Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs

Some seriously great pieces here. Thanks guys. Anything for Malaysia however?

Anyway - we have a bit of a surprise thanks to the help of Sasquatch coming later today!

A Sasquatch event?
Hint: it's not lions, but it's been a long time coming.

Anyone who can guess what it is gets a pre-release build of the Cree.
He's lying! It's lions! And if it's not lions, it's something to do with South Africa... Africa... Africa has lions... LIONS! Kidding, it's Zimbabwe.
I was expecting someone to use the Tuskarr from Warcraft.
Christ, that's terrifying. Anyway -

Hint: There's a famous drink ethnic to this country that sounds oddly like the chorus to this song:

Link to video.
Cat Empire? That can only mean... Pridelands confirmed

Seriously though, Cuba so soon?
Hint #1 - Long time coming, but not lions
Hint #2 - See video above; ethnic drink sounds like song chorus
Hint #3 - What are those animals? Caribou? No wait, that's not how it's spelt.
I'll let you know if somebody gets it. But for now, let's keep dropping hits.

Hint #4 - Screw bricks, check out what the ocean has to offer!
As the one and only Sasquatch, allow me to announce that even I don't know what it is I'm helping out with.
Hint #5 - If you work upon the sea, chances are you're from here? 0.33
Not sure if it goes with any of the hints but we've been expecting the Cree. And Zapotec.
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