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Completely random first game

I just can't decide, guess maybe something will come to me before release. I am inclined to play a large continents map with standard speed, although I usually select a random map. I did a random draw and Norway was chosen. Not sure if I'll do that or not.
Not a chance. I know the human player has more advantage knowing the starting settings, but so be it. Some map types (like Pangaea) I don't care for, and I like to use naval units even if they aren't optimum gameplay.

And despite my strong desire to play Germany, I will do my traditional first game playing as the United States ('Merica). I've done so since Civ2, and I won't stop now (even in SMAC I played as the Peacekeepers which seemed to be as close to America as you could get, although the Morganites could be a close second).

As for the other settings, probably standard. I used to really be into Marathon games for Civ4, but I find them boring for Civ5, the game seems better optimized for Standard speed, and I expect Civ6 to be the same.
I will probably go for science victory with Sumer because "it's the first civilization of human history, and my first game of civilization VI" or stuff like that, I like such silly ideas :p
I will probably go for science victory with Sumer because "it's the first civilization of human history, and my first game of civilization VI" or stuff like that, I like such silly ideas :p

I like the way you think :)
I play America on vanilla settings for my first play through, but go totally random from there. People like to claim that seafaring Civs have a disadvantage from playing on Pangeas but as long as you're not landlocked you can make good use of almost any ship useful on a continent map. Sailing up the coast with a Ship Of The Line and bombarding a city is viable on any map that has an ocean.
I much prefer Continent maps over any other map type......but I will *definitely* be randomizing my Civilization choice!!!!
The first game will be a "throw away" game because I'm going to make to many mistakes. But I don't want a civ that has a special mechanic, like Kongo. I need something of a more vanilla type. I think I'm going with the US. The second game will be my first playthrough.

So I prefer the default settings with only the AI as random.
Random Leader for sure, Huge map (as always -except for achievements) and the new "Archipelago type" (Big Islands)

Low difficulty level in order to explore/understand the concepts and experiment

Then increase difficulty :)
Greece first, standard settings, continents. Not the most interesting/innovative civ but certainly one of the most versatile ones. :)
Two additional government slots are ideal to explore different tactics, new CS bonuses look very powerful and the extra culture will be nice for a healthy balance between science and culture.
I always play random leader, so I don't see changing that.
The only time I pick a specific leader is if I decide to go on an achievement binge and I need a particular leader to advance my goals, but based on Civ5, I doubt I'll be doing that for some time.

Map type is normally continents of some sort, or maybe random. (I wish I could randomise a subset of the maps as there are some I just don't like.)

I don't normally randomise the rest, I prefer standard settings for age, etc.

I haven't decided on speed...probably standard and then up to epic (or the equivalent) once I'm comfortable with the game mechanics.

Difficulty will start either one or two levels below Prince, and will move up each time I beat the game, and down each time I lose three games in a row, until I find a level at which I feel comfortable, i.e. win some lose some, and then settle in to learn and eventually move up more conservatively.
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