Welcome you Civfanatics! 
This Mod for Beyond the Sword adds many Civilisations, Leaders, Units, Buildings, Wonders, Ressources etc, improves various Aspects like beautiful Graphics or Ethnical Artstyles and also adds some small but fine things like the Inquisition. The most is mixed from various stuff found on Civfanatics or in the german Civforum. Unfortunately I have no clue at all about Python and SDK (and no real time to learn it), therefore I have to call for help in this case (In fact I did not so until now). Maybe somebody of the great modders here would be able to help me improving this mod, so it gets better and more interesting.
My first two tries were for Vanilla and Warlords, but due to the fact BtS was released, I didn't updated them. Now they are just a memory. In BtS I tried it the third time and improved it ever and ever all the years and I also posted actualized versions of the mod. But there is the real life and the fact I'm alone on making this mod, so updating takes a little bit longer.
CivSuper Expanded
Actual Version
Compatible with BtS 3.19!!
For interested People the history of this Mod:
"CivSuper I" (Vanilla)
CivSuper II (Warlords)"
"CivSuper III v0,5" (17.3.2008):
Size: 80,7 MB
The Features:
- New Terrain- und Leaderheadgraphics from the Improved Graphics Mod (thanks to Chuggi)
- 2 New Unitstyles (African, Arabian) from the Ethnically Diverse Units (thanks to Rabbit White)
- 3 New Citystyles (Africa, Middle East, Mesoamerica) from Rhye's and Fall of Civilization (thanks to Rhye)
- 1 New Mapscript (Perfect World) (thanks to Cephalo)
- New pictures on Era-changes from the GreenMod (thanks to MasterLexx)
- Culturally Linked Starts (thanks to Jean Elcard)
- 1 New Feature (Volcano) (thanks to Fierabras)
- Inquisition (inkl. Religious Victory) from the Inquisitor-Mod (thanks to bmarnz & Orion)
- 4 new "normal" units (AEGIS-Cruiser, Biplane, Jetbomber, MarkV-Tank) from the LostUnits-Mod (thanks to Frontbrecher)
- Gunship can now move on ocean and mountains
- 3 old Wonders and 1 old Building renamed
- 3 old Civs renamed
- 9 "normal" new Ressources (Lemon, Potatoe, Pearls, Cotton, Sulphur, Cannabis, Salt, Coffee, Tobacco) from the GreenMod (thanks to MasterLexx)
- 3 new Wonders, whicht grant new Resources (Tsukiji Fishmarket -> Tuna, Gutenbergs Printshop -> Books, Wembleystadium -> Footballevents) from LostWonders-MOD and Rhye's and Fall (thanks to Frontbrecher & Rhye)
- 1 new Wonder, which "produces" a unit (King Richards Crusade -> Crusader)
- Further 18 Worldwonders (Trafalgar Square, Brandenburg Gate, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Burj al Arab, Machu Picchu, Leonardos Workshop, Copernicus Observatory, Flavian Amphitheatre, Sydney Operahouse, Great Mosque of Djenné, Himeji Samurai Castle, Topkapi-Palace, Theory of Evolution, Universal Suffrage, Cure of Cancer, The Leaning Tower, Sphinx, Terracotta-Army) (thanks to tsentom1, Frontbrecher, asioasioasio, GIR, Hrochland & Rhye)
"CivSuper III v1,0"
Size: 344 MB
Features (in short):
2nd UUs for all Civs
Over 30 New Leaders (with 3D-Leaderheads mainly from Ekmek)
and finally 12 interesting new Civs (Austria, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Serbia, Ukraine, Benin, Polynesia, Israel, Cherokee, Iroquois, Hittites)
CivSuper Expanded
Compatible with BtS 3.19!!
- Parts of Varietas Delictat and complete Cultural CityStyles
- Some UUs and UBs changed
- Leonardos Workshop grants only reduction of upgrading costs
- Crusades cheaper and earlier available
- New 3D-LHs, better graphics for some UUs and UBs
- Sulphur completly deleted, cause there is no sense, when it is needed for Gunpowderunits
- Neutral names f. national wonders
- NextWar Units and Technologies incorporated
- fixed many minor bugs
Update 8.11.2014:
Size: 497,82 MB
- Real Always War und Real One City Challenge
- Citylist Iroquois improved
- UU Hungary SMS Tegetthoff by Lovasijász replaced
- UU India Maurya-Elephant by Siegeelephant replaced
- Flags Hittites, England, Spain, Hungary changed
- Ukraine deleted
- Austria, Holy Romans and Prussia united to Germany (Hauptstadt Regensburg)
- Karl V. (Carlos I.) now spanish and Charlemagne now french
- Ottomans are now named Turks
- New LHs like Atatürk, Tamerlan od. Hongwu
- Berbers, Indonesia, Siam, Songhai, Vietnam, Kongo, Brazil added, some old LHs sacrified (50 Civs now available)
- Improved Worldbuilder from Platyping
- Every LH now his own Charakter
- Buttons adjusted to the colours of the Civs
- New Wonder Alhambra
- The_Js „Starting Positions-Mod“ and most of the maps from there + some additional Maps adjusted to this mod's Civs
- My own Map of Europe adjusted and one time available with starting positions by The_J and one time as a scenario with 24 preplaced Civs
Languages: German & English
Installation: Unzip the file into ...My Games/Beyond the Sword/MODs, then start the game and choose load a Mod and select CivSuper Expanded. Have Fun.
