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Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs

I can vouch for Mewrs rapidly developing art skills for Kenya.
That's really sweet, since everyone knows that Art is CL's worst bottleneck in terms of time.

For Vietnam:

Engage In Nam Tiến
Cost: 1000 :c5gold: Gold, 1 Great General
Requirements: Must be in Medieval or Renaissance Era, must be at war with at least one Major Civilization
Benefits: Courthouses increase the :c5culture: Culture yield of the City in which they are built by +20%. Upon capturing a City to the south of your :c5capital: Capital, gain a flat boost of points towards a :c5greatperson: Great Scientist; if this is a Foreign Capital, a Great Scientist is popped immediately in the closest Occupied Vietnamese City.


Make Peace Between the Trinh and Nguyen Noble Houses
Cost: 600 :c5culture: Culture, 800 :c5gold: Gold, 1 Magistrate, 5 turns of Revolution in your two most populous Cities.
World Congress must have been founded
Navigation must have been researched, but Rifling must not.
You must be sending an International Trade Route two at least two Major Civilizations who are more technologically advanced than yourself.
May not be in a Golden Age
Rewards: 2 Free Technologies. +33% :c5production: Production towards Land Units in all Cities, and two different Unique Units from Civilizations not in the game appear outside the two Cities affected by the decision. After five turns, a Golden Age begins.


The Nam Tien, or Southern March, was a period from the 11th century to the late 18th during which Vietnamese forces (well, Annamese to begin with, but whatcha gonna do) expanded their southern borders immensely, their forces marauding through Champa and parts of the Khmer Empire. It seems like a suitably expansionist thing to do, and you can use that free GG from the Honour tree to beef up your expansionist capabilities.

The Trinh and Nguyen were noble families, with the former ruling the north of the country and the latter ruling the south. They were often at loggerheads, occasionally breaking out into full-scale war - and one of the times they did so, Western arms traders got involved, most notably the Portuguese and the Dutch East India company, hence the two unique units and the free tech. After the country was reunited and had settled down a bit, it entered into a rather prosperous period, hence the Golden Age after the cities are done.

I hope that's suitably balanced. And no wonder production either! I feel... naked without it. =]
The Nam Tien decision might be changed from 'south of your capitol' to 'cities adjacent to your territory' as to not disadvantage starting in the southern hemisphere. Other than that, those look good.
Thats a bit odd though, given Nam Tien literally means 'Southern March'
Consecrate Ho Hoan Kiem (Lake of the Returned Sword)/Ho Gu'om (Sword Lake)
Must be in the Renaissance or later
Requires 1 Magistrate, 1 Great General, and 300 Culture.
Each time a Great Artist, Great Musician or Great Writer is expended (or born, your choice), gain a lump sum of Golden Age points (you can decide the number).

I reworked this from my earlier suggestion to play nicer with the UA. Since it wants you to build defensive buildings to get GWAMs, I figured a decision that gives another benefit for doing to so would be appropriate. The legend of the magic sword Heaven's Will and the consecration of the lake were used by Le Loi to legitimize his reign during a rebellion against the Ming.

Also, I like the Nam Tien decision above, though if you switch from southern cities to adjacent cities, calling it the Don Dien System could work. It was the name of their settlement strategy for the territory they took from the Champa in the south (http://countrystudies.us/vietnam/11.htm)
Yep, just without Combat Strength.
The decisions sound so specific.

"Make Peace Between the Trinh and Nguyen Noble Houses" is just evil, and I thought Tuscany's Santa Maria del Fiore decision was bad! :run:

Yes, they are specific. I tried to get them to mesh well with the themes of the mod, i.e. culture and stabbing. The Southern March decision isn't very powerful for the cost unless you, er, march south; the Trinh and Nguyen decision comes with a high price, but come on, man. TWO free techs, free units, beefed up production for your UU, and a Golden Age once you're done with the little revolutionary problem? Worth paying, in my book. Good ol' Western arms trade, ya can't beat it. =]
Yes, they are specific. I tried to get them to mesh well with the themes of the mod, i.e. culture and stabbing. The Southern March decision isn't very powerful for the cost unless you, er, march south; the Trinh and Nguyen decision comes with a high price, but come on, man. TWO free techs, free units, beefed up production for your UU, and a Golden Age once you're done with the little revolutionary problem? Worth paying, in my book. Good ol' Western arms trade, ya can't beat it. =]
But the requirements are so ridiculously specific! Navigation but not Rifling AND Trade Routes to TWO civs more advanced than you, AND the World Congress must be founded, AND must NOT be in a GA!?

Not gonna prevent anyone from making super-specific "may be enacted once every 100 games" type decisions, BUT if you want them to fit in with the existing decisions, you need to make them more generally applicable and less profound. I generally have a balance between costs and requirements as well, the more stringent the cheaper and vice-versa in balance with the effect.

