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No. And IMO it would be hard for this type of idealists to AND have sufficient funding to drop 1000 or so people on the Moon, AND have the technical knowledge to sustain themself there. ;)
The "other" category could be religious, scientific, or militaristic I suppose.

Also, any of the leaders, especially the businessmen, could have other agendas that include religion. We need backstory for every leader and civ/faction/corporation.
No. And IMO it would be hard for this type of idealists to AND have sufficient funding to drop 1000 or so people on the Moon, AND have the technical knowledge to sustain themself there. ;)

I guess we crossposted. :)

Geo is correct about part of it, but in a lot of sci-fi books I've read there is religion involved high up that controls governments and businesses.

So no overt religion, but there can be religious factors behind their decisions and traits.
Mmm, isn't scientific covered by the ESA and NASA? Probably not if the main reason for a colony is He³ extraction.
In any case, if you want a pure scientific based "civ", use the German-based Max Planck Society. ;)
I've seen scientific outposts of them all over the globe during my travels, so the Moon wouldn't be an exception if they had the means to get there.
Yeah, we have some issues with what each civ is actually doing there Geo. I'm all for renaming them eventually as well, but only after we get some other polish on there first.
Yeah, we have some issues with what each civ is actually doing there Geo. I'm all for renaming them eventually as well, but only after we get some other polish on there first.


Two new leaders added...

You are a machine frenchman! Thanks.

Any other graphics stuff you want to help us with when these are done? :D
You are a machine frenchman! Thanks.

Any other graphics stuff you want to help us with when these are done? :D

Don't you see my avatar?:lol:
I could create new SF era pictures for example, new civics or techs...
For the graphics with transparent slide I have not the sofware and it's the same for 3D units or buildings...
Well, as soon as I get a better version up and running we'd be thrilled if you tried it out and added some new stuff. Our graphics are a year old and most or all buttons are from the web and not the highest quality.

Don't make Geo beg! ;)

I have added 3 new leaders... I think these are the last ones needed...

Thanks frenchman! I was waiting for these before putting out v0.24. You're the best! :goodjob:
If anyone playing the game with these new LHs has any ideas for backstory let me know. The gender has been altered on some and seeing the faces and background might jog someone's brain into writing up a cool story for the leaders.
If anyone playing the game with these new LHs has any ideas for backstory let me know. The gender has been altered on some and seeing the faces and background might jog someone's brain into writing up a cool story for the leaders.

I have finally come back to this mod and found version 0.24 is released.


summary of civ trait changes from version 0.23a to 0.24 -

Spoiler :

the 'special' civics have been eliminated (no more Genetic Screening for now), and the three charter civics are now user selectable instead of fixed.

three of the current eleven civ traits are missing (not coded yet) because the intent is for them to be a designed form of the charter civic. presumably when coded the charter civic will disappear.

unlike the previous version now each civ only has one leader. in that Unique Units for each civ have not been defined, one civ per leader makes sense for now.

Felicity and Hera, my two favorite leaders from the past version of SotM are gone.

civ traits are found like in vanilla Civ 4 by hovering over the leader at game start up or in the Civilopedia. unfortunately only two traits can be read in a hover text. see list below for missing civ trait descriptions. I have indicated how many of the 12 current civ leaders have each of the eleven civ traits



Spoiler :

2 Aggressive - free initial combat promotions, faster GPP

3 Creative - faster GPP, more coin & culture

4 Diplomatic - faster Wonders, more coin & beakers

4 Economic - missing, intended to become third civ trait

2 Expansive - more health & culture, faster water reclamator

3 Industrious - faster Wonders, more hammers, faster mfg plants

3 Independent - missing, intended to become third civ trait (should be 4, not 3)

1 Organized - less anarchy, reduced civic upkeep, faster mission control

4 Philosophical - faster GPP, more beakers

5 Populist - more health & food

5 Scientific - missing, intended to become third civ trait (should be 4, not 5)

36 traits total for 12 leaders, 3 per leader


Cassidy Bateman - Aggressive, Industrious, Economic

Francoise Renaudot - Aggressive, Philosophical, Economic

Gerard Soubriet - Expansive, Industrious, Scientific

Gerhardt Koln - Creative, Populist, Independent

Howard Anderson - Creative, Diplomatic, Scientific

Indira Nappan - Diplomatic, Populist, Scientific

Mikhail Roshenkho - Industrious, Populist, Independent

Sherman Mbeki - Creative, Expansive, Economic

Shiran al-Haran - Diplomatic, Populist, Scientific

Shuntaro Yasimoto - Philosophical, Populist, Scientific

Susan B. Edwards - Diplomatic, Philosophical, Independent

Yi Wei Tan - Organized, Philosophical, Economic


the distribution of civ traits is not balanced, some of the civ traits have overlapping properties, and not all the traits help create a specific building faster.


regarding the number of civs to be created -

Spoiler :

if a new master heading in the civilopedia can be created for civ traits, then each civ can have more than two traits since the mod player could then within the game itself find all the civ trait descriptions. however at game start only two civ traits would display in the hover text so having more than two civ traits would additionally force a nonstandard game start that lists all the trait descriptions so an intelligent choice of leader can be made.

personally I find from other mods that giving a civ leader more than two civ traits is conceding that one of the two traits is much weaker than the other civ trait. hence the best solution give the game's current ability to display two civ traits in hover text is to give each civ only two civ traits, and in addition to have all the civ traits balanced so none is obviously weaker or stronger than the others.

assume each civ is given two civ traits (repeating my analysis from post 21) -

with 6 civ traits this would mean (6 x 5) / 2 or 15 different possible civs.

in that we already have 11 leaders, this would involve reducing the civ trait list from 11 to 6 and adding four more leaders.

I personally think it is quite limiting to not allow the player to select which combo of civ traits they prefer to play with by artifically limiting the total number of civs/leaders available. limiting the number of possible playable civs in effect says to the player that the traits are so unbalanced that some of the civ trait combos must be rejected.
The third trait for each leader (Scientific, Economic, or Independent) was originally meant to be a special trait which were meant to represent dramatic differences between the three groups that when to colonize the moon. The original plan was to have trait specific buildings, techs, and units as well as vary the effects of buildings, etc. depending which of these three traits your civ was.

We actually had the python coding and everything set up for this to work except we have now yet designed the tech tree, etc. for each trait yet. in version 0.24 all this was almost completely removed except the trait itself which now does nothing.

I think we should drop the third trait idea for now and then pick it up again for version 2 of this mod as it is a wonderful idea but would take alot of work to design and balance.
I think we should drop the third trait idea for now and then pick it up again for version 2 of this mod as it is a wonderful idea but would take alot of work to design and balance.

I agree. :goodjob:
Graphically speaking, this will make a faction's intro screen make less cluttered. I think if we're going for three traits again later on, we will have to widen this intro screen.
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