• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civ5 owner...


Mar 1, 2011
Reading some threads... is there any idea to even dive into it? Perhaps I should buy Civ4 (delux edition) instead?

There must be something good? Or? :confused:
It is a good game. Just it is not what most plp want it for civ 5.

But you will play a lot more than most of your others games.

I dont like that much civ 5, but I played now more tha 120 hours..most of my games dont go further than 50h.
Whether there's "something good" really depends on what you want out of a Civilization game. Most people here will give you their own opinion based on their own desires. Only you can know what you want.

If you're primarily looking for a war-game with a few cities on the side, you'll probably enjoy Civ 5.

If you're looking to build an empire that stands the test of time, go for Civ 4 Deluxe.
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