Civilization V: Who/What Am I?

Wu Zetain?
International Games?
Drama & Poetry?
William Shakespeare?
Alright, I'm 10-ish days late to the party, so I have no issues with the puzzling being taken over. Internet was scarce in the part I've visited so I couldn't say anything either.

I'll re-ask the question of should I just give out my answer now or keep it open once this one has been guessed?
I'll re-ask the question of should I just give out my answer now or keep it open once this one has been guessed?

The problem with keeping it open is that once the current one has been guessed, that correct guesser gets to start the new round and is under no obligation to cede that privilege, therefore the winner of your contest would have no prize. My vote, therefore, would be to reveal the answer, unless a more creative, yet unconceived solution could be worked out?

EDIT: I suppose there would still be a prize in the form of a score increment, but the other part is still up for debate.

FURTHER EDIT (damn, I'm tired): if the rest of the board went along with it--and I would--I suppose we could have two simultaneous rounds in play, with guessers required to explicitly indicate toward which one they were guessing, and such an arrangement would last until one winner decided not to continue.
Guess I'll continue this puzzle while we sort things out, otherwise we'll have two unfinished riddles. Next clue:

1. Golden Girl

2. Young lovers

3. Scandal

Incidentally, one person has come closer than the rest so far.
Antony and Cleopatra? Does that appear as a great work?
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