If you want to initially load the Mod:
Open at the filepath ../My Games/Beyond the Sword the INI-Data and go to this line:
; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none
change "Mod = 0" easily to "Mod = Mods\CivSuper Expanded"
The german thread
You can critize me or the Mod and if you found Bugs, please report me, so I can maybe fix them.
Ideas are always welcome. :app:
Finally the credits:
AlazkanAssassin, ambrox62, Amra, Anima Croatorum, Aranor, Arne, asioasioasio, avain, Bakuel, Baschdi, bernie14, bmarnz, caesium, cephalo,, cfkane, Chamaedrys, charle88, Chugginator, CivArmy s. 1994, cool3a2, C. Roland, Cybah, cybrxkhan, Danieldej, danrell, darkstyx, Dead-Eye, dutchking, Ekmek, Erpelos, esnaz, fk2006, Fierabras, Frontbrecher, GarretSidzaka, GeneralMatt, Geomodder, gigaz, GIR, Head Serf, hrochland, Iloveplayciv, Jean Elcard, johny smith, JustATourist, Kao'Chai, kipkhumi, kodzi, Magic66, Master Lexx, Methyl Orange, Moritz, mourndraken, Niessuh, Niknaks93, Notarzt, Orion, platyping, psob2, Pyrlix, Rabbit White, refar, Rhye, Rob-Art1985, RulerOfDaPeople, Sakhr, Sangeli, saschkin, Seasnake, sepamu92, Sevo, seZereth, snipperrabbit!!, -sr, strategyonly, Swarog, Sword of Geddon, The Capo, The Coyote, The_J, TheLastOne36, TheLopez, The Navy Seal, tsentom1, Walter Hawkwood, wolfshanze, woodelf, xyth, Wyz sub10, Zerver
Hopefully I didn't forgot somebody (then tell me, I will update the list)

This Mod for Beyond the Sword adds many Civilisations, Leaders, Units, Buildings, Wonders, Ressources etc, improves various Aspects like beautiful Graphics or Ethnical Artstyles and also adds some small but fine things like the Inquisition. The most is mixed from various stuff found on Civfanatics or in the german Civforum. Unfortunately I have no clue at all about Python and SDK (and no real time to learn it), therefore I have to call for help in this case (In fact I did not so until now). Maybe somebody of the great modders here would be able to help me improving this mod, so it gets better and more interesting.
My first two tries were for Vanilla and Warlords, but due to the fact BtS was released, I didn't updated them. Now they are just a memory. In BtS I tried it the third time and improved it ever and ever all the years and I also posted actualized versions of the mod. But there is the real life and the fact I'm alone on making this mod, so updating takes a little bit longer.

CivSuper Expanded
Actual Version
Compatible with BtS 3.19!!
For interested People the history of this Mod:
Spoiler :
"CivSuper I" (Vanilla)
CivSuper II (Warlords)"
"CivSuper III v0,5" (17.3.2008):
Size: 80,7 MB
The Features:
- New Terrain- und Leaderheadgraphics from the Improved Graphics Mod (thanks to Chuggi)
- 2 New Unitstyles (African, Arabian) from the Ethnically Diverse Units (thanks to Rabbit White)
- 3 New Citystyles (Africa, Middle East, Mesoamerica) from Rhye's and Fall of Civilization (thanks to Rhye)
- 1 New Mapscript (Perfect World) (thanks to Cephalo)
- New pictures on Era-changes from the GreenMod (thanks to MasterLexx)
- Culturally Linked Starts (thanks to Jean Elcard)
- 1 New Feature (Volcano) (thanks to Fierabras)
- Inquisition (inkl. Religious Victory) from the Inquisitor-Mod (thanks to bmarnz & Orion)
- 4 new "normal" units (AEGIS-Cruiser, Biplane, Jetbomber, MarkV-Tank) from the LostUnits-Mod (thanks to Frontbrecher)
- Gunship can now move on ocean and mountains
- 3 old Wonders and 1 old Building renamed
- 3 old Civs renamed
- 9 "normal" new Ressources (Lemon, Potatoe, Pearls, Cotton, Sulphur, Cannabis, Salt, Coffee, Tobacco) from the GreenMod (thanks to MasterLexx)
- 3 new Wonders, whicht grant new Resources (Tsukiji Fishmarket -> Tuna, Gutenbergs Printshop -> Books, Wembleystadium -> Footballevents) from LostWonders-MOD and Rhye's and Fall (thanks to Frontbrecher & Rhye)
- 1 new Wonder, which "produces" a unit (King Richards Crusade -> Crusader)
- Further 18 Worldwonders (Trafalgar Square, Brandenburg Gate, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Burj al Arab, Machu Picchu, Leonardos Workshop, Copernicus Observatory, Flavian Amphitheatre, Sydney Operahouse, Great Mosque of Djenné, Himeji Samurai Castle, Topkapi-Palace, Theory of Evolution, Universal Suffrage, Cure of Cancer, The Leaning Tower, Sphinx, Terracotta-Army) (thanks to tsentom1, Frontbrecher, asioasioasio, GIR, Hrochland & Rhye)
"CivSuper III v1,0"
Size: 344 MB
Features (in short):
2nd UUs for all Civs
Over 30 New Leaders (with 3D-Leaderheads mainly from Ekmek)
and finally 12 interesting new Civs (Austria, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Serbia, Ukraine, Benin, Polynesia, Israel, Cherokee, Iroquois, Hittites)
CivSuper Expanded
Compatible with BtS 3.19!!
