• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Civics and Reforms

As far as I'm aware, JFD's CiD doesn't replace gold maintenance meaning that Civic and Reform will still fully change the gold maintenance to fit its upkeep. On another note, i might do a release releasing a new batch of civics and spacing out the civics with techs.

Oh, I'm really looking forward to playing with new batch of civics.:)

Well, corruption, one of the crime types, still decrease gold output from cities, but most of crimes decrease other yields.
And many of buildings increases crime rather than gold maintenance. (Accept CBO-only like Council or Herbalist.)
But now it's okay. JFD's CiD has many problems with EUI and I just give it up. So don't mind it.;)

Always many thanks for your effort!:goodjob:
It seems that Bureaucracy's capital bonus doesn't work.

good catch. It was giving the capital bonuses to a beta testing building. I'll release it along with the version 3 release.
Version 3
  • Added government civic: Confederation granting +20% gold in all cities at a cost of -15% more unhappiness(-4 unhappiness for non-VP). Medium Upkeep. Unlocked at Writing.
  • Added legal civic: Constitutionalism granting +1 Golden Age Points per citizen while extending Golden Age +25% longer. High Upkeep. Unlocked at Telecommunications.
  • Added labor civic: Mechanization industrializes citizen's births gaining food, production, gold, and science. Upon founding a city, cites start off with bonus starting production and population. Medium Upkeep. Unlocked at Robotics.
  • Added economy civic: Ingenious Craft creates yield bonuses for improvements. Medium Upkeep. Unlocked at Trade(Horseback Riding)
  • Added religion civic: Ancestor Worship generates faith and culture on citizen's births. Medium Upkeep. Unlocked at Pottery.
  • Better UI for Civic Notification.
  • Default civics now reduce their proper unhappiness modifiers by -20%(was -10%)
  • Citizens no longer generate gold at all. (Empires with large population tend to boast in a lot of gold bringing poverty to smaller-population nations, this shouldn't be the case here as in real life civilizations with smaller population tend to be less poverty-stricken!)
  • Merchants generate +4 more gold than usual.
  • Patronage now requires Education instead of Chivalry.
  • Police State now requires Rifling instead of Military Science.
  • Bureaucracy now requires Physics instead of Civil Service.
  • Mercantilism now requires Currency instead of Guilds.
  • Pacifism now requires Biology instead of Scientific Theory.
  • State Atheism now requires Flight instead of Scientific Theory.
  • Free Religion now requires Penicillin instead of Scientific Theory.
  • Revolution chance is now much much lower than before(especially when switching toward civics with higher upkeep)
  • Bureaucracy's City Connection Bonus now increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Bureaucracy now allows Courthouses to be constructed +25% faster.
  • Vassalage additionally generate Great General Points from Forts and Citadels and Great Admiral Points from Fishing Boats and Coastal Cities.
  • Serfdom additionally generates +1 local culture to farms.
  • Environmentalism now generates +15% gold in cities with a recycling center.
  • State Atheism now prevents faith production without the Shrine.
  • Free Religion now grants the science bonus without the Shrine.
  • Emancipation is now Low Upkeep, generates +50%(25%) tourism toward civilizations with less happiness, and generate +1 happiness from each 6 citizens(was 8).
  • Fixed Bureaucracy not applying its capital bonus while having her bonus increased to 75%(was 50%)
Civics aren't "chooseable" meaning you must wait a certain amount of turn before having a civic event popup. A civic event will be passed allowing you to choose a civic or keep the one you have. Likewise, all civilizations get this at the same time. This certain amount of turn is scaleable with gamespeed.
Could you explain it for me? I never had to wait, just enacted, f.e. "Labor" and after that I got an event with Civics to choose.

Could you update the table with Civics, please? :) It isn't up to date, f.e. Civil Law - +1 Culture and Tourism to each City. and in the game, it's something like +3 to Border Growth.
Could you explain it for me? I never had to wait, just enacted, f.e. "Labor" and after that I got an event with Civics to choose.

Could you update the table with Civics, please? :) It isn't up to date, f.e. Civil Law - +1 Culture and Tourism to each City. and in the game, it's something like +3 to Border Growth.

This thread is very old.
Out of curiosity, is this mod dead, still being further developed, or feature-complete?
Isn't Ingenious Craft (Economy) Civic a bit OP? It comes very early and bonuses to improvements feel almost like some bonuses from monopolies. Other Economy Civics, that comes later are weaker, at least for me.

And what about upkeep? Steamworkshop's screenshots shows high numbers like 8-30, for me it's 0.09-0.14. With 3 Cities and 5 plantations I have +35 GPT in 62 turn (Epic/Classical Era pre-set). Maybe good idea is minimum Civics' maintenance? Or maybe give some negative effect to the Ingenious Craft and other strong Civics? Some Civics have negative effect and some not.

Bureaucracy now grants +5 Production and Gold in the Capital.
Nice change, 75% production was waaay to strong. With Egyptian's 20% bonus to Wonders and other bonuses it was overwhelming.
You know, I really like Ingenious Craft, but I think its strengths exist only in contrast. For much of the game, I cannot justify using any other Economic civic. However, I only think that's because Mercantilism and Free Market are both just kind of underwhelming. A bonus to trade routes doesn't synergize with the wide play promoted by VP, while Ingenious Craft, although dependent on specific terrain features, does very well because in a wide enough empire you're likely to have them all. I would only consider switching when State Property becomes available.
I don't think Ingenious Craft is that much more OP than some other civics that come online at the same time. It's just that the options following it are generally worse.
You know, I really like Ingenious Craft, but I think its strengths exist only in contrast. For much of the game, I cannot justify using any other Economic civic. However, I only think that's because Mercantilism and Free Market are both just kind of underwhelming. A bonus to trade routes doesn't synergize with the wide play promoted by VP, while Ingenious Craft, although dependent on specific terrain features, does very well because in a wide enough empire you're likely to have them all. I would only consider switching when State Property becomes available.
I don't think Ingenious Craft is that much more OP than some other civics that come online at the same time. It's just that the options following it are generally worse.
Yeah I feel that way a lot ever since I've been having unlocked Ingenious Craft(If I implemented preferred civics, Indonesia would always pick this over anything else), but I'm thinking of something as a rework.
New UI changes(indicated above) allowing you to predict what civics you should get as you take on new technologies.
Overall happiness penalty eliminated from +10% to 0%.
Merchant produce +1 extra bonus gold instead of 2.
Environmentalism's Cultural Bonus incresed from +1 to +2.

Non-save game compatible.
I've not updated yet. But this looks like an improvement. I always just clicked on all five areas and then chose which would sometimes cause me to go into anarchy unnecessarily.
Suggestions to improve even further.

1. Change the red text to green once you have those techs, so you can tell immediately what is available.
2. Put the actual effect next to each tenet so you can see all in one view, and decide what you think is best for your current situation.
3. When the civics become available and you get the splash screen, put on the civic type - so Legal Civic - Vassalage is now available, and again put the actual civic text on the splash screen. This becomes less important if the above are implemented, as you will be able to get that information just by hitting the Civics button.

I only ever remember what half of these do at any one time, so the constant reminder of what they do whenever I hit the Civics button will help, as there are no civilopaedia entries and the front page of this thread is not updated (I don't think, but not sure).
Sir, can I ask you why this mod blocks JFD's RtP?
Too much dummy policies which my mod relies on which causes instability progressively as the game go on.
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