I mean, the most stringent ones I have so far are the Santa Maria del Fiore (Must be in a GA, Medieval or Renaissance Only, 800 Gold and 3 Magistrates) and the Papal State's "Declare the Kingdom of God" which requires you to have founded a religion as well as 90% Religious Unity (which isn't hard to achieve given the UA and its other decision) and perhaps the Gaul's "Popularise Torcs" which requires Metalsmiths in all cities.

I'd make it more like:

  • Player must be Vietnam
  • May not be enacted before the Renaissance Era
  • Must be earning X Science from Trade Routes per turn
  • May only be enacted once per game
  • 500 Gold
  • 200 Culture (Culture is expensive!)
  • 1 Magistrate
  • 1 Free Technology
  • +33% Production towards Land Units
I feel the need to chime in here, as well. Every element you add to a decision results in about 20-50 lines of code. Also, a Decision that a player cannot feasibly aim for is simply a waste of code. Yes, a player can see the Decision in its unavailable state, and the Decision should be something to strive for instead of something that simply falls into waiting laps, but if the player feels the bar is too high or too specific, they may simply ignore its existence and never try.
This is a problem I have with the cree. I was very confused by their only having one unique decision, so I looked through the files, and one of the decisions requires you to have your own source of fur. Not only wil you not always spawn near fur, fur won't always even spawn throughout the entire map.
This is a problem I have with the cree. I was very confused by their only having one unique decision, so I looked through the files, and one of the decisions requires you to have your own source of fur. Not only wil you not always spawn near fur, fur won't always even spawn throughout the entire map.

Where are the Cree sorted in Cultural Diversity? The decision may have assumed you were running with that mod, because one of the First Nations groups gets a source of fur automatically.
I feel the need to chime in here, as well. Every element you add to a decision results in about 20-50 lines of code. Also, a Decision that a player cannot feasibly aim for is simply a waste of code. Yes, a player can see the Decision in its unavailable state, and the Decision should be something to strive for instead of something that simply falls into waiting laps, but if the player feels the bar is too high or too specific, they may simply ignore its existence and never try.

I wouldn't mind a civ having a Decision that was highly specific and difficult to achieve IF it was a 3rd "bonus" Decision, but not as one of the 2 "main" Decisions. But, then again, I'm not the one who has to code it, so I'll just slink back into the shadows . . .
This is a problem I have with the cree. I was very confused by their only having one unique decision, so I looked through the files, and one of the decisions requires you to have your own source of fur. Not only wil you not always spawn near fur, fur won't always even spawn throughout the entire map.

That's very odd seeing as the version on my computer requires you to have 3 identical sources of any resource, not just fur. Are you sure? It could be that the version online is out of date, but we never pushed out a version with the Fur-only element.
That's very odd seeing as the version on my computer requires you to have 3 identical sources of any resource, not just fur. Are you sure? It could be that the version online is out of date, but we never pushed out a version with the Fur-only element.

The code does call the decisions "CLFurTradeGet", so maybe he just assumed it was only Furs? If you don't understand how the decision is generated (building up a table of all available luxury resources and making a decision for each one) then it'd be fairly easy to just glance at the code, see the mention of Furs, and assume it's the only resource the decision looks for.

I wouldn't mind a civ having a Decision that was highly specific and difficult to achieve IF it was a 3rd "bonus" Decision, but not as one of the 2 "main" Decisions. But, then again, I'm not the one who has to code it, so I'll just slink back into the shadows . . .

So far I've been using existing decisions as a template to model my own, so they're usually some variation of "pay X to get bonus Y" -- although in some games, it's been a bit of a struggle to save up enough gold, or pay a lump sum of culture that sets me back from getting a policy I might really want, so there's still a bit of that challenge to achieve it. But the idea of a sort of "quest" decision is kind of cool, so I might play around with that idea as "bonus" decisions at some point.

(It seems like it'd be best to keep such a decision hidden, rather than just unavailable, until at least some of the conditions were met, to make it a bit more "quest-like". "Oh, now that you have a city that has three Mountain tiles in its radius, the 'Search for the Lost Mines' quest... er, decision appears!")
I wouldn't mind a civ having a Decision that was highly specific and difficult to achieve IF it was a 3rd "bonus" Decision, but not as one of the 2 "main" Decisions. But, then again, I'm not the one who has to code it, so I'll just slink back into the shadows . . .

This is really true, I have, for example, wanted to code in "hidden" decisions about such things as Blackfoot-Cree father-son relationships, or Inuit-Canadian armed forces elements... but it's generally a bad idea to spend time coding (and testing, don't forget testing) an element of a mod that 99% of people will never play.

That said, with Mewr11 working on mod support, he may just decide that some of those things are worthwhile.
This is really true, I have, for example, wanted to code in "hidden" decisions about such things as Blackfoot-Cree father-son relationships, or Inuit-Canadian armed forces elements... but it's generally a bad idea to spend time coding (and testing, don't forget testing) an element of a mod that 99% of people will never play.

That said, with Mewr11 working on mod support, he may just decide that some of those things are worthwhile.

Admittedly, there are the "Mysterious animal sighted!" events in Cultural Diversity that are extremely rare...
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