Hey all,
New beta version inbound, containing all changes from 3.10.14 as well as many more. @azum4roll has completed the Complete Merge project, which signals the beginning of the Vox Populi 4.0 era. This has been a huge endeavor largely on his part (with contributions from @N.Core and myself as well), for which I am very grateful.
The main change is that it completes the Great Merge (version 2.0) that balparmak started, cleaning up and reorganizing the entirety of (2) Vox Populi's database changes. It should now be MUCH easier to make future balance changes to the mod. The previous state of affairs...picture a large filing cabinet filled with papers tossed in haphazardly, and duct tape keeping the whole thing together. It largely worked (though not without bugs), but it was very messy and hard to follow or change.
Now, however, everything is in tip-top shape organization wise, though we need the community's help in beta testing it. We fixed the most obvious bugs prior to release, and I ran a test game for crashes, but there are likely still bugs in the new database - units, techs, buildings, etc. might function incorrectly or be missing some of their abilities. Please report these on GitHub so they can be fixed. This will be a beta thread until a few days pass with no major bug reports, at which point I will close the previous version thread and mark this thread as stable.
In addition, azum4roll, with help from @pineappledan, has also implemented (2-22) Proposal: Integrate Enhanced Naval Warfare into VP (with modifications). Avast, ye lategame pirates!
Finally, @seroperson has fixed a caching issue that should fix a lot of desyncs in multiplayer, and implemented a warning to indicate when a desync has occurred, both of which should aid in future multiplayer stability, and @axatin has fixed another pesky Deal AI bug with impossible peace treaty deals.
Thanks again, everyone!
As I explained in the previous version thread, I have decided not to delay the next VP Congress Session (#6), which begins on October 1. Explanation below:
Link: https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Commu...s/download/Release-4.2.7/Vox.Populi.4.2.7.exe
Online as of 10:14 PM CST. Not savegame compatible.
Version 4.2.6 has been released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 9:39 AM CST on October 30. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions.
I declare 4.2.6 to be stable (now that a previously undiscovered crash in 4.2.5 is fixed).
Version 4.2.7 has been released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 12:27 PM CST on October 30. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions.
New beta version inbound, containing all changes from 3.10.14 as well as many more. @azum4roll has completed the Complete Merge project, which signals the beginning of the Vox Populi 4.0 era. This has been a huge endeavor largely on his part (with contributions from @N.Core and myself as well), for which I am very grateful.
The main change is that it completes the Great Merge (version 2.0) that balparmak started, cleaning up and reorganizing the entirety of (2) Vox Populi's database changes. It should now be MUCH easier to make future balance changes to the mod. The previous state of affairs...picture a large filing cabinet filled with papers tossed in haphazardly, and duct tape keeping the whole thing together. It largely worked (though not without bugs), but it was very messy and hard to follow or change.
Now, however, everything is in tip-top shape organization wise, though we need the community's help in beta testing it. We fixed the most obvious bugs prior to release, and I ran a test game for crashes, but there are likely still bugs in the new database - units, techs, buildings, etc. might function incorrectly or be missing some of their abilities. Please report these on GitHub so they can be fixed. This will be a beta thread until a few days pass with no major bug reports, at which point I will close the previous version thread and mark this thread as stable.
In addition, azum4roll, with help from @pineappledan, has also implemented (2-22) Proposal: Integrate Enhanced Naval Warfare into VP (with modifications). Avast, ye lategame pirates!
Finally, @seroperson has fixed a caching issue that should fix a lot of desyncs in multiplayer, and implemented a warning to indicate when a desync has occurred, both of which should aid in future multiplayer stability, and @axatin has fixed another pesky Deal AI bug with impossible peace treaty deals.
Thanks again, everyone!
As I explained in the previous version thread, I have decided not to delay the next VP Congress Session (#6), which begins on October 1. Explanation below:
Spoiler :
Delaying the next VP Congress session would only be helpful if it were for the benefit of the players. There's roughly three weeks remaining until players would actually be voting, which I think is enough time for playtesting even with 4.0 around the corner. We had extra playtesting time this phase, and the instability has only been a thing for the past two weeks.
Proposers seem to have a lot of ideas already prepared, and if not, the garbage cleaning, as Stalker aptly put it, is a particular issue with this version, not the plan for the future. I was anticipating only a few hotfixes, not the 14 that ended up being needed, although the pace was rushed because I wanted to prepare for the 4.0 release, which will make modifications to the database for the upcoming session and any future ones much simpler (in addition to fixing numerous bugs).
