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Civilization Revolution 2 !!!

Will you buy Civ Rev 2 ?

  • Yes, i have an iPad or an iThing

    Votes: 18 41.9%
  • Yes, but i must buy a iPad or iThing

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • No, i prefer Civ 4 or 5

    Votes: 23 53.5%

  • Total voters


Great Builder of Civs !
Mar 27, 2002
European Union
Will you buy an iPad especially for it ?

I have no iPad since iPad 2 resold for lack of interesting games not freemium...

I'm a true Civfanatics, i'm tempted to buy a iPad especially for Civ Rev 2 :good job:

I loved Civ Rev which gave me more pleasure than Civ 4 BTS...

In Civ Rev i finished all my game while in Civ 4 not...

Civ Rev 2 is Civ Rev ameliorated in the spirit of Great Civ 2, my first Civ !

That's is the question : will you buy Civ Rev 2 ?

Moderator Action: Moved to CivRev forum as this is not related to Civ5.
Buying a worthless tablet just to be playing a watered-down version of Civ? Methinks I'll pass.
I've played Civ rev on my xbox.. it was an ok game with one benefit... fun to watch combat animations. Although I will not buy the 2nd if they ever made one. Its too basic for my tastes XD
But there is another thing I just remembered that I like, barbarians have leaders in that game lol So it was fun to watch them attempt to threaten me.
A fun and warm Civ Rev 1/2 is better than a too complex and cold Civ 4 or 5...

My dream is the fun and warm Civ Rev 1/2 coupled with a complex Civ 4/5...
Civrev 2 is not only for IOS. You can play it on android too, but the release will be later.
I nearly bought an overpriced apple phone once...i went to the apple shop in town with my £500 in hand asked for an over priced apple phone and was told i had to go on a waiting list and it would take 3 weeks to arrive...i pointed out that the phone shop 2 doors down had them for sale and i could walk out the door with one that moment then walked out the overprice product shop and went to buy a Samsung for £200 less as i realised apple are simply a real life version of Cartman-land when Cartman inherits a million dollars and buys a theme park. and i much more impressed with it than i ever was with the over priced apple phones of my friends i got to mess around with.

As all apple products are like their over priced phones i will not be buying an over priced apple product ever, that is before we even get onto a watered down game that runs on it.
Guys...Civ Rev 2 is a mobile game...do you expect deep gameplay from Angry Birds? I don't know if I'll be getting it once it comes to android (but, no, not getting an iPad for it), but I honestly wouldn't want to play Civ 5 on my phone.
No, actually I even prefer Civ I or II to the original Civ Rev. I played the original Civ Rev demo some years ago on the X360 - but the immature, childish presentation was so unbearable it killed the game for me before I could get into it. Totally not my cup of tea...
The poll is incorrect. The game will come on Android soon.
Already have an ipad, so looking forward to playing it.
If my crappy Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini can run it, I will buy the Android version.
Just played a bit of Civ Rev 2 on my iPad, and it's great! Almost identical to the first game gameplay-wise, but it works much better for touch. I believe they're adding more civs as DLC...the price tag ($15) is high, but there's no microtransaction BS to deal with, thankfully.
i have played it, both on my iphone and my ipad. doing it on the ipad is fdefintely more comfortable, though.

but i hate that turns are automatic, there's no prompt telling you what you could build on the first turn, and so on...
I have civrev 1 on my Nokia lumia 925, but it doesn't seem that civrev 2 is bing released on windows mobile. And no I wouldn't buy a tablet for it, my phone is tablety enough.
The price point gave me some hesitation especially with no reviews out in the wild. I decided to trust Firaxis though and make the leap.

First impressions:

Much better UI. Definitely mobile optimized. Once you get used to it, it's quite low-friction to use.
Graphics are better & much more animated. Runs a little choppy on my iPad 3 though.

Now for the important part--gameplay. It's really a tweaked CivRev. Most of the game mechanics that set CivRev apart from the "main" series are intact with few to no changes. So what's new aside from the presentation?

For one, the tech tree is linear. This allows you to advance through the ages rather ridiculously quickly. It got to industrial age without currency. Yea...

Maps are tiny. You'll probably find your first Barbs in 2-3 turns and your first Civ in 5-6. That's not a complaint though, it keeps the tension level quite high.

Overall I would say CivRev 2 is slick & quick. I was able to bang out a complete game (domination victory) before I had to leave for work!

That's exactly what I was looking for.
The question being.. would you buy an iPad just for this?

I think that woudl be silly.

I picked up a cheapo Windows x86 tablet (not Windows RT!), for abot $230 CDN; a Dell Vanue Pro or something. It can run Civ IV just fine (touchscreen is passable), and Civ V pretty well (touch screen enhanced, no less!) .. as well as runing Steam to pull down a fair pile of games (not yet tried Age of Wonders 3, but Warlock 2 is passable.) Not to mention Hearthstone and other games.

So a cheapo Windows x86 tablet is a couple hundred, and affords you many very good games.

An Android and iOS device gets you many mobile games. Personally, I'm a 'serious' gamer, with no free time. But playing mobile games is unsatisfying, so I don't. If I have a minute to play, I pull out the Windows tablet, and fire up Civ while putting babies to bed ;)

... and I was surprised I'd like a Windows tablet, too. But cheap and great for gaming.

I might get it on my 4S knowing that I'll probably get an iPad sometime in the next year and it'll be a nice timekiller to have in my bag. I'd pay twice as much for a 3DS version with one-copy LAN multiplayer, though.
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