• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civilization 5 Steamworks questions/concerns for inclusion in the FAQ

You're correct. I even have a spam-only email account for such purposes. When I signed on here I understood that submitting some personal information was part of the "price" I pay for the service. If it was only necessary to do a one-time log in to Steam in order to register the game I might be okay with that. However, my understanding (And Greg can correct me if I'm wrong) is that you must have Steam's app installed and therefor running in the background in order to even play the game in single player mode. That is unacceptable. Although Steam's EULA and it's intentions may be exemplary at present they're one buyout away from being something else.

Only info you need to provide when creating new Steam account is valid email adress. It was already confirmed that you will be able to play Civ5 offline (via Steam offline mode) so I dont see amy problem.
Since Steam client for Linux has been confirmed and is currently in beta, is it too much to hope that version of Civilization 5 for Linux OS might come too?
The whole core Steam feature is that it is a platform-less platform so that games developed using Steam would be easily portable to other OS. I'm sure the "how easy" depends on how much of the game is developed using the Steam API.
2) Steam can ( and will) close your acct for any reason whatso ever if a moderator deems it so. This has actually happened to my then 16yr old ( $160 worth of games down the crapper, tyvm)

Your 16yr old was trying to hack Steam, use it for piracy or engaging in some kind of payment fraud. You should have a word with him because you have to screw up pretty badly to get your account closed. I don't think theres such a thing as a Steam moderator or a policy of closing accounts on a whim.

Moderator Action: Do not accuse others of illegal activity.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Heh. I'm in the process of building a new, full-on Intel Core i7 machine to celebrate my retirement. I, too, was looking forward to playing Civ V with every last option lit up on any size map. I'll just have to console myself with playing Civ IV with every last option, etc. It could be worse. ;)

Kind of disappointing though; I've been playing Civ since it came out in 1991.

Well if I am reading 2K Greg correctly, all we need for Steam is for activation and putting patches on. We can play in offline mode. Maybe other people can't from other Steam Games, but it seems we can with Civ V since it's so intergrated with Steamworks.

I just wish we had a YES or NO answer to this quesiton, or did we have it and I missed it? I think it was answered "officially" but now I can't find it now.

But I can't seem why you give up on Civ V binhthuy. Just put in a fake name, with a new email account and you are good to go.

Actually this is the only way to sell a copy of Civ V I believe by the way. So when you sell you copy of Civ V, you give the email addy and password as well. Hell it might be even easier now to sell used copies of Civ V now this way.
I am starting to see something now. I guess this is no different from playing Oblivion or Fallout 3 on my 360 with DLC. You can buy the Original game and sell it if you like but if you buy DLC you can't can't sell the DLC though unless you make a special account for it.

So now, instead of DLC it's the game its self now. Well it's the new way of doing buisness now I guess. Either we accpet it or we don't. If we don't we will not be playing games anymore.

*edit* Oops, I ment to hit the edit button above, but looks like I wans;'t paying attention and hit reply. Sorry about that.
@ Davor

You know selling accounts isn´t allowed in the SSA?


So now, instead of DLC it's the game its self now. Well it's the new way of doing buisness now I guess. Either we accpet it or we don't. If we don't we will not be playing games anymore.

Imagine the situation if most customers would not accept such a change. Than there will be two option. No games for the pc any more (if there is the opinion that you can earn money without this things) or ... . Just imagine.
But I can't seem why you give up on Civ V binhthuy. Just put in a fake name, with a new email account and you are good to go.

I created a new Steam account just yesterday. The only fields I was even presented with was "email address" and "password", and at some point a check box that says something like "click here to confirm you are 13 years or older". And the email address can be a spam-only (i.e. username-temp@domain.com) account that is only used for account verification, and the address "reset my password" emails are sent to.

In other words, Steam doesn't even ask for any personally identifiable information. I've never used Steam before, so I don't know if it might ask for additional information in order to register/activate Civ 5, but at least for creating an account, you don't need to provide any information.
to the of topic discussion
Spoiler :
That are the minimal active given information, some other like IP Adress combined with an account can als count as personal information (depends from state to state). Also a unique computer profile (no idea if or if not steam collects such data, only an example without further claim) could be seen as personal information (even if know no judgment in such an case).

The email adress should not only be used for the one time verification, because afaik this adress will be used by Valve to contact you if you lost your password to your account. (eg in case you want to reinstall the game in five years, etc).

But perhaps we should stop discuss such points here and let this place a place for question for 2K Greg.

Will Steam automatically make the necesary version updates so I can stay current with HOF and GOTM standards?

Will Steam facilitate uploading and downloading of save files for HOF and GOTM game play?
Your 16yr old was trying to hack Steam, use it for piracy or engaging in some kind of payment fraud. You should have a word with him because you have to screw up pretty badly to get your account closed. I don't think theres such a thing as a Steam moderator or a policy of closing accounts on a whim.
Hold your horses -- while Valve's terms of services presumably let them close Drakarska's son's account (for any of a variety of reasons) it does not suddenly allow any of us to go accusing his son of fraud, piracy, or hacking. Valve's terms of services do not alter libel law or the legal and social principle "innocent until proven guilty", so you would need proof of the crime you allege his son committed before you go making accusations in a public forum, and "but surely Valve must reckon he does" doesn't constitute any kind of proof.

Will Steam automatically make the necesary version updates so I can stay current with HOF and GOTM standards?
Yes Steam does auto-update games.

