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Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs

so no one going to answer me? ok then

Here's the internal Neirai schedule:

1) Get the Wabanaki, Beothuk, Anishinaabe, and Salish to the point where I can sit around waiting for art assets (45% done.)

2) Make Decisions for all of the CL civs that don't have them yet.
Decisions has pretty much become the "Fan X-Pack" as far as I'm concerned, and I'm horrified that civs like Canada and the Dene don't have support. But all things in time.

1b) Finish those 4 civs, since they all finally got art assets (this may never happen ;) )

3) At some point in here (hopefully here) my wife should give birth. This will crush all this schedule into nothingness, but hey.

4) Build other CL civs. Malaysia goes here.
As a community, we need to help each other rather than sit around and complain if we actually want all of these civs to be done. We can't rely on a dozen people to produce and maintain 100 extra civs and mods.
As a community, we need to help each other rather than sit around and complain if we actually want all of these civs to be done. We can't rely on a dozen people to produce and maintain 100 extra civs and mods.

asking and complaining are two different things.
Also, you are right. We can rely on JFD to produce 50, and on the 11 other for the extra 50 civs. :lol:
As a community, we need to help each other rather than sit around and complain if we actually want all of these civs to be done. We can't rely on a dozen people to produce and maintain 100 extra civs and mods.

As a community, we need to help each other rather than sit around and complain if we actually want all of these civs to be done. We can't rely on a dozen people to produce and maintain 100 extra civs and mods.


We can rely on JFD to produce 50, and on the 11 other for the extra 50 civs. :lol:

And also this.
Maintaining Civs is really the hard part. I could grunt out 200 civs if I didn't care about quality or compatibility.

How JFD does it, I don't know.

*In before JFD appears and says "I build them right the first time" since this is clearly his secret.*
asking and complaining are two different things.
Also, you are right. We can rely on JFD to produce 50, and on the 11 other for the extra 50 civs. :lol:

Once you produce a mod, i think you can say that asking and complaining are different. I don't agree, people repeatedly saying "Wheres this mod? why hasn't this mod been made? why didn't you make this the UA? i think it should be this!" are complaints and i personally find it annoying.

But its personal opinion, and i have a short temper so you can ignore me.
How JFD does it, I don't know.

*In before JFD appears and says "I build them right the first time" since this is clearly his secret.*

Hah. Hahahahahhahahhahahahhahahha. I wish :p

Spoiler :

Lithuania, HRE, and Normandy says hi :D
I must say becoming a modder has given me unique insight. Some mods are stuck on art others are constantly being redesigned for maximum replayability and then there are those 4 civ on my to-do list that are stuck in testing because that one aspect just doesn't seem good enough :lol:
Hah. Hahahahahhahahhahahahhahahha. I wish :p

Spoiler :

Lithuania, HRE, and Normandy says hi :D

Ah Lithuania, I patiently wait for the day of its glorious return, however long that will take :lol:
Well, it's not like any of them you can add support for yourself with a couple of lines of of XML, except, well, most of them. As tarcisiocm says, E&D is probably the one that takes the most time.

Feel free to step up to the plate and implement such things. It helps to be proactive in this sense rather than lament on our perceived laziness.
i wasnt rude i merely commented that no one was going to answer my question & id accept that & moved on

As one of the people you were being rude to... I, er, beg to differ on that one, bucko. But let me answer that question for you in the form of a haiku:

The gilded tiger
Reaches with a lazy claw
Past the assembled

You have three days to interpret. Start now.
i wasnt trying to be rude, but I accept that I made some people uncomfortable and so apologise and will try not to hurry you guys; you produce great content for free and so its the least I can do to offer you the liberty of time.

p.s i will try and use quotes next time so that deciphering my replies is a bit less like a game of cluedo.

On the subject (as it snowballs out of control) of how offended I am or am not with repeated requests for schedules, updates, compatibility, etc.,

All of the members of the Colonialist Legacies team are volunteers. Nobody's getting paid for this yet.

I personally have a full-time job, a wife, and a child on the way. I'm also in the middle of changing jobs (thank God!) and also looking for a new place to move to because where I'm living now literally doesn't have the space for an infant.

Civ modding takes a lower priority than all of the above.

As for why we're so prickly around here, we're trying desperately to keep on top of the Civ Modding charts (read: below Sukritact and JFD) and yet also keep moving forward. We get frustrated easily because we're overworking ourselves (at least in my case it's almost like I have two jobs, one that I work whenever I should be having time off) and because we are all honestly doing a much worse job at this than what we'd like to be doing.

(e.g., I'd really like to already have the Anishinaabe out. And Malaysia for that matter. And South Africa. And all of the civs having Decisions. This actually really bothers me.)

When someone comes around a pokes us and asks us why we haven't achieved much more than we have, we tend to be growlly angry bears. Or rather, grumpy overworked Walri.

All in all, we're actually really chill and don't hate anyone, but we'd really love it if incoming requests sounded a lot more like "how can I help?" than "how come this isn't done?"

On that note, I'm actively (okay, really passively) looking for good artists, 3d modellers, and people that are willing to do mod compatibility upkeep.
Click here because linking images isn't working today. :p

FYI, the colors are there because that way I can see what I'm doing.

Also, the text will be added soon.

This is for the Anishinaabe.

I just realised today that I could change offsets and anchors in Firetuner, instead of having to quite the game every time I needed to adjust a tiny piece of the UI. I hate realisations like that :p

Is the scrollbar meant to show up even when not needed? Set AutoScrollBar to 1 in the XML and use CalculateInternalSize() in the Lua to have it appear/disappear according to the UI's needs. Of course, you may know that :p

Oh yeah, and why don't CL's mods support Prestige? Huh? Huh? I demand it! :p
On the subject (as it snowballs out of control) of how offended I am or am not with repeated requests for schedules, updates, compatibility, etc.,

All of the members of the Colonialist Legacies team are volunteers. Nobody's getting paid for this yet.

I personally have a full-time job, a wife, and a child on the way. I'm also in the middle of changing jobs (thank God!) and also looking for a new place to move to because where I'm living now literally doesn't have the space for an infant.

Civ modding takes a lower priority than all of the above.

As for why we're so prickly around here, we're trying desperately to keep on top of the Civ Modding charts (read: below Sukritact and JFD) and yet also keep moving forward. We get frustrated easily because we're overworking ourselves (at least in my case it's almost like I have two jobs, one that I work whenever I should be having time off) and because we are all honestly doing a much worse job at this than what we'd like to be doing.

(e.g., I'd really like to already have the Anishinaabe out. And Malaysia for that matter. And South Africa. And all of the civs having Decisions. This actually really bothers me.)

When someone comes around a pokes us and asks us why we haven't achieved much more than we have, we tend to be growlly angry bears. Or rather, grumpy overworked Walri.

All in all, we're actually really chill and don't hate anyone, but we'd really love it if incoming requests sounded a lot more like "how can I help?" than "how come this isn't done?"

On that note, I'm actively (okay, really passively) looking for good artists, 3d modellers, and people that are willing to do mod compatibility upkeep.

"Grumpy overworked Walri" added to my list of favourite terms. GG, Neirai.

But, seriously, I think most people forget what effort y'all pour into your mods. Even I do, sometimes.
Feel free to step up to the plate and implement such things. It helps to be proactive in this sense rather than lament on our perceived laziness.

I do, to some extent. I meant that as something individual users could do if they like a mod and a different mod doesn't support it. Sorry for any confusion the wording may have caused, it was in no way meant to offend anyone.
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