I'm further disinclined to delay because there are clearly some major balance issues that were raised recently, such as tribute, difficulty bonuses, and multiple proposals for espionage, and I'd like for the community to have some say on this sooner rather than later. Selecting only proposals with widespread consensus would require voting to be sure. Estimating is the kind of contentious judgement call I'd rather not make.
- Multiplayer clients which have desynced will now post an alert to all players in chat, with an instruction to submit a bug report on GitHub so we can make multiplayer stable
No need to wait for a crash/force resync anymore
- Fixed a caching issue in multiplayer that was responsible for many desyncs
- Fixed an issue where the AI offers peace deals they won't accept
- Fixed production from Trade Routes not counting towards Process yields
- Blocked the Enhanced Naval Warfare modmod, as it is now integrated into VP
Complete Merge Fixes
- Dramatic and thorough reorganization of the (2) Vox Populi mod, including the following bugfixes
- Removed all unused promotions that VP added
- Removed all changes to unused vanilla promotions
- Fixed Clear a Marsh costing 600 time instead of 400 (potentially a UI only bug)
- Fixed Incan units being able to walk on Lake Victoria like Jesus
- Fixed Tradition finisher not boosting Embassies
- Fixed Rialto District, Arsenale di Venezia, Murano Glassworks, The Smithsonian, West Point, Hoover Dam not giving +1 happiness with Ceremony
- Fixed Military Base giving only 5 Air Defense instead of the intended 15
- Fixed Tidal Plant not having AI flavors
- Fixed Cathedral still having a Great Work slot
- Fixed Brandenburg Gate help text mentioning a Poverty reduction
- Fixed Menin Gate not giving Golden Age Points on unit death
- Fixed outdated Great Firewall help text
- Fixed wrong Chancery flavors
- Fixed Piazza San Marco not having Great Work of Art slot
- Fixed wrong England UA text
- Fixed outdated reference to Advanced Actions in White Tower help text
- Fixed Burial Tomb having lower Historic Event yield than Caravansary
- Fixed Great Cothon not having East India Company's base yields
- Fixed Skola not having Public School's base yields
- Fixed Tetraconch having a maintenance cost
- Fixed instances where yields on Palace were stated to be in Capital/Holy City
- Fixed Manannan's name
- Fixed Orthodoxy description having wrong pressure% to friendly CS
- Fixed Inspired Works still boosting Embassy yields by 4 instead of 2
- Fixed unclear Sacred Sites text
- Fixed Musketeer having higher cost than Tercio and wrong UnitCombat (carried over from vanilla)
- Fixed Musketeer, Landskencht, and Impi having wrong DefaultUnitAI
- Fixed Carolean having 0 Air Defense (unlike Fusilier)
- Fixed nonsensical calls to CombatLimit/RangedCombatLimit in the DLL
- Fixed Himeji Castle promotion not being given to planes and carriers
- Fixed Statue of Zeus promotion not being given to planes, submarines and carriers
- Fixed Mandekalu Cavalry, Cataphract, Bandeirantes, Landsknecht, Nuclear Submarine not having building requirements for purchase
- Fixed Musketeer and Fusilier lacking UNITAI_COUNTER, which they should have since they have Formation
- Fixed air units lacking UNITAI_CARRIER_AIR
- Fixed Barbarian Horsemen unlocking at Trade instead of Military Strategy
- Fixed Hwach'a and Ballista having low CS, since they lack the Siege Inaccuracy penalty
- Fixed Hwach'a having UNITAI_CITY_BOMBARD
- Fixed Air Supremacy text wrongly including Helicopter
- Fixed Supply promotion not giving +5 healing in friendly land
- Fixed Fervor not being given to planes
- Fixed various promotion text not matching effect and other issues
- Fixed Dauntless and Supply promotions healing all units on the same tile
- Fixed Lightning Warfare promotions, Ambition and Ancestral Protection not working against cities
- Fixed incorrect effect on rebel event
- Fixed Woodsman help text missing attack bonus
- Fixed outdated Great People concept and mission text
- Fixed Ger not adding +1 Food to Deer
- Removed long unused city number penalty on tourism tooltip
- Removed UNITAI_EXPLORE_SEA from Galleys (not suitable)
- Removed UNITAI_EXPLORE from land melee units (use recon instead)
- Removed tech prereq and embarkation ability from Embarkation with Defense promotion (unnecessary)
- AI won't buy horses after discovering Rocketry, instead of being in Atomic Era
- Now using Arabic numerals instead of Roman numerals for new promotion TYPEs (and text keys), also other misc name changes
