Bangkok and Tak
-The Hua Hin settler and a diplo are on a boat between the 2 continents. I was intending on settling where the legion is. If you choose not to settle it, you should do something about Hua Hin's lack of production.
-There are a crapload of troops in and around Nishapur/Samarkand. Both are building settlers, there's a phalanx outside Nishapur which can be moved in and supported there and one a bit North for Samarkand. There's also a sail off the coast to help ferry things over to the other continent if you want to pop any of the 5 huts in Russia/America.
-There are barbs between Surin and Trat. Each city has a fortified phalanx but the only offensive troops nearby are the Mongolian Invasian force.
-There's a chariot West of Tours who could be loaded onto the nearby trireme and used to explore the Aztec continent.
-The legion East of Tours is a freebie and is currently blocking a small peninsula from French advancement; he's not fortified or anything though.
-We know where all the rest are, but we will need to locate the respawned greys.
-France know at least one tech that we don't have (Banking) if you want to consider trade/war/espionage

Download the 800BC save files

The maps:

Download the 800BC save files
:band: [dance] :beer: :goodjob: Whoohoo!
Nice job, pdescobar. I'm suprised the Mongols didn't attack our troops whlie reinforcements came. I'm also suprised a tthier small military, they're usually much larger and more aggressive. On another note, now that the war is over, I would get some dips going, esp. out of Thon Buri as it is closer to the enemy, so we can set up embassys.

P.S.-The screenshots are excellent! I love them!:goodjob:
Yeah, I was expecting them to either go after the blockers before the main force arrived or at least put up some kind of counter-attack. I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth though ;) There's one dip on the way but I can't remember how many are building as I kept waffling on what to build ;) Of course, the next in line can always revamp the build orders :)
It's already been said, but that was a great turn pdescobar! The screenshot is cool, the maps are great, and the log is fun to read. I'm of course also amazed at the weakness of the Mongols (but well, no problem! :D)
This game is going really well as a whole too, we have discovered every AI and most/all of the continents/islands. It looks like this game is going to be an easy win! Next succesion game on Emperor level maybe?
Well done pdescobar! And well done everyone else who prepared the way! Great team effort.

We are indeed well in front, though I'd watch any of our cities that overlook the straits towards Greece (pink). In my experience they'll be our most serious opponent.
Right. We *had* discovered every AI but then I went and killed the Mongols so now there's one more again ;) It's something to keep in mind. BTW, can they respawn on our continent? I forget how the respawn system works, such as whether it has to be in an uninhabited or unexplored area.
Yes, if it is still early in the game (I forget how early) they can respawn on inhabited continents. I was actually surprised not to run into respawned Aztecs as our chariots swept down on the Mongols.
I think we are doing well considering we have not played a single turn of Republic or Democracy! 20 cities and some cities size 4 or 5 and 24 techs. Most enemies located and some eliminated.

At this stage with 20 cities I often neglect precise micromangement in all cities since it is so time consuming but in a succession game it is possible to do the most of 10 turns which is what I will do. I will post my pre turn analysis here including a report on every city that has some problems.

Overall analysis: Unhappiness is starting to bother us; one city has an entertainer, another city will fall into disorder next turn and seven cities are building temples. On the same time we have a big continent all to ourselves and we have many cities. This is the time to build J.S. Bach's Cathedral! If we do, we don't need the temples just yet and we don't need entertainers. It is also possible to switch to Democracy if we want to. I'm considering a short period of Democracy to celebrate all cities to ~size 5 and then switching back to Monarchy.

Our diplomatic relations are not that good at the moment and I would like to have a chat with the Americans to see what they are up to. It would also be helpful with an embassy in France. When it comes to protection against barbs and invading Greeks I think we have too many poor defensive units (Militia) and too few mobile attack units (Chariots) and Diplomats. We are pretty rich so we can bribe enemy units that land on our continent if we need to.

City analysis:
Samarkand: This city is far away from the action and it has several strong units from other cities inside. This city should be building Settlers and therefore the Barracks is not needed and can be sold.

Bangkok: Too much unit support. Chariot in Da Nang can kill intruders in this area. Militia is not needed.

Khon Kaen: Too much support. Should build Settlers.

Chiengmai: Too much support. Should be building veteran units in Barracks.

Lop Buri: Unnecessary Militia.

Nakhon Sawan: No growth. Settler needs to found a city.

Ubon Ratcha, Sara Buri: Too much support.

Rayong: Will fall into disorder next turn.

Hua Hin: No growth.

Nong Khai: Enteratainer. Needs martial law unit.

Trat, Surin: Need roads + Chariot to kill barbarians.

I will play my turn later today.
Major events 800BC-600BC:

* J.S. Bach's Cathedral built in Bangkok

* Government changed to Republic

* Population growth; we are now over 3,000,000 people

* Embassy in France and peace treaties with Greeks, Aztecs, Americans and Russians

* Four new cities founded

* Four new technologies; Physics, Construction, Banking and Medicine

Since there were many units not in their home cities I choose Republic instead of Democracy. This enabled more celebrations and a bigger population growth. I think Republic works better than Monarchy at the moment so I see no reason to switch back. When we want to go to war again we have to revolt first though since many peace treaties have been signed.

Here is a detailed log:

800 (adjustments) Chariot rush built in Surin to kill barbs. Khon Kaen Chariot rehomed to Samarkand. Barracks sold in Samarkand. Switch to Caravan production in Bangkok and five surrounding cities. Militia disbanded in Bangkok and Lop Buri, Diplomat rushed in Thon Buri. Adjust science rate to 100%. Some production changes.

