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Coal Scarce

Howard Mahler

Since Civ 1
Dec 7, 2003
I have been playing a number of games on Standard Size Pangea Map.
Typically there are only 4 to 6 coal on the whole map, this is fewer than one per civ.

In my current game there are only 3 coal on the whole map (for the 7 remaining civs.)

I seem to remember coal being more common in Beyond the Sword.

Are other people noticing the same thing?

Is this intentional?
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Not intentional, I've set it to place at least 1 coal per civ. HR has a lot of resources though and sometimes placement goes a bit awry. The occasional game like that is fine, but if it's a regular occurrence I'll definitely make some adjustments.

EDIT: Have made one such adjustment for 1.25: Coal frequency on land was set too low and it isn't able to appear on water like Gas and Oil can (these all share placement priority).
Not intentional, I've set it to place at least 1 coal per civ. HR has a lot of resources though and sometimes placement goes a bit awry. The occasional game like that is fine, but if it's a regular occurrence I'll definitely make some adjustments.

EDIT: Have made one such adjustment for 1.25: Coal frequency on land was set too low and it isn't able to appear on water like Gas and Oil can (these all share placement priority).


F.Y.I. In my games, Saltpeter seems to be about twice as prevalent as Coal.
Saltpeter about 1 per civ on average, and Coal about 1/2 per civ on average.
F.Y.I. In my games, Saltpeter seems to be about twice as prevalent as Coal.
Saltpeter about 1 per civ on average, and Coal about 1/2 per civ on average.

Saltpeter is in the highest priority placement category (as is Iron) since it would disrupt balance considerably if there weren't enough.
I have seen the scarcity of coal in my games of HR, too. For example, just in the 20th Century, there are a number of examples where several countries had a LOT of coal: Great Britain, Germany (the Saar region), and the Ukraine (the Donets Basin region), Russia (Siberia), and the U.S. (in Appalachia). I join Howard Mahler asking for more Coal resources to be automatically placed in the game.
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There've been a number of tweaks to resource placement in 1.25, including for Coal.
Thanks. On a lark, I went to HR and using the World Builder I checked half a dozen different game maps. I found a serious lack of Corn, Wheat, and Rice resources across all of the maps. There should be way more of them and I also suggest that when they do appear, two or three of them should appear next to or close to each other, as these types of plants did not tend to develop in discrete places and have a tendency to quickly spread over large areas (I grew up on a farm).
Thanks. On a lark, I went to HR and using the World Builder I checked half a dozen different game maps. I found a serious lack of Corn, Wheat, and Rice resources across all of the maps. There should be way more of them and I also suggest that when they do appear, two or three of them should appear next to or close to each other, as these types of plants did not tend to develop in discrete places and have a tendency to quickly spread over large areas (I grew up on a farm).

I presume this was on 1.24. See how it is in 1.25, but bear in mind that resource distribution can vary pretty wildly even with the same settings. Side effect of having so many different resources.
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