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Constant crashes on new PC

Slave of CIV

Aug 9, 2004
Austria, Tyrol
I’ve bought a new PC (CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 8-Core Processor / GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT / RAM: 16 GB / Windows 11) this summer and all of a sudden I can’t play Civ5 anymore. There are constant CTD’s, no matter what I do. Most of the time the game crashes after a few turns (while processing AI turns) or instantly when I try to start a new game with Vox Populi. This is what i've done so far:

✓ Countless reinstallations; complete deletion of all civ-related folders ✓ Win7 compatibility mode ✓ Playing with DirectX9 ✓ Playing with low graphic settings ✓ Newest software drivers and DirectX ✓ Verify integrity ✓ Clearing cache multiple times ✓ configure affinity from 8 to 16 core ✓ deactivation of nearly all mods, with the exception of Hex Conquer and Release (v 3), some JFD civs and Acken's Minimalistic Balance (v 8) mod. All mods working perfectly fine on my old PC. For the sake of playing Civ5 I’ve even forego Vox Populi.

I don’t believe that there is a problem with Civ5 or the few Mods I use. Probably the game isn’t stable on a new PC anymore? Is there an unofficial patch for Civ5 or another workaround I’ve missed out?

Many thanks in advance!
Can't tell if you mean it works without Vox Populi. But if Civ 5 doesn't work at all maybe try an older GPU driver. I know when I got a new card I had to roll back the driver to get a game to work (not Civ); for some reason the newest drivers didn't work with it but an older one did. You may need to try several older ones or find one that others have said definitely works.
Civ5 does work with VP and other mods. I think i've found the problem - custom maps/scenarios do not work with VP (constant crash when starting a new game) and other mods (crash around turn 20). But some TSL maps do work, for some reason. Right now i'm playing an Europe map (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=79821425) with VP/ Hex Conquer and Release / InfoAddict. Even slightly altered with WorldBuilder, I've added some civs.

Trial and error, all the way! :p Probably i must get used to the idea that an old game with no regular updates will fail more on a new system?
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