With Civ4, however, you separately have to update the HOF mod (as it's not part of the game so far as Steam knows)

Will Steam facilitate uploading and downloading of save files for HOF and GOTM game play?
Steam itself doesn't, but perhaps the SteamWorks features they are including will.
Man oh man...the Steam haters are in full force.

Just a question for the Steam haters...who exactly of you lot use Steam? For one person like me, who uses it extensively, some of these issues you are raising are quite ridiculous.

I was ok with Steam having played several games using my Steam account. That was until I had a problem with it. I bought their Orange Box and installed it on my old Gateway only to realize that the graphics was too old. So, I saved my money (took over a year) and bought a new computer. I installed it, and guess what, Steam will not allow me to play the game. They are requiring a digital photo of the activation card. I do not have a digital camera. I do not live anywhere close to have access to one. They refuse to allow me access to the game even though I have offered to send the Best Buy receipt (after all I can't take it back to Best Buy to get my money back).

So, my question to be added to the FAQ is this:

Will you be adding instructions on how to get our money back if Steam decides not to allow you to play the game after you have purchased it? How do we go about getting our money and what are the requirements for a full refund and/or access to get to play the game rather that just purchasing a pretty silver disc?
BTW, I have kept the Orange Box in my stash of games to remind me never to buy a game requiring Steam again.
Whats with all these people who Valve is messing with FOR NO REASON AT ALL? Perhaps some of the anti-Steams conspiracy theories really are true and Valve cancels peoples accounts as a cost-cutting measure and to steal their money and use hired message board plants to deny that it happens.

No, really, why did Valve cancel your subscription? There must have been an email about it.
My Valve account has not been cancelled. I can still play the other games (if I wanted too). The problem is they want a digital picture, via scanner or digital camera, to allow access to the game. My problem is, I do not have this device. Their e-mails have been quite terse: " Unfortunately we will need to see the quick reference card to assist you with this issue. Please ask a friend or family member if you can borrow a camera or scanner. If you we cannot borrow one, please go to your local copy shop and they can scan the card for you." I would have to drive quite a distance to comply with this. If I had known I would have to purchase another gadget, I would have included this in the cost of the game. They need to let you know if they require this on the packaging label. I have the activation code and put it in, but they won't accept it. (Yes, I kept all their e-mails for posterity sake)
Man oh man...the Steam haters are in full force.

Just a question for the Steam haters...who exactly of you lot use Steam? For one person like me, who uses it extensively, some of these issues you are raising are quite ridiculous.

I was ok with Steam having played several games using my Steam account. That was until I had a problem with it. I bought their Orange Box and installed it on my old Gateway only to realize that the graphics was too old. So, I saved my money (took over a year) and bought a new computer. I installed it, and guess what, Steam will not allow me to play the game. They are requiring a digital photo of the activation card. I do not have a digital camera. I do not live anywhere close to have access to one. They refuse to allow me access to the game even though I have offered to send the Best Buy receipt (after all I can't take it back to Best Buy to get my money back).

So, my question to be added to the FAQ is this:

Will you be adding instructions on how to get our money back if Steam decides not to allow you to play the game after you have purchased it? How do we go about getting our money and what are the requirements for a full refund and/or access to get to play the game rather that just purchasing a pretty silver disc?
BTW, I have kept the Orange Box in my stash of games to remind me never to buy a game requiring Steam again.

I have no issue whatsoever with steam. Its not a terribly huge deal, but won't the deluxe addition interfere with modding a bit though? (Pretty sure this is steam related.)
It is not a given that the Deluxe Edition will interfere with modding. It depends how they write the code.
My Valve account has not been cancelled. I can still play the other games (if I wanted too). The problem is they want a digital picture, via scanner or digital camera, to allow access to the game. My problem is, I do not have this device. Their e-mails have been quite terse: " Unfortunately we will need to see the quick reference card to assist you with this issue. Please ask a friend or family member if you can borrow a camera or scanner. If you we cannot borrow one, please go to your local copy shop and they can scan the card for you." I would have to drive quite a distance to comply with this. If I had known I would have to purchase another gadget, I would have included this in the cost of the game. They need to let you know if they require this on the packaging label. I have the activation code and put it in, but they won't accept it. (Yes, I kept all their e-mails for posterity sake)

Most likely some other user disputed ownership of CD key (claiming its his) so they want proof of ownership to enable it on your account. How hard can it be to make digital photo or scan of something unless you live in some hole in Africa? Hell most cell phones are able to do that.... if you dont have any device which can do it, you shouldnt have any problem asking some1 to help you with this .
The whole core Steam feature is that it is a platform-less platform so that games developed using Steam would be easily portable to other OS. I'm sure the "how easy" depends on how much of the game is developed using the Steam API.

Unfortunately, Steam API covers only matters such as network multiplayer and security, it has nothing to do with engine of the game itself. For the Steam game to work in Linux, it would need to be ported to work in that OS. Good news is that it is not very hard if they are already making Mac OS version, there are many similarities between the two.

What I'm hoping is for Greg to tell me if the Linux version is in the plans at all. Even if it is not available at release, I wouldn't mind waiting for a while.
Unfortunately, Steam API covers only matters such as network multiplayer and security, it has nothing to do with engine of the game itself. For the Steam game to work in Linux, it would need to be ported to work in that OS. Good news is that it is not very hard if they are already making Mac OS version, there are many similarities between the two.

What I'm hoping is for Greg to tell me if the Linux version is in the plans at all. Even if it is not available at release, I wouldn't mind waiting for a while.

Um no, OS X IS Unix, Linux is not, On the other hand a port to BSD wouldn't be very hard
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