Civ4 Flag Button Maker

Yeah - click on the eye symbole (near the flag with brazil on layers window) - to make them invisible.

To don't have flags unflatten, you need to put your layer with graphic above 'Background' and below 'Layer 4' (where the rest of the flags are).

If you don't have windows with layers. When you have flag_buttonmaker_gimp.xcf opened. Go to Window -> Layers
in gimp I have to go to dialogs-> layers. I added a new layer to your xcf then anchored that layer then i put the eye on it and then took the eye off brazil. so the eyes are only on the flag, the borders, background, etc. then when I try to save as a dds it says that "the images are not the same size so a volume map cant be written" but I get that error all the time. So I save a a DXT3 and format: default, but Save: is greyed out and I cant change it but it's locked as selected layer. generatemipmaps and swap red alpha are both unchecked. I think the greyout area maybe the problem. any idea on how to undo that?
That's a nice tutorial mate, well done. I created one to use it in the game, but all I get is a pink square =( Can you help me ?
This is a nice tool
My only complaint is that in the end you will have square borders for your buttons
Vanilla Civ IV buttons are rounded
Nevermind, I missed the included layer mask option
Everything works fine, thanks for the creators!
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