Other Complete Merge Changes
- Reworked pillage gold numbers
- Bronze Working and Biology now remove -150 time each from forest removal (base time is 300)
- Luxuries that you have can now be sold before you have the tech to improve them
- Moved all luxury tech reveal to ancient era, if COMMUNITY_CORE_BALANCE_RESOURCE_REVEAL is set to 2 or 3
- Hexxon *REFINERIES* now boosts all refineries and power plants
- Standardized unit HurryCostModifier to 0 (25 for spaceship parts)
- Barbarian Handaxe is now a Slinger replacement (same stats as Slinger)
- Renamed Ambition promotion to Determination, just because it sounds cooler
- Renamed Restlessness promotion to Ceaselessness, just because it sounds cooler
Enhanced Naval Warfare Integration
- See linked proposal thread above for details
- Slight changes were made, ask azum4roll for what those were
Link: https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Commu...s/download/Release-4.2.7/Vox.Populi.4.2.7.exe
Online as of 10:14 PM CST. Not savegame compatible.
Spoiler 4.1 - 4.1.2 Changes :
Version 4.1 has been released. Link above has been updated.
The beta should now be playable again. Sorry for the wait, there was a lot to fix.
Online as of 7:22 PM CST on September 30. Not savegame compatible.
Version 4.1.1 has been released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 6:30 PM CST on October 1. Technically savegame compatible with 4.1, but units not being able to embark is a pretty significant bug, so I'd start a new game.
Version 4.1.2 has been released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 3:04 AM CST on October 2. Savegame compatible with 4.1 versions.
- Policy table CapitalYieldPerPopChangeEmpire (used by Statecraft) can now stack
- The game now remembers the highest total population a player has ever reached (not used yet)
- Reduced log spam
- Units can now capture undefended civilian units by moving into the tile even if they have already attacked this turn
Also applies in Community Patch Only
- Cooldown on making peace after declaring war on a City-State now scales with game speed
Since it's currently 1 turn base, this means 3 turns on Marathon and 1 otherwise, since it rounds down
- Major tactical AI improvements from ilteroi
- Greatly improved AI handling of garrisons (shouldn't abandon cities and citadels anymore)
- Refactored Tactical AI cache to clean itself up properly, reducing memory consumption and lategame crash potential
- Improved AI early expansion prioritization a bit
- Removed opinion penalty towards other players if AI denounces them (was -35)
Buffed opinion penalty for denouncing the AI to -50 (was -35)
After an AI's denouncement expires, if the other player has not denounced the AI and isn't untrustworthy:
AI will immediately reevaluate its approach (without a denouncement penalty)
These changes are intended to reward humans who successfully appease the AI instead of counter-denouncing, making recovery of relations more possible
They also make the AI a bit more strategically flexible diplomacy wise
- If a Declaration of Friendship is signed, any existing denouncement is now immediately removed
This mostly affects the IGE function to force a DoF: a denouncement and DoF cannot be active simultaneously now
However, since Afraid AIs will usually agree to DoFs even if they don't want one, this can be used to clear a denouncement
City Governor Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused specialists to be overvalued
- Fixed city governor not being able to handle the case when specialists consume less food than normal citizens
- City governor will focus more on growth in smaller cities (if default focus is used)
Other Bugfixes
- Fixed a crash when running forge GW mission, due to improper handling
- Fixed units not being able to promote
- Fixed incorrect or missing icons & displays in several places
- Fixed Spain starting with a Conquistador instead of a Pathfinder (lol)
- Multiplayer desync fixes from seroperson relating to diplomacy/deals
- Fixed many tactical AI bugs
- Simplified code for Diplomacy AI reevaluations of players & fixed several reevaluation bugs
- Fixed Boarding Party promotions not being available
- Fixed incorrect international trade route gold amount
The beta should now be playable again. Sorry for the wait, there was a lot to fix.
Online as of 7:22 PM CST on September 30. Not savegame compatible.
Version 4.1.1 has been released. Link above has been updated.
