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Come make CFCopolis!!!

Daftpanzer said:
wow, congrats on completing the city! i am honoured to have been a part of this. My island is teh win :)

We both know that my island owns your island! :p
I didn't help make CFCopolis but it still inspired me to make a time-lapse construction video of it. The video also features close-ups of each city with the city name.


The cities I downloaded from this thread only gave me about half of the 50 versions I needed for the video so I used Photoshop to fill in the holes so I may not have gotten the order exactly correct. There were also times when many people added an island to the same city at the same time so I had to ignore some of the versions.

Getting close-ups of each city was not easy. I had to submerge the island behind it when there was anything tall like an Arcology so it didn't get in the picture. I had to destroy any tall buildings (like Arcos) that were in front of the island too. I also removed bridges and raised power-lines and used a freehand lasso to surround and copy/paste onto an image of just water to isolate it. I then added the name of the city on the side. I also had to age the city at times to move things out of the way like planes, helicopters, sail boats or ships.

I will be contributing to MountCFC!
Just a thought, but why not move on up to Simcity4? It's like $10 in every Target store in the USA, nowadays.
SimCity 4 is a lot harder than Sc2K was. It could still work, but the audience would be a little smaller...
That was a most awesome slideshow :goodjob:

too bad the brilliance of some (mine :p) doesn't show in the zoomed out take.
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