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Community Call to Power Project

In some cases the best way is to delete all versions of cctp and clear your cache and your mod folders. Sometimes this will help, i dont give a 100% go, but try it.
I think it's too easy to get Knights in this mod, Chivalry requires only Literature, so it's not much harder to get than Iron Working, for example (which requires quite a lot of Ancient and Classical era techs to get). And you can even have it without researching Horseback Riding...
Not only knights i got the atomic bomb before i discoverd the steam machine. Lol:lol:
Very silly, in fact i discoverd the railroad in the modern area and after i finished the manhatten project.
I've been playing this mod and I really enjoy it so far (I'm only barely in the Industrial age). A lot of the wonders and other projects you included (like the Sphinx) should have been in the vanilla game IMO and I'm glad to see them here. I also think you guys did a great job introducing the idea of economic conflict that the Call to Power games had without having to do include the lawyer and corporation units (which I never really liked).

I just had a few questions (mostly about the victory conditions):

  • In this mod do you still only need 5 complete social policy tracks to build the Utopia project? It seems like I've been getting a lot more social policies (which would make sense given how many more there are) but if the victory condition hasn't been changed that would mean it's really super easy to beat the game this way. It would also come way too early. Am I reading this right?

  • What about the diplomatic victory? Does that still come when you build the united nations (which again, would seem early).

  • Same deal with the science victory. I noticed that there was a new science victory (discover the wormhole) but the spaceship victory still seems to be in there. Is that right or am I reading that wrong?

I really want to be able to get to the cool techs at the end of the tree so I hope I'm missing something on the victory conditions. Otherwise, great job.
Culture(Policies, will be 9-12 full policies, I just need to find the balance) and Diplomatic(UN, will probably just be moved to a later tech for now) are currently untouched, Science has been adjusted.
What is the spaceship being adjusted into? Are they both requirements, or does the spaceship give some awesome bonus, or what?
Its the same, Spaceship Parts now require Wormhole Detection Array instead of The Apollo Program. Wormhole Detection Array requires The Apollo Program.
The Fall patch came out and broke the tech trees in CCtP

That's unfortunate :(. We'll just have to identify what XML rows they changed and resolve the tech issues before moving on to DLL.

It may now be time to resurrect some of the old threads (Offworld Colonization, etc.) that were started that deal with development post-DLL. Also, Horem, chrome-rome, and FiresForever, I sent you all a PM about a new idea that should be implemented with the DLL.
The Fall patch came out and broke the tech trees in CCtP

BTW very bad timing got a nearly 900 turn game running and cant continue.:(
feel your pain, was getting ready to move into digital era and now I get the white screen of death and no tech tree.
Wow, I did not know the Fall Patch broke this mod. Thanks for the heads up. Is there a way to avoid downloading the patch? Frankly, I'd rather have the mod than the patch.

As for the victory conditions, thanks for the clarification on those.

I love the idea that you find the Wormhole then build the spaceship to reach it. Mainly because I want to play Civ 5: Call to Power and Galactic Civ II back to back as if it's one long empire and building the ship after discovering a Wormhole matches really nicely with that.

I have some questions about the cultural victory. What happens when you choose a social policy that conflicts with a policy you already have? Do you lose your points or do you just have to redistribute? If you lose them then I have to ask, is it even possible under your system to have 9 different social policies all at the same time? I mean are there 9 that don't conflict with each other? I'm sure you've already considered that. I'm just curious.

Really enjoy this mod. I hope the Fall Patch doesn't kill my game. ;)
I cant even load a proper cctp game. It gives me a runtime error if i try to load my old saved games with cctp. Now when i try to set up a new game there are pieces of the drop down missing and I cant add any AI players. I hope you guys can get this mod to work with the new civ 5 update. CCTP is freakin awesome, and takes the game to a whole new level. We appreciate the hard work.

- Leave the gun. take the canoli.
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