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CivRev Demo Announced; New Preview at 1UP


Retired Moderator
Jul 23, 2004
Red Sox Nation
In this very exciting time leading up to Civilization Revolution's launch, there is even more good news: the demo is slated to be released this Thursday, June 5th, according to a Gamespot blog post. The demo, for both single player and multiplayer, will take up just over 1 GB of space, and will be available through Xbox Live and PlayStation Network (note: the European PSN version will be slightly delayed). Similar to Civ4's limited demo, the CivRev demo will allow you to play either as Rome, led by Julius Caesar, or Egypt, led by Cleopatra, up until the year 1250 AD. There will also be a tutorial. Be sure to read the Gamespot post for more details about specific timing and contents.

Additionally, there was a new preview today from 1UP focusing on the transition of the Civilization series to consoles.
Maybe most surprising is just how smoothly and intuitively the game runs with a console controller. All the default mappings make absolute sense, with nothing more than a button press or two away...Ten minutes into a game, you're never going to question whether turn-based strategy games can work on a console -- it's that well done.

The international release of Civilization Revolution is not too far off now!
Cool just wish I get my 360 soon:)
I've searched in PSN and found nothing. Gamespot says that it will arrive when PSN updates during the day. But when will that happen?:wallbash: :gripe:
Gah--PSN needs to update NOW :(
Its up on Xbox live and I played it for about twenty minutes. It's fun, but I found myself wanting to play Civ 4, so here I am back on the computer. I hope it does well and draws a whole new audience into Civ 5
You have to have XBOX live to download it today, otherwise we have to wait a couple of days.

When does the PSN network go online????
Let me guess it'll magically get fixed the day Microsoft releases it for their non-gold members.

Why would you lie to us Sid, why would you lie...
I don't know about Australia, but the release in Europe has been delayed.
The original release day was today, 6 june, but it's delayed to the 20 june...

Its up on Xbox live and I played it for about twenty minutes. It's fun, but I found myself wanting to play Civ 4, so here I am back on the computer. I hope it does well and draws a whole new audience into Civ 5

I must say I agree- I played the demo all the way through to 1250AD or whenever it cuts you off. It's not a bad game, the graphics are pretty good, and there are a number of improvements from Civ IV- combining units to create armies, visibly different barbarian factions, different art for every civ, etc. But it took me a while to figure out why I wasn't researching anything- at the start there seems to be a choice between either creating units/buildings OR researching new techs. And while the advisors add a bit of character to the game, they popped up far too often to tell me things, that as someone who already played Civ, didn't need to hear.

I also felt it went far too quickly- I know it's supposed to have been made shorter for the consoles, but it gave me the feeling I got when playing Civ IV on anything other than Epic or Marathon- early eras are passed too quickly, and those civs with early UU's have to try to conquer very quickly if they want to use them.

Still, ont he whole it's not bad, I will certainly play through the demo again, but I'm not sure if it's worth buying if you already play Civ IV...
I liked it a lot. I was initially very hesitant about this game, but the demo has sold me. I like that the graphics and gameplay are a tweaked version of Civ IV, and I really appreciated the gameplay improvements to speed up the game like auto-building roads and getting a freebie every time you researched something first. Balance seems a bit off, but that doesn't concern me as much on a console.

I'll be buying this on day one.
I played briefly this morning. It's a little weird at first, but overall I think I like it a lot.
They did a great job with the interface, and I can't wait to find all thelittle nooks and crannies.
I do miss micromanaging my population, but I really like hacking up blowdart throwers.
I must say I agree- I played the demo all the way through to 1250AD or whenever it cuts you off. It's not a bad game, the graphics are pretty good, and there are a number of improvements from Civ IV- combining units to create armies, visibly different barbarian factions, different art for every civ, etc. But it took me a while to figure out why I wasn't researching anything- at the start there seems to be a choice between either creating units/buildings OR researching new techs. And while the advisors add a bit of character to the game, they popped up far too often to tell me things, that as someone who already played Civ, didn't need to hear.

I also felt it went far too quickly- I know it's supposed to have been made shorter for the consoles, but it gave me the feeling I got when playing Civ IV on anything other than Epic or Marathon- early eras are passed too quickly, and those civs with early UU's have to try to conquer very quickly if they want to use them.

Still, ont he whole it's not bad, I will certainly play through the demo again, but I'm not sure if it's worth buying if you already play Civ IV...

I felt the same way after playing the demo. I think this is more of a rental for me. It's definitely not bad by any means. They did very well creating a usable interface. The problem is I've played Civ 4 for years and Civ Rev just doesn't carry the level of detail I loved about Civ 4. I understand that one their goals was to streamline for the console and that's fine. It executed that nicely but it does not appeal to my play style.

Then again this is just the demo. The retail version could still be loads of fun.
Since I'm a casual player who gets stuck on the Chieftain level on Civ4, the ps3 version is great for me.

The demo is such a freaking tease... The going was good then boom! crappy movie, game over. Grrr can't wait for the real thing!
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