- Parts of Varietas Delictat and complete Cultural CityStyles
- Some UUs and UBs changed
- Leonardos Workshop grants only reduction of upgrading costs
- Crusades cheaper and earlier available
- New 3D-LHs, better graphics for some UUs and UBs
- Sulphur completly deleted, cause there is no sense, when it is needed for Gunpowderunits
- Neutral names f. national wonders
- NextWar Units and Technologies incorporated
- fixed many minor bugs
Update 8.11.2014:
Size: 497,82 MB
- Real Always War und Real One City Challenge
- Citylist Iroquois improved
- UU Hungary SMS Tegetthoff by Lovasijász replaced
- UU India Maurya-Elephant by Siegeelephant replaced
- Flags Hittites, England, Spain, Hungary changed
- Ukraine deleted
- Austria, Holy Romans and Prussia united to Germany (Hauptstadt Regensburg)
- Karl V. (Carlos I.) now spanish and Charlemagne now french
- Ottomans are now named Turks
- New LHs like Atatürk, Tamerlan od. Hongwu
- Berbers, Indonesia, Siam, Songhai, Vietnam, Kongo, Brazil added, some old LHs sacrified (50 Civs now available)
- Improved Worldbuilder from Platyping
- Every LH now his own Charakter
- Buttons adjusted to the colours of the Civs
- New Wonder Alhambra
- The_Js „Starting Positions-Mod“ and most of the maps from there + some additional Maps adjusted to this mod's Civs
- My own Map of Europe adjusted and one time available with starting positions by The_J and one time as a scenario with 24 preplaced Civs
Languages: German & English
Installation: Unzip the file into ...My Games/Beyond the Sword/MODs, then start the game and choose load a Mod and select CivSuper Expanded. Have Fun.

If you want to initially load the Mod:
Open at the filepath ../My Games/Beyond the Sword the INI-Data and go to this line:
; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none
change "Mod = 0" easily to "Mod = Mods\CivSuper Expanded"
The german thread
You can critize me or the Mod and if you found Bugs, please report me, so I can maybe fix them.

Ideas are always welcome. :app:
Finally the credits:
AlazkanAssassin, ambrox62, Amra, Anima Croatorum, Aranor, Arne, asioasioasio, avain, Bakuel, Baschdi, bernie14, bmarnz, caesium, cephalo,, cfkane, Chamaedrys, charle88, Chugginator, CivArmy s. 1994, cool3a2, C. Roland, Cybah, cybrxkhan, Danieldej, danrell, darkstyx, Dead-Eye, dutchking, Ekmek, Erpelos, esnaz, fk2006, Fierabras, Frontbrecher, GarretSidzaka, GeneralMatt, Geomodder, gigaz, GIR, Head Serf, hrochland, Iloveplayciv, Jean Elcard, johny smith, JustATourist, Kao'Chai, kipkhumi, kodzi, Magic66, Master Lexx, Methyl Orange, Moritz, mourndraken, Niessuh, Niknaks93, Notarzt, Orion, platyping, psob2, Pyrlix, Rabbit White, refar, Rhye, Rob-Art1985, RulerOfDaPeople, Sakhr, Sangeli, saschkin, Seasnake, sepamu92, Sevo, seZereth, snipperrabbit!!, -sr, strategyonly, Swarog, Sword of Geddon, The Capo, The Coyote, The_J, TheLastOne36, TheLopez, The Navy Seal, tsentom1, Walter Hawkwood, wolfshanze, woodelf, xyth, Wyz sub10, Zerver
Hopefully I didn't forgot somebody (then tell me, I will update the list)