Co-Optimus preview


Jun 13, 2005
Göteborg, Sweden

Nothing new really except perhaps;
"Instead Firaxis is focusing on terrain and tactical bonuses for all units. Hills, mountains, and other terrains will once again apply bonuses to your attack and defense, but the surrounding units will also apply a bonus to your units."

It could be new info from PAX. It would make the tactical positioning of your army more important and I like that.

Another preview from PAX, some info about the new interface and they mention september as a decided release date

"For example, the user interface has been streamlined, with each unit possessing a primary function menu, which is on-screen when that unit is selected, and a secondary menu for less frequently used functions, which only appears when toggled on. To increase user control, research and technology advancements don’t automatically occur. Instead they pile up in a queue once they’re available, and can be activated at the user’s discretion. "
My suggestion is that you can decide when you want to use a new technology.
Kind of like in Civ IV where you can't build Ironclads once you can build Destroyers. But maybe you want to keep producing Ironclads so you can decide when you want to switch to the new technology.

Just my interpretation. It's the only thing that makes sense from the explanation.

When reading the whole thing in context it might just be very clumsy wording for the new interface changes, where events, like Research Complete will not have a pop up, but instead a little icon on the side of the screen. So your research is only truly complete once you click on that little icon and process the event.
All I think it means is that, once you discover a technology, instead of bringing up a window asking what you want to research next, there's a icon on the side/top of the screen that you click on at the end of your turn -- or whenever you want to during the turn -- to choose what technology you want to research next.
"For example, the user interface has been streamlined, with each unit possessing a primary function menu, which is on-screen when that unit is selected, and a secondary menu for less frequently used functions, which only appears when toggled on.

So, is this like Civ 3? When you select a unit the primary functions (or in Civ 3 case, all functions can be shown) appear on the screen which you can easily click. I would assume most will use hotkeys for common actions anyways.

To increase user control, research and technology advancements don’t automatically occur. Instead they pile up in a queue once they’re available, and can be activated at the user’s discretion. "

It sounds like you were spot on... You could I suppose go through the whole game without ever activating any techs. That is interesting, and I think it is good... Many times being forced to more expensive units during a war is sometimes a bad thing. Stopping research to avoid things like this is no good either. I like this.
Sounds good to me. ^^

The release of technology and inventions when you want them to is pretty cool.

Perhaps you can stave off obsoleting something for awhile like researching Scientific method but delaying its effects until you build a few more monasteries for example.

Sid working as a programmer sounds good too. :D
Surrounding units applying a bonus... that is something I was thinking might happen.

Hopefully it will work with a Your units surrounding the Enemy unit provides a bonus to Your units.

So there can be a Flanking/Surrounded bonus.

And I think it is just a way of "delaying getting Scientific Method"

So if it renders something obsolete, you can 'hang onto it'

Essentially its just a way of stopping 1 turn before the tech is done, but making it easier to do is good.

I wonder if you could "skip" ie Research Sci Mthod... Not apply it, then go on to research Communism and apply that. (it might be possible.)

That way you could have early techs that you just Didn't implement... so you could have Banks but still be pumping out Chariots.
I don't understand the second part. How do you interpret it?

In some old wargames, adjacent units could support an attack or defense and lend a portion of their strength to the points of the defending/attacking unit. That's what that sounds like, to me.

Each supporting unit might add a straight value - 1 pt for each adjacent friendly, for instance - or it might be a ratio of their combat value - add 1/4 of the combat value of each adjacent friendly, for instance.

To give an example of the simpler system (the first one), let's say you have a unit with a defense or attack of 4. He has one friendly unit to his side and another to his rear, that's 2 points, now he has a combat value of 6.

Defenders would probably add units that are adjacent to them; attackers would probably add units that are adjacent to the target. So if you are surrounded on all sides you will be in serious trouble, probably.
I don't understand the second part. How do you interpret it?

I think what it means is that you don't automatically get announcements for things like finishing a tech. It just goes into something like an answering machine, and you can check it when you feel like doing so.
Didn't one of the previews mention how one side stopped the other by guarding a mountain pass and putting archers behind it?
So we have new resources and Sid Meier will be a programmer on civ5.

I think I misread the gamerspot article : it says Sid Meier was a programmer on CivRev, so nothing new.
It sounds like you were spot on... You could I suppose go through the whole game without ever activating any techs. That is interesting, and I think it is good... Many times being forced to more expensive units during a war is sometimes a bad thing. Stopping research to avoid things like this is no good either. I like this.

It certainly does not mean that you can delay your inventions... you just don´t get an instant pop up at the start of the turn saying I´m finished. It´s like rome total war, little icons on the side appear each turn, each with some news and one of them will tell you that your scientist have discovered something.
I think so also, it is just so that you can do things in your own time instead of getting a pop-up, but I wonder if you need to do all the pop-ups before your turn is over (or some of them at least)
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