We do not need many players to start with, a handful is plenty. However it is also designed to allow for a large citizenry. All citizens make up the council and are party to discussions led by the Designated Player (DP), a more appropriate name to be determined. We can rotate the leadership between the Council with a pool or have an election to name the DP. In the early game the council will discuss all of the issues concerning our empire and the DP will play the save. He is not bound to any recommendations from the council. Once we have a few cities, rivals, multiple workers, trade routes, alphabet, etc. we will need to organize the Council and begin dishing out responsibilities. The council will then be divided up into committees. Each committees recommendations to the DP are binding and must be carried out. Council members can belong to as many committees as they sign up for but can only lead one at a time.
There are set times when a new committee is needed:
Domestic Affairs -After we've founded city 3.
Foreign Affairs- Once we've met 2 rival civs.
Science- Once we discover Alphabet
Economy- Once we discover Currency
Military- Once we discover Iron-Working and gain access to Iron resource.
Anything not listed above can fit into one of the 5 committees as a non-elected appointment by the committees leader. A new committee can also be formed with a majority vote from the Council. Committee leaders are first appointed by the DP that played the save when the committee became needed. Then elections for committee leaders are held once they are all filled.