Conservatives are turning against McCain

Private forum means free speech is irrelevent. I thought you liked property rights. :(
I understand & agree with your first statement & I do like property rights. None of that means however that I want to be the one doing the deleting & censoring.
Big difference.


I'd wager that people would peg me as a "liberal" from my posts, but I never think of or describe myself in that way. Labels aren't important to me. They are important to a lot of self-declared conservatives, clearly.

I think I see "libertarian" is the most commonly touted, at least by individuals. Politicians, of course, not so much. But you bring up an interesting point.
I think I see "libertarian" is the most commonly touted, at least by individuals. Politicians, of course, not so much. But you bring up an interesting point.

I'm talking about realistic, defacto usage of the word liberal. Yes, internet nerds and the like enjoy puffing out their chests about the true meaning of what liberal/libertarian means, but that's a non-sequitor.

I'm talking about general, mainstream politicking and discourse. Conservatives try to outdo each other on their "true conservative" credentials. You find no such parallel on the left.
Fired by Rich Lowery.

Guess Buckley didn't send "little starbursts" from his eyes. :D
He wasn't actually fired, he offered his resignation himself.
Chris Buckley has been fired by the National Review, the magazine his dad William F. Buckley founded. All, because he endorsed Obama. Republicans are at each others throats at this point, throwing each other overboard. Buckley wrote an article entitled "Sorry, Dad, I Was Sacked" at in response.

The comments on that page put to shame what we call "controversial" threads in OT :lol:
So if Rush and Palin represent the base, than you're admitting that the Republican base are a bunch of corrupt, incompetent theocratic bigots and misogynists who lack ethics, glorify slander, and celebrate ignorance? Glad we've got that cleared up.


nice. i can understand how a religious person likes palin. but take that away (and take that away from bush as well), and you are indeed left with a stupid person who believes in creationism and probably wants to establish a theocracy.

Blindly adding Sarah Palin pretty much put the nail in the coffin for McCain with everyone else. That kind of decision reminds many of Katrina and Bremmer. Poor judgment is a bad idea when you're the boss.
Howard Stern has shown that voters doesn't mind Obama picking Palin as VP. :)
I think there is a concern that Obama is peaking too early.

I don't see Obama peaking. All I see is McCain, or rather Palin, going down. The more we see and hear from her, the more it becomes clear she just too dumb, totally regardless of her views and/or the groups she represents.

I still cannot believe McCain picked her. A desperate move perhaps? It's simply not understandable.....
Picking a competent religious fundie would have been desperate. Palin as a pick was just stupid.
Howard Stern has shown that voters doesn't mind Obama picking Palin as VP. :)


I wish that the newsreporter had been a bit more honest, letting us know what proportion of interviewees ended up being idiots. But, even cherry-picked, it's hilarious. I liked how confident their answers were, too. Little-to-no hesitation.
Howard Stern has shown that voters doesn't mind Obama picking Palin as VP. :)


I wish that the newsreporter had been a bit more honest, letting us know what proportion of interviewees ended up being idiots. But, even cherry-picked, it's hilarious. I liked how confident their answers were, too. Little-to-no hesitation.

You know, I would love to see a study on this. You also hear that 20% of people would even vote for Hitler just because he was a party's nominee. It would be cool(or scary) to see how true that statement really is.
Kathleen Parker of the National Review has taken heat from her fellow republicans for critcizing Palin. One e-mailer told her that "her mother should have had her aborted." In this interview with Colbert she claims to have recieved e-mails from people at the White House who agree with her on Palin.

There does seem to be a split emerging in the GOP. Palin might really "represent a cancer on the republican party" as David Brooks said.
Palin represents young conservatives (for conservatives, young is 30) and, like young liberals (12-25) who support Obama, we don't give a hoot what you think about experience or anything else.

I'd put her in charge. I ain't skeered.
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