780 Add a piece to our Palace. Sara Buri builds Caravan and falls into disorder. Order restored in Nishapur. Rayong builds Settlers. Thon Buri builds Diplomat. Barbarians killed by Chariot. Units rehomed to Samarkand and Nishapur. Embassy in France. They have Banking, Construction and Feudalism, Government: Republic, Treasury: 298g. Nong Khai builds Militia. Greek city of Ephesos located.

760 Spies report: French develop Medicine. Lop Buri builds Caravan. Physics discovered, R:Construction. Thung Song founded. Peace with Greeks. Set 0% science; we can get Construction from French.

740 Hat Yai & Tak builds Caravan. Pharsalos located. Trade Religion for Construction with French. Phattalung builds Legion. Revolution!

720 Bangkok, Da Nang builds Caravan. Form Republic. Herakleia located. Order restored in Sara Buri. Civil disorder in Trat. Surin builds Settlers. Set luxuries to 100%.

700 Famine strikes Ubon Ratcha, scores perish. J.S. Bach's Cathedral built in Bangkok. WLTPD in Samarkand, Bangkok, Hat Yai, Da Nang, Khon Kaen, Tak, Lop Buri, Ubon Ratcha, Sara Buri, Hua Hin, Nong Khai & Trat.

680 Piece added to Palace. WLTPD in Chiengmai. Population hits 2,000,000. Meet Aztecs, give them Monarchy, Peace. Phitsanulok founded. Americans build Great Wall in Philadelphia.

660 Palace. Celebrations cancelled in Lop Buri. Bun Yun founded.

640 Famine strikes Sara Buri; scores perish. Palace. WLTPD cancelled in Samarkand, Chiengmai, Rayong & Trat. Trat builds Settlers. Population 3,000,000. Lampang founded. Chiengmai builds Chariot and it is rehomed to Nakhon Sawan.

620 Spies Report: French discover Horseback Riding. Meet Americans. Trade Religion for Banking. They have nothing else. Peace. Famine strikes Trat, scores perish. Piece added to Palace. WLTPD cancelled in all cities. Temples built in Hat Yai, Khon Kaen, Hua Hin, Nong Khai. Lop Buri builds Settlers. Thon Buri builds Diplomat. Chianthabui builds Caravan. Trade Navigation for Medicine with French. Boston located.

600 Chiengmai builds Temple. Ubon Ratcha builds Settlers. Meet Russians, Peace.

And the save:
The Siamese Republic reports:
Parliament records: 600 BC - 400 BC

600 BC: Bangkok builds a temple. Mongkut orders construction of pyramids.

T1 / 580 BC: A diplomat arrives at Washington, the capital of the Republic of America, and we establish an embassy.
Thon Buri finishes building a diplomat, temple construction begins.
Da Nang temple -> caravan.
Public works projects around the Republic.

T2 / 560 BC: A chariot lands on the shores of Greece.
A chariot unit secures the Seine River at Paris.
The city of Athens has built pyramids wonderful to behold. Wanting to be original, the people of Siam have requested a massive garden before unknown to man to be built in the center of Bangkok.

T3 / 540 BC: Siamese scientists have figured out how to span rivers and can now build great bridges across the gaps. They will now unravel the mysteries of magnetism.
A chariot discovers the Greek city of Antioch.
France is now capable of chariot production.

T4 / 520 BC: The French discover democracy.
Public works and exploration continue.
A war is declared between Greece and France.

T5 / 500 BC: public works, exploration.

T6 / 480 BC: Barbarians invade the beaches of Sara Buri.
Samarkand rioting begins, but the people stop when free rock concerts are held on the Coca-Cola Samarkand sound stage arena.
Magnetism is discovered, and the owner of the Great Lighthouse has a massive heart attack. Sadly, the lighthouse closes down, and our ships travel slower with heavy hearts.
Our scientists, now sick of all-night research, are given commendations for designing a new warship called the frigate. However, they are put back to work to take chemistry classes.
A shipment of exotic plants arrives in Bangkok from another Republican city.
Napoleon offers us Feudalism, but we decline, fearing the loss of our scientific classified information.
The Greco-French war ends.
Greece destroys the nation of India.
Alexander reaffirms the peace treaty between our two nations.
Barbarion legion defeats the only Sara Buri defender.

T7 / 460 BC: Disorder in Thon Buri, more concerts at the expense of the fishermen and farmers' jobs.
A chariot destroys the barbarian legion.
A chariot is rebased to allow fishing at Thon Buri to resume.
In Greece, the city of Mycenae is dicovered by a chariot expedition.

T8 / 440 BC: Chemistry is discovered, our talented research crew works on engineering.
More progress is made in Bangkok, the gardens cannot be too far away from reality.
By this time, we have discovered a vast southern continent, but our brave sailing ship found nothing useful on the barren wasteland, and it turned northeast to explore more ocean.
The Americans have discovered democracy.
Greco-French War II begins.

T9 / 420 BC: Surin's diplomat finishes, temple construction begins.
The Greeks make peace with the French.
Near the city of Tours, France, a Greek raiding unit has attacked one of our own.
The brave defender will not be lost in vain.
We promise to avenge this unprovoked attack on our peaceful nation.

T10 / 400 BC: Thung Song in disorder, street performers play music.
A chariot destroys a Greek mining party, but falls at the gates of Mycenae.
A chariot-diplomat combination land near Argos.
Caravans bring supplies to Bangkok.

A great deal of construction changes so as to outfit new military units.

Remeber Tours!


A major war is ahead, proceed with valor and caution.

Parliament Member Irish Caesar concedes his term to whoever's next.

And here's the game...
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