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Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs

TPangolin, what do you think about demondance's Singapore idea?

IMHO, the problem with the proposed Singapore is the lack of uniqueness and nationalism. Every large city has a skyline. It literally must have one, unless it's in a canyon or something. There is a famous university in Singapore, but it's definitely not unique. And then there's Underwater Word. There's an Underwater World in Singapore, yes, but there's also one in Guam, Nanjing, and Mooloolaba (that's an hour and a half's drive from my house and a Jackie Chan movie was filmed there :lol:) I can definitely nick the concepts though.
Congratulations on the Civ V facebook page nod! That's a pretty awesome honor.

I just wanted to comment on reddit reaction to the Inuit, etc. It looks like the immediate reaction (of course) is that the Inuksuks are overtuned. I want to argue that that doesn't immediately look to be the case - I think you can head that kind of criticism off by reminding them that it takes two of their Uniques to make their terrain useful. They don't have other bonuses on top of that, aside from a sniper unit that looks good, but not great. So basically - the Uniques allow them to be competitive, and are balanced out by the fact that that expends their opportunity for any other uniques, if that makes sense. Just my first reaction to the QQing in that thread. I think the Inuit look awesome, and I'm excited for them.

On Canada AI, I meant to bring up that the AI values seem like they might need a looking at. I have not yet played a game with Canada where they were not the runaway. I have actually turned off Canada in my games unless I'm playing them, because it's not fun to have to face off against them every game. That might be what's intended, in which case it's fine - Canada will just join the Iroquois on my hitlist.
TPangolin, just wanted to check if your PM inbox is full or not. I sent through those answers you wanted but I'm not sure if you got them, no reply yet.:D
TPangolin, just wanted to check if your PM inbox is full or not. I sent through those answers you wanted but I'm not sure if you got them, no reply yet.:D

Sorry for not responding - totally got them. Since I'm an armchair designer - I passed them onto JFD and Leugi and hopefully they can sort it all out.

Makes me wonder though.... Is Canada and Australia compatible?

And that is indeed me on facebook.com/civ
@: TPangolin

About VN, well you are right 25% culture and food is huge, but when will we put 5 points into Honor Tree ? If you put all points at early game, it turns out that your city is weak both science and gold (b/c your bias is jungle) and it forces you to build armies to conquer other civs or cs. That isn't thing i wanna see as :c5strength: nation. One thing, this bonus is effective at late game, early game to mid game it 's nothing(b/c your base number is low), and if ur go pure Honor, at least you must go to mid-late game to reach maximum benefit, that 's shame !!!

About UB, if you wanna replace Amphitheater, i suggest that One Pillar Pagoda is fit more better (same year), here is the link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Pillar_Pagoda. No way VN could have a Water Puppet Theater at this age :lol:

In regards to the whole Zimbabwe OP thing, I feel I should point out that lategame, you're getting around 15 Production/Food from an ITR at most. Compare it to an external Trade Route, wherein you'd be getting, lategame, something like 25 from the most profitable trade routes. At least, I generally am. You're also not getting any science or spreading your religion (which is of course the one true faith) to other civs, while they can be spreading their filthy heathen heresies to your cities. But the major balancing factor, I think, is that you only get so many trade routes. The incentive for Zimbabwe is to grow sort of wide-ish, but that jacks your tech costs right up - and you just flat-out don't get as much Science per turn as other civs, and you're giving up somewhere in the region of 100 GPT for the privilege. Maybe it could be turned down a bit, but there are always drawbacks to going full hermit and this Civ is designed around flourishing in spite of them

Science is nothing, with trade route you could grow up your city very fast, 1 citizen = 1 science, plus library get huge. The main point is, UA give you a chance to run-up :c5production: that is very easy to build your armies, b/c trade route also give you :c5gold: you can easy keep your armies grow up then go dominate other civs easily. So the question is, if you versus with :c5science: base city, what should you do ? For me, just build armies and destroy them as quick as possible. Beside you have a lot of advantage at Wonder competitive, you can brust your :c5production: at one city... without worry about anything else. At late game, 25 :c5gold: vs 15 :c5gold: / 15 :c5production: is nothing, if i can choose , i choose the second. It keeps my nation strong and healthy while my economic is ok. That is game breaking :nuke:. About :c5faith:, i never play game with :c5faith:, it's so boring and hardcore. I always dominate every fields without :c5faith:

Regarding the UA defensiveness, note that it's a 10% increase as opposed to just a straight +10. If you have 4 Luxes in a city and your City has +50 , you'll only be getting another +20 .

UA defensiveness is strong but acceptable, the strong thing is when it combos with UB that make this nation is very hard to conquer. One thing i want to ask you, Luxes is type of Lux or number of Lux ?

And TPangolin

Any chance of my ideal about Singapore get into your consideration ? Thanks I really want to see a base :c5gold: nation. :goodjob: Repost with some tweak


Leader : Lee Kuan Yew

Stats Bias : Sea

UA: Pearl of the Eastern Sea

- You can not settle a new city (you still annex city normally). Every sea resource (include static sea resource) worked by city + 1 :c5gold: +1:c5food: +1:c5production:. Luxury sea resource give bonus +2 extra :c5happy:
- :c5gold: produces by :c5capital: increases 20 %
- Great Merchant is more 25 % stronger (on economic mission).
- You will gain a free Great Merchant if you adopted on Liberty policy (Vanilla).

UB: Skyline

- Have same bonus as Sea Port, plus it will give 15 % bonus :c5gold: from sea trade route and has 1 specialist merchant slot. Replace Sea Port.