- Fixed Waraq'Ak being an Archer replacement instead of a Slinger replacement
- Fixed War Elephant not having the Feared Elephant promotion
- Fixed Embarkation not being given to military units
- Fixed policy tree structure for Authority, Fealty, Imperialism
- Fixed text bug when meeting a City-State
- Fixed Strategic Resources being available to buy/sell earlier than intended
- Fixed Liburna not being trainable
Online as of 6:30 PM CST on October 1. Technically savegame compatible with 4.1, but units not being able to embark is a pretty significant bug, so I'd start a new game.
Version 4.1.2 has been released. Link above has been updated.
- Fixed Reformation buildings being unbuildable
- Minor database cleanups
Online as of 3:04 AM CST on October 2. Savegame compatible with 4.1 versions.
Spoiler 4.2 - 4.2.5 Changes :
Version 4.2 has been released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 4:07 PM CST on October 4. Not savegame compatible.
Version 4.2.1 has been released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 11:32 PM CST on October 8. Savegame compatible with 4.2...probably.
Multiplayer compatibility issues are likely with 4.2.1 as the new civ/City-State selection logic is untested.
Version 4.2.2 has been released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 5:43 AM CST on October 16. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions, although some bugs might occur and some changes won't take effect.
Version 4.2.3 has been released. Link above has been updated. The shadow of my chair moved.
Online as of 5:10 AM CST on October 21. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions, although some bugs might occur and some changes won't take effect.
Version 4.2.4 has been released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 6:54 AM CST on October 22. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions. Some of these changes may negatively impact performance; please mention if turn times are unreasonably long.
Version 4.2.5 has been released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 1:41 PM CST on October 26. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions.
I declare 4.2.5 to be stable.
- Resources table now has a TechImproveable column which determines when a resource is owned
It is equal to the reveal tech for Strategic Resources
For luxuries, it is equal to the tech required to build an improvement connecting that luxury
So, e.g., Tobacco would have Calendar as its TechImproveable
This fixes the bug where settling on a resource allows you to use it before you have the required tech
new lua function: bool IsResourceImproveable(ResourceTypes eResource) - in LuaPlayer
- Updated Communitas map to 2.6.4
- Unique Spanish Inquisitor unit is now called "Inquisition", is hidden from Civilopedia/civ select screen again, has special text :)
- New Huns Focus Fire promotion now has a new icon
- Declaring independence as a vassal no longer applies warmongering penalties
- Tactical AI improvements
Improved handling of ranged garrisons
Improvements to Venetian City-State purchase logic (less likely to pick protected City-States)
Units will attempt to upgrade more often
Tactsim fixes
- Attempted to fix Dreadnought units lacking animations and thereby sinking like the Titanic
- Attempted to fix air units not being able to attack units
- Fixed a crash during the Horde quest
- Fixed unintended double time to remove features
- Fixed UNW text referencing population requirements
- Fixed missing Great Diplomat unit panel & strategic monopoly text
- Fixed numerous text display bugs due to load order issues (text now loads after everything else)
- Fixed Polynesian military units being unable to embark
- Fixed Siege units not being able to get Cover II
- Fixed Naga-Malla stats
- Fixed Ordo having no pillage gold
- Fixed Can Move After Attack promotion staying on upgrade
- Fixed Attack Submarine having Dreadnought model
- Fixed Chartarium having an Art slot instead of a Writing slot
- Fixed a rounding error for resource monopolies
- Fixed bugs & inconsistencies with denouncements, closing embassies
Denouncements should now always cancel Defensive Pacts, like ending a DoF prematurely does
Embassies are now removed when vassalage ends, like Open Borders
Online as of 4:07 PM CST on October 4. Not savegame compatible.
Version 4.2.1 has been released. Link above has been updated.
- Added MajorBlocksMinor table, which blocks a City-State from appearing if the specified major civ is present ingame
By default, Kabul will no longer spawn if Persia is ingame, since Kabul is on Persia's city list
This can be used to add the cities of major civs as extra City-States, should anyone want to do that
This required overriding and replacing the engine's random selection of civs and City-States
Huge thanks to IanE9 for discovering the solution that made this possible!
