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civ5map -> lua: Play The World Extended (Brave New World Edition)

The map is so much fun. Love it! The only problem is that it's so slow with that many civs. Is there a similar map that is Large or even Standard with fewer civs?
This map script is so cool I even registered on this forum to submit my endorsement :D. No really, you did an awesome job! Such map script should be in game by default! Now I finally can re-write earth's history by preventing partitions of my beloved Poland and sending it into space :D.

Just one little thing: if there would be a "Large" version of this map it would be easier to play with Epic time setting (it's a bit too fast on Huge maps like this one, and marathon is sooooo slow - but still worth the hassle). I realize that Standard size would be problematic with starting points of civs (or city states) which are close to each other.
this script is fantastic... however, no matter how I do it, the multiplayer launches with immediate defeat for both players (self and wife). Any ideas what would cause this?
The map is so much fun. Love it! The only problem is that it's so slow with that many civs. Is there a similar map that is Large or even Standard with fewer civs?

I am actually looking for a smaller version too, maybe one with no Americas... or smaller oceans... something...

In its current state it is TOO big and too laggy :(.
I enjoy this map, but I want to change the start location of one civ. How do I do this? I cannot open the LUA file in world builder, and I do not know how to change start location otherwise...

Thank you
I enjoy this map, but I want to change the start location of one civ. How do I do this? I cannot open the LUA file in world builder, and I do not know how to change start location otherwise...

Thank you

1. Open in notepad your lua-file
2. find string:
function nORbConvWorld:GetCivStartPlot(pPlayer)
3. somewhere in function body you see strings with starting positions for playable civs (ResultPos = { X,Y } ). like:
elseif (thisCiv.Type == "CIVILIZATION_IROQUOIS") then ResultPos = {139,75};
4. Change values for your civ and save.
5. Send "edited version" to your friends and play.
What are the requirements to get this?
Can you please tell me a more detailed guide to get this?
is there some reason i set max city states to 41 but only 26 appear?


After reloading a bunch of times to just test it and make sure it wasnt something i was doing, i am going to describe the collusion of functionality. If its unclear, please ask and i will go into more detail.

The map script tells city states to spawn in certain spots, but if that area is 'too crowded', then they just dont spawn. Since the city state already has a name and identity, instead of spawning a new one in an 'open' area, it just deletes.

On my various tests, it ranged from 19 to 34 city states that spawned, but they weren't exhaustive. I don't have the technical expertise to examine and dissect the .lua logs, but i suspect the issue i am describing is apparent there.

It'd be nice if it could be engineered in such a way that allowed all 41cs and 21 other civs to spawn, so the earth would feel properly crowded
I'm guessing this isn't updated anymore, but anyone figure out a solution to the disappearing city states?
I'm guessing this isn't updated anymore, but anyone figure out a solution to the disappearing city states?

You could use the City State Selection mod to delete any City-States that would be too close to the Civs you chose to play with. It would require some trial and error to figure out which City States are safe though.

Thanks nORb Dragon, this was a great project.
'Hey man,

I really love this map, it´s absolutely awesome. I would like to play it with the community patch project Vox Populi.
Will there be a problem that there no such resources like Bisons or Tobacco on your map?`

And again i apologize immediately for my English. :) English is not native for me. Sorry for long waits, bad mood caught me.

In attach you can find lua-script for civ5 game (single player and multiplayer). Used map for convertion: Play The World Extended (Brave New World Edition) v.1 by Hormigas. This map is based on the well known Yet Another Giant Earth Map from Gedemon in 180x94 and wouldn't have been possible without his hard work in converting Genghis Kai's GEM for Civ5.

How to install and play:
  1. Close game client.
  2. Unpack archive.
  3. Copy file "Play The World Extended BNW v_1_1.lua" to <GameFolder>\Assets\Maps\
  4. Run game client, create game (single or multiplayer).
  5. Press "Advanced Setup" for open advanced game create options.
  6. Select Map Type "Play The World Extended BNW v.1.1 (lua)".
  7. World size setting not affect to true game size (map size is locked by script).
  8. Set max count City-States for your game (how much you want, but script drop some City-States if need).
  9. Start game and play!

You think about multiplayer? Just give this lua-script to your friends for install. But map is very huge (180x94), so you need good hardware (RAM, usually) for start and stable play.

Playable civilizations (with "true start locations"):
  1. America
  2. Arabia
  3. Assyria
  4. Austria
  5. Babylon
  6. Brazil
  7. Byzantium
  8. Carthage
  9. China
  10. Denmark
  11. Egypt
  12. England
  13. Ethiopia
  14. France
  15. Germany
  16. Greece
  17. India
  18. Indonesia
  19. Japan
  20. Korea
  21. Mongolia
  22. Morocco
  23. Persia
  24. Poland
  25. Polynesia
  26. Portugal
  27. Rome
  28. Russia
  29. Siam
  30. Songhai
  31. Spain
  32. Sweden
  33. The Aztecs
  34. The Celts
  35. The Huns
  36. The Inca
  37. The Iroquois
  38. The Maya
  39. The Netherlands
  40. The Ottomans
  41. The Shoshone
  42. The Zulus
  43. Venice

PS: and about used tools. I will share tools after internal tests. But I fear the possible consequences of this action. Which it can cause chaos and confusion among the players around converted maps.

2013.07.31: (v.1.1)
- added shoshone/aztec/polynesia units into "start package";
- added worker into "start package".

Hello :)

Thank you so much for this map... It has been my favorite for a while now :)

My only problem is: I can't add more than 22 civs in one game. I know that it's not your problem, and that the map is perfect and civilizations REALLY start in their exact real historical positions... But, I don't know what to do :(

I have looked for a solution on the internet, but all the solutions seem to be (complicated).

Do you have any advice or information on how to fix this 22-civs-limit issue ???

Thank you so much...
For some reason even though both my friend and I have the .lua script in the Assets/maps folder, it says "map information not found". What should I do? Plz help
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