UB: Underwater World

- Have same bonus as Zoo, +2 :c5science: on every sea resource, + 1 extra :c5happy: for every type of luxury sea resource worked by city and have 1 bonus merchant and 1 bonus scientist specialist slot. Replace Zoo
... Is Canada and Australia compatible?

Haven't tried Canada or Australia with Communitas.

I guess the thing to remember is: if you make the new units/buildings have all the same tags as vanilla ones, even if they are just placeholders, then our code will have something to verify and won't fail on NULL or nil entries. Oh and keep an eye on those typos.:D
I finally got around to loading up my Canada save and took a screenshot.

Spoiler :

The circled hex is where I had a problem.
I moved a mounted unit to claim the incense, improved it, and moved the mounted unit off. I lost the hex, and the incense, and when I moved the him back I couldn't get the hex back.

You also asked what I thought of the war theme. The whole match I never went to war. I think warmongering is counter intuitive to playing Canada, since it makes it harder to make friends and get that extra delegate vote.

I still think that there should be a graphic for a hex that has been improved by a great voyager.

Regarding Australia. I'm playing a game with them, and they still have the two cities they founded a puppet. Is the AI too derp to handle puppet cites? His cites aren't really growing a whole lot and maybe I don't know enough about puppet cites, but I seem to think that the cites being puppeted is stunting their growth

Regarding the Philippines. What is there start bias. I have them on the map to, and they started on the coast in tundra, right next to snow. It is the worst start location i've ever seen. Is their start bias not working?
Excuse my weird question, as I only ever play with modded civs when I am controlling them.

Why have these new civs play as AI opponents? Is it to get an easy victory against opponents that may still have some quirks to iron out?

Sorry if that sounded harsh. I just don't understand it. With over 40 opponents to choose from does having these new ones in the mix increase the fun of the game, when you aren't actually playing as them?
Because TSL maps are awesome! There is also something warm and fuzzy playing against a civilization you spent time and effort creating.

The AI will seldom annex their puppets, yes - but I think we need to write some more code that will allow them to do so (or change the leader values). I'll ask Neirai what's what with the Canada screen too.

The Philippines have a coastal start bias.

Regarding Vietnam - you are probably right anachronistically regarding Water Puppet theaters - but from a gameplay perspective it make more sense. It needs to be earlier game to reap the benefits of the +5% bonuses. We want the user to go down Honor instead of Tradition and make them an uber defensive civ as opposed to an offensive civ. Nearly everything about the civ is tailored towards defense.

I think Singapore needs a lot more work on it until I can start considering it something viable. For example - why should I choose Singapore over something similar like UAE/Dubai?
Forget the Nation, just ideal, i dont care if Singapore is used or not

The reason i used Singapore is, it was from a poor small nation, grew into One of Four Tiger of Asia, not like Dubai- for nothing, just some random rich man throw a ton of money into it to make it viable. UAE we have a lot of nations on Africa base on :c5gold: and but none of Asia. Asia need more love, beside, my ideal is depend on sea luxury not oil so i feel Singapore is perfect for it (Singapore only have 1 city right ?) Fit for UA: YOu can not settle a new city

About Zimbabwe, we can tweak down like this

UA : Inner :trade: give :c5gold: along with :c5production: or :c5food:. Bonus :c5gold: start at 10%. Each time you enter a new era, bonus add more 10%. Cap at 70%

So you are not so strong at early but still unique at late game.:goodjob:

@: TPanlogin

So soon, we will have new update from Aus, Canada and Philippine too ? Now i realized why AI in game so bug
"TPanlogin" well that's a new one. I like your idea - but I think perhaps it might be better to start at like 20%.

What do you mean by "so bug"? Are you using the Communitas expansion?
Hey love the civ's, really Great Work.
I'd like to ask somethings though.

I was playing as Mexico and noticed that Mexico's unique improvement and unique unit was missing their texture
Also i couldn't view my culture screen at any time during the game while i had the mods installed
If you could help me with these problems, I'd be grateful.

Also could I make a suggestion. For Vietnam, I think that the Trung Sisters might not be the best choice since they only led a rebellion for 3 years.
I'm not against female leaders, an I know there has been a ton of old men, but maybe Ngo Quyen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ngô_Quyền) might be better
Lê Thánh Tông is also an idea, Wikipedia even calls him the Vietnamese Hammurabi[citation needed].

I suppose the colors you want for Vietnam do work even though I'd personally prefer gold/blue, but please reconsider the Wabanaki, that Abenaki flag would look really good as their civ icon, that orange one doesn't really look all that eye-pleasing IMHO (and the turtle makes me think Huron).
Me, TPangolin and Senshidenshi decided finally to put Truong Sisters as Vietnamese leader, as they are sexy awesome unique gals on elephants :p

If anyone of you guys know perfect music for Vietnamese Civ, please link it here :D

Also we would love to see Vietcong 3d model while nobody seems to be able to convert it ;(
I wanted to put forward another vote of confidence in the Trung Sisters. They seem unique and fantastic additions to the leader roster.
Put me down in favour of the Trungs as well. Doing this, in some small way, brings more attention to their story, and it's one I think needs to be told.

Anyway, slightly more on topic, it's sort of a shame that you've decided to go with the Scramble For Africa theme for the Zimbabwe peace theme. Don't get me wrong, it's great, but I think I found a really good peace theme for a Civ from that part of Africa:-

Link to video.

Though perhaps it's more suited to a Civ based on culture and a less militaristic approach than friend Dombo's one. =]
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