- Added BALANCE_CITY_STATE_TRAITS CustomModOption (disabled by default)
When enabled, City-States of each trait type are distributed evenly in a 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 ratio
Prevents scenarios where City-States of a certain type aren't available at all
The ratio might be off if not all City-States have settling locations on the map
- Added BALANCE_CITY_STATE_PERSONALITIES CustomModOption (disabled by default)
When enabled, City-States of each personality type are distributed evenly in a 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 ratio
If combined with BALANCE_CITY_STATE_TRAITS, each pool of City-States with a common trait will have a separate even distribution
- Added FixedPersonality column to MinorCivilizations table
Can be used by a modder to force a given City-State to always have a specific personality type
If a FixedPersonality City-State is selected, it applies after and overrides BALANCE_CITY_STATE_PERSONALITIES' randomization
- Blocked Barbarian Encampments from replacing unowned GPTI or Landmarks (removes a rare, but unfun lategame nuisance)
- Communitas map updated to version 2.7
fewer hills and trees
slightly more plains
as a side effect, more coal and less oil (!!)
ivory also has a higher chance to appear
that said, 200% of 1% is still only 2%...
- Code cleanup
- Improvements to early AI policy & tech choices
- +10 opinion bonus to the modifier for having a Diplomat now applies to Scientific AIs, not Diplomatic ones
Rationale: Scientific civs have more reason to be happy that you aren't spending your time sabotaging them
- Austria AI now has Culture Victory as a secondary victory pursuit
- Influence from Diplomatic Missions now includes the +20% boost from a forum quest in the tooltip
- Fixed a longstanding vanilla bug shortening build times for improvements
Shortened build times by 100 across the board to compensate for the fix
- Fixed Imperialism not granting +1 Movement to naval units
- Fixed Archaeologist being Faith purchasable without the required belief
- Fixed tech icon issues & wrong descriptions for techs which shorten build times
- Fixed Horse Archer having the wrong PrereqTech
- Fixed Mandekalu Cavalry having a city penalty
- Fixed Camel Archer help text
- Fixed Nuclear Submarine having 50 CS instead of the intended 60
Online as of 11:32 PM CST on October 8. Savegame compatible with 4.2...probably.
Multiplayer compatibility issues are likely with 4.2.1 as the new civ/City-State selection logic is untested.
Version 4.2.2 has been released. Link above has been updated.
- Major Deal AI Rework by axatin (ask him for details)
Provides the ability to disable Barbarian Encampments spawning on visible tiles
- Fixed quest cooldown for City-States decaying at twice the intended speed when not at war (longstanding bug)
- Fixed Anti-Warmonger Fervor not applying when making ranged attacks (longstanding bug)
- Fixed some database ordering issues
- Fixed Ducal Stable & Ostrog missing resource yields
- Fixed Ducal Stable still having instant Culture for some reason (removed in a previous proposal)
- Fixed Xcom Squad being a Gun unit instead of a Recon unit
- Fixed Statecraft opener not giving anything
- Fixed Carrier not being upgradable
- Fixed Barbarians being able to spawn Supercarriers
- Fixed Tabya requiring a Quarry to build
Online as of 5:43 AM CST on October 16. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions, although some bugs might occur and some changes won't take effect.
Version 4.2.3 has been released. Link above has been updated. The shadow of my chair moved.
- Removed Agriculture prereq tech from Slinger (now available without any tech)
- Fixed AI massively valuing Open Borders and other items, and fixed an empty deal offer issue
- Fixed AI overvaluing Luxury Resources
- Fixed AI not being able to make peace offers
- Fixed Library not being Faith purchaseable due to not having a Faith cost
- Fixed a typo in leader personality code
- Fixed Polders not unlocking
- Fixed B17 having 5 Combat Strength
- Fixed Indirect Fire being lost on upgrade
- Fixed promo flag display issue
- Fixed broken unit panel for non-EUI
- Fixed Open Borders not being blocked if checked in Not for Sale modmod
Online as of 5:10 AM CST on October 21. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions, although some bugs might occur and some changes won't take effect.
Version 4.2.4 has been released. Link above has been updated.
- Heavy Tribute now properly reduces Influence to resting Influence, or subtracting 60, whichever is greater (as proposed)
- Numerous tactical AI improvements
Tactical simulator now only uses valid moves
Increased AI aggression during sieges, increasing the AI's ability to capture cities
Fixed numerous pathfinding issues and decoupled military AI from trade path cache
Fixed an issue where a unit mission was added during a unit mission execution
Fixed some issues with Squads modmod and unit stacking
Fixed other corner cases
Rebalanced tactical sim difficulty values in XