Civilization Campaign


Feb 20, 2005
I wonder why there isn't campaign in this game. Something like settlers had at part two. It would be quite cool don't you think?

One scenario at a time you move forward with scripted campaign. Each civ with it's own campaign on road to stars.
Well they can do both. I think it would be rather nifty idea :)
How do you imagine a campaign for a game that has 18 civilizations without expansions and spans 6000 years? You can't really make a campaign the way you can make scenarios that span a few years only.

Campaigns are usually a series of made-up scenarios. Civ isn't very conductive to that. There are historical campaigns, but in that sense, the Civ's main game is a historical campaign...
Personally, I very much like Civ's approach of giving you a new world to play in, and lots of options (leaders, civs), rather than a scripted campaign. Games of that type always seem so limited to me.
Hmmm. I like the idea. It takes me back to Age of Mythology, where the Campaigns were central. I imagine the campaigns being simply scenarios linked together- like Alexander's Conquests thing in Warlords linked to a "Fall of an Empire" then "Italian Consolidation" and such till the fall of Rome.
The campaigns on Age of Mythology were very good, but they are very different types of game.
I think it could wotk 100% in cIV. Different scenarios on different maps. Interesting persons, advisors etc. with a bit of RPG elements and such.

It could work also as a good tutorial before entering in a free abyss.
"Different scenarios" on different maps you got. That doesn't make a campaign. A campaign needs scenarios that are linked in some sensible way.
Of course, but it was just my visions :D Hard to write what was in my heads. But dream it would be like settlers II campaign.
I don't see how a game with the history complexity of Civilization could have a campaign. Age of Mithology can have a campaign because it is set in one specific era, like all age of empires games. But look at rise of nations and you won't see a campaign. Empire Earth has campaign but it is clearly poor with few choices.
Anyway let's supose a campaign is done. How do it? You won't be free to choose. I mean you are France or England in WWII and you were prepared and invade Germany, how do u continue the campaign? Next chapter France is invaded, will it be right? Or Alexander the Great conquesting Africa and next chapter you have an asian empire instead. So i can't see a campaign with Civ free-to-choose style. It is better like it is with scenerios.
I don't see how a game with the history complexity of Civilization could have a campaign. Age of Mithology can have a campaign because it is set in one specific era, like all age of empires games. But look at rise of nations and you won't see a campaign. Empire Earth has campaign but it is clearly poor with few choices.

It could be done one era at a time, just as i.e. Not so bad I think.

Anyway let's supose a campaign is done. How do it? You won't be free to choose. I mean you are France or England in WWII and you were prepared and invade Germany, how do u continue the campaign? Next chapter France is invaded, will it be right? Or Alexander the Great conquesting Africa and next chapter you have an asian empire instead. So i can't see a campaign with Civ free-to-choose style. It is better like it is with scenerios.

Tell me why it would have anything to do with history ;) Even that it is THE civilization, campaign doesn't have to deal world history as we know it.
Like (with my favorite subject settlers II :D ) campaigns wasn't real historical events. I believe so, tell someone if I'm wrong.
You are right, it doesn't have to be set to world history. But the thing is the game itself is a campaign everytime you play a new game, being in a random map or even the world map. I mean i don't the sense to make a series of scenerios with unreal history, if THAT is what the game is, random maps with random leaders who do random actions. It is already diferent to world history. Explain what would you like.
The best campaign option for Civ4 would have to be linked to history. AoM's campaigns worked because minimal history was used and the rest of just that, Mythology. Maybe do a WWI campaign (Rise of Austria Hungary, Forging Alliances, A Shot in Sarajevo (WWII or WWI?), The Americas are Drawn, Push for Petersburg, Resistance, Fall of Berlin)
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