Civilization Request Thread

Oh, that's a good idea. So we wouldn't post in it regularly?
Sounds like a great idea to me, go for it.
Sounds awesome to me as well!
But where will you post the thread?
I don't know, yet. Probably in New Civilizations. Hope I can get it stickied if a mod pops in.

If I were to post it in the New Civilizations subform a mod'd have to approve of it, anyway, since it's only for finished civs.

EDIT: Hint, hint.
Egyptian Split II

Amarna Period
Leader: Akhenaten
UA: Sun-Cult of Aten
When placed in a city following your Pantheon belief, :greatwork: Great Works of Art passively convert the citizens of this city to the main religion of the capital, granting a lump sum of :c5faith: faith whenever a citizen converts. Founding, reforming or enhancing a religion grant :c5greatperson: Great Artist points in the :c5capital: capital.

UB: Pr-Jtn (Replaces Temple)
The Pr-Jtn, unlike the Temple it replaces, has a slot for a :greatwork: Great Work of Art, which when filled, grants :c5greatperson: Great Artist points every time a :c5citizen: citizen converts in this city.

UU: Maryannu (Replaces Chariot Archer)
The Maryannu is faster than the Chariot Archer it replaces and receives the unique promotion 'Young warrior' which gives the Maryannu +2 sight and the ability to ignore terrain costs until the Maryannu enters combat for the first time.

Ptolemaic Egypt
Leader: Ptolemy
UA: Custodians of the Nile
Wonders in conquered cities receive +1 to their base :c5culture: culture, :c5science: science, :c5faith: faith or :c5gold: gold output, +2 if the city is on a river. Placing a garrison in a :c5occupied: captured city generates :c5goldenage: Golden Age points equal to the base yield of all wonders in the city.

UU: Phalanx (Replaces Spearman)
The Phalanx, is slightly weaker than the Spearman it replaces, but will receive one of two unique promotions when trained. If trained in a captured city, the Phalanx receives the promotion 'Machimoi Epilektoi' which gives the Phalanx +10% :c5strength: combat strength when adjacent to rivers and allows it to ignore the movement penalty of crossing rivers. If trained during a :c5goldenage: Golden Age, the Phalanx receives the promotion 'Greek Infantry' which grant it +20% :c5strength: combat strength at all times and an additional +5% for each adjacent phalanx.

UU: Mouseion (Replaces Library)
The Mouseion, unlike the library it replaces, has two slots for :greatwork: Great Works of writing which each provide +2 :c5science: science when filled. Upon constructing a Mouseion in a captured city, instantly receive :c5science: science for every wonder or :greatwork: great work in the city.

Very Old Protodynastic Egypt
Leader: Narmer
UA: Nile Floods
Cities on rivers will periodically enter We Love the King Day even if the required resource is not connected to the city and the :c5capital: Capital starts in a We Love the King Day. During 'We Love the King Day', flood plains tiles yield :c5food: +2 food and farms adjacent to river tiles yield :c5food: +1 food and +1 :c5production: production.

UB: Nilometer (Replaces Watermill)
The Nilometer comes much earlier than the Watermill it replaces, available from Agriculture, however only yields +1 :c5production: production as its base yield. However, the Nilometer increases :c5food: growth by 5% for every worked flood plains tile in this city and yields +2 :c5food: food and +2 :c5production: production during 'We Love the King day'.

UU: Pítati (Replaces Archer)
The Pitati is somewhat weaker than the Archer it replaces, but is also much cheaper. If trained during a 'We Love the King Day' the Pitati receives the 'Bountiful floods' promotion, which allow it to heal at double rate and ignore :c5moves: movement cost when adjacent to a rivers.
i have no problem with ryanjames, i just think Urdnot_Scott comes up with better ua ideals (throught not best)plus jfd is one of my favourite modders:)
i just think Urdnot_Scott comes up with better ua ideals (throught not best)

i have no problem with ryanjames, i just think Urdnot_Scott comes up with better ua ideals (throught not best)plus jfd is one of my favourite modders:)

Kerrigan, you really got to learn some more diplomatic ways of saying things.
i have no problem with ryanjames, i just think Urdnot_Scott comes up with better ua ideals (throught not best)plus jfd is one of my favourite modders:)

Just because you have an idea doesn't mean you can realise it. You should take that into account as well.
Delete me because I don't know how?
Why... what happened to the challenge?
Kingdom of Srivijaya

