Conservatives are turning against McCain

Palin represents young conservatives (for conservatives, young is 30) and, like young liberals who support Obama, we don't give a hoot what you think about experience or anything else.

I'd put her in charge. I ain't skeered.

As a Democrat, I'd like to say: Yes, more of this please. Please make Sarah Palin the face of the conservative movement. :)

As a Democrat, I'd like to say: Yes, more of this please. Please make Sarah Palin the face of the conservative movement. :)

Well, the unfortunate thing from Eco's perspective is that McCain has royally f***ed her for the future. If the Repubs were smart about her, they'd of seen that she had potential, but needed a metric assload of grooming. Then, rather than put her in the VP slot, give her a plum speech at the convention (ala Obama in '04) and then use the 4 years until 2012 to groom her.

Instead, if McCain loses she will get a lot of the blame and even if she somehow survives w/ any sort of national reputation, she'll have all this crap out there that she wouldn't have if she'd of stayed below the radar until '12.

Oh well.
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Palin represents young conservatives (for conservatives, young is 30) and, like young liberals (12-25) who support Obama, we don't give a hoot what you think about experience or anything else.

I'd put her in charge. I ain't skeered.

No. Every young conservative I know and hang out with here in Washington State isn't a deluded evangelical loon. They criticize the Republicans for the pick as much as any liberal because they care more about principal than pander.
She represents middle class conservative mothers with enough upstairs to lead people and enough otherwise as well.

She is anti-gay, pro-capital punishment, anti-immigration and fundie :(

But she is also a hawk, economically realistic, pro-life, environmentally aware (for a politician) and sexy:) 5/9 ain't bad (I'm missing many issues, of course).

In what way is she not conservative? What's "bad" about her as a politician? Some crappy cop got fired and his boss who was covering for him thanks to her sister bringing it to attention? So what. Oh no! Look at that cop's record before you cry too much for him. I thought you didn't like authoritarian crooked pigs.

Anyway. I don't see any major problems with her (besides fundie, but dems are at chruch a-prayin themselves so w/e).

No. Every young conservative I know and hang out with here in Washington State isn't a deluded evangelical loon. They criticize the Republicans for the pick as much as any liberal because they care more about principal than pander.

I do not believe you. Obama's church is not looney? You don't think that USKKK or God Damn America or Com'n Home to Roost or Stole my Job are just a little wacky for a church? Maybe for an internet forum, but for a church?! Who's wacky. At least at Palin's church, they just talk about spaghetti stuff (maybe extra meatballs, but who cares?).
I do not believe you. Obama's church is not looney? You don't think that USKKK or God Damn America or Com'n Home to Roost are just a little wacky for a church? Maybe for an internet forum, but for a church?! Who's wacky.

My conservative friends don't support Obama. It's a moot point.
Eco, any thoughts on what I said about her future, if they lose. Like I said, I think they screwed her. In '12 she could've been a true rival to Obama had they handled her better.

This sends her to the senate, right? Or she can go back to gov. After a term or two at either, she will still have political life assuming no toe-tapping*. She will not be an outsider anymore, but she will be seasoned (and hopefully the accent will be thinned). It's not like losing a shot at VP after one term as gov ends a political career; surely her state level support is at an all time high (70+ approval).

* I thought about that and, sure, bathrooms are gross... but what if she toe-tapped in like... victoria's secret? She could never be defeated then.
As a Democrat, I'd like to say: Yes, more of this please. Please make Sarah Palin the face of the conservative movement.
She definitely shouldn't be I think with the economy getting worse our best bet is going to be Romney he should run for Ted Kennedy's seat once he dies or retires. With his money and in state support he could definitely get it.

The other GOP picks would be Charlie Crist or Bobby Jindal who by 2012 will definitely have a shot. Crist has run a big and important state effectively and Jindal is just plain good at his job.
This sends her to the senate, right? Or she can go back to gov. After a term or two at either, she will still have political life assuming no toe-tapping. She will not be an outsider anymore, but she will be seasoned (and hopefully the accent will be thinned).

No, I meant they should've left her as gov. but groomed her for a run in '12. If they lose, she'll be damaged goods, plus, there's now a lot of negativity/polarization around her that, IMO, has ruined her national future, again, assuming McCain doesn't pull out a win.
She definitely shouldn't be I think with the economy getting worse our best bet is going to be Romney he should run for Ted Kennedy's seat once he dies or retires. With his money and instate support he could definitely get it.

The other GOP picks would be Charlie Crist or Bobby Jindal who by 2012 will definitely have a shot. Crist has a big and important state and Jindal is just plain good at his job.

Crist is a closet homosexual. Jindal may be really socially conservative but he also is really smart.
Crist's "homestead exemption" was a fine-print scam and it mattered in his election. Jeb would be more supported - by Floridians - than Crist. Crist is poo.

Jeb/Sarah '12

ps. Some guy on CNN just got angry, told the other guy off, pulled his mic and left. haha
how does Palin even get nominated for VP again? you've absolutely nuts to think she has any pull outside of some self deluded evangelicals and yourself.
Jeb/Sarah '12

Now you're just teasing me. As a Democrat, I say: Yes, please run Sarah Palin and George W. Bush's brother in 2012. :)

Palin represents young conservatives (for conservatives, young is 30) and, like young liberals (12-25) who support Obama, we don't give a hoot what you think about experience or anything else.

I'd put her in charge. I ain't skeered.

are you actually an atheist like it says in your user description or are you doing that to be facetious.

this is a serious question.
Ecofarm said:
Jeb/Sarah '12

Can't we do without the dynasties? I thought we left that behind in Europe.
how does Palin even get nominated for VP again? you've absolutely nuts to think she has any pull outside of some self deluded evangelicals and yourself.

Yeah, problem (opportunity) is, that that is about 30% of the population.
Crist's "homestead exemption" was a fine-print scam and it mattered in his election. Jeb would be more supported - by Floridians - than Crist. Crist is poo.

Jeb/Sarah '12

ps. Some guy on CNN just got angry, told the other guy off, pulled his mic and left. haha

George ruined it for Jeb, and the sad thing is Jeb is way smarter.
Crist is a closet homosexual. Jindal may be really socially conservative but he also is really smart.

Crist would rather go to Disney Land than help out McCain. Jindal is probably their best bet. McCain should have picked him.
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