Spoiler :
leader: Samaratungga
UA: Coastal Influence
May not found non-coastal* cities. Coastal cities start as :c5puppet: puppets with extra territory, and yield 1 :tourism: tourism per each trade route sent to them. Receive 33% of the :c5gold: GPT output of Naval :trade: trade routes that pass through your territory. when a building is built in a :c5puppet: puppet city, it contributes :c5production: production towards naval units.
UU: Borobudur ship
Replaces Caravel. Available at theology. Has 1 extra :c5moves: movement and sight, cheaper, but weaker(15 :c5strength:) then the caravel which it replaces. all adjacent\stack units receive 1 extra :c5moves: movement.(+2 :c5moves: moves for civilian units).
UB: Candi
Replaces temple. Has lower :c5gold: maintenance and :c5production: production cost then the temple. Also provides +1 :c5culture: culture.

Kingdom of Majapahit
Spoiler :
leader: Hayam Wuruk
UA: Rulers of Nusantara
Cities may spawn unique luxury reasources in adjacent tiles. Enemy naval and embarked units receive combat penalty in your territory based on the distance from your cities. Free mahapatih on Chivalry.
UU: Mahapatih
Replaces :c5greatperson: great general. In addition to great general's abilities, he gives combat bonus to adjacent naval units and may start a :c5goldenage: golden age.
UB: Kris warrior
Slightly stronger then the longswordsman which it replaces (22 :c5strength:). yields :c5culture: culture equal to his level when stationed in a city. starts with a unique promotion.

Alternate elements
Spoiler :
Leader:Gajah Mada
UA: Sumpha Palapa
Receive :c5goldenage: golden age points and :c5culture: culture Upon capturing a city(based on the city's territory). During peace & war times, Receive +1 :c5culture: culture from plantations.

UA: Domination of Indonesia
Cities settled on another continents provide extra gold from trade routes. Receive 75% more :c5gold: gold from demanding tribute, but it reduces :c5influence: influence by 33% more. Each enemy city you own increases :c5influence: influence resting point with :c5citystate: by 3(to a maximum of 24)

UU: Mahapatih
Replaces great admiral. In addition to great admiral's abilities, the mahapatih increases the amount of experience that adjacent units gain from combat, and causes units within two tiles range of him produce :c5greatperson: great general points. Has :c5strength: combat strength, based on :c5science: technologies that you gain.

feddback please! :D
I think it's a shame there's not any Homeric mods. Like Ithica.

Leader: Odysseus
UA: Dunno about the name, but
All naval units have +25% defense and ignore enemy zone of control. Naval units may be expended in a city 20 turns after being built to begin a We Love the King Day.
UU: Not sure about this one. Probably a Trireme replacement.
UB: Also not sure. Urdnott_Scott is the idea man, dammit!
Also not sure. Urdnott_Scott is the idea man, dammit!

Dawhh, you guise. If its worth anything I did draft a Homeric blob civ, involving the Olympics and some city state stuff. Not sure about the UU or UA though, I just like the Stadion :lol: Should probably add a trojan war unique into it, replace the Equetai with a Trojan UU with bonuses for defence or something.

Homeric Greece
Leader: Agamemnon
UA: Proto-Hellenism
Receive +1 :c5greatperson: Great Writer points in the :c5capital: capital for every friendly or allied :c5citystate: city state. Connecting :trade: trade routes to friendly :c5citystate:city states generate an additional +1 :c5gold: gold for every :greatwork: Great Work in the home city and +3 :c5culture: culture if allied.

UU: Stadion (Replaces Colosseum)
The Stadion is much more expensive than the Colosseum it replaces, but comes earlier, at writing. However, the Stadion does not generate any base yield whatsoever. Instead, the Stadion generates :c5happy: +2 happiness and +1 :c5faith: faith whenever a unit is garrisoned in that city. Furthermore, veteran units may 'Compete' in cities with a stadion. This will either grant this unit 1 experience for every allied :c5citystate: city state, trigger a We Love the King Day, boost relations with a random friendly or allied :c5citystate: city state, generate :c5greatperson: Great Writer points or disband the unit. Receive :c5culture: culture whenever this happens.

UB: Equetai (Replaces Horseman)
The Equetai comes slightly earlier than the horseman, at Calendar, rather than Horseback Riding. That said, the Equetai is slightly weaker than the Horseman it replaces. To make up for this, the Equetai increase the yields of the Stadion by 1 :c5happy: happiness and increase the experience of units trained in that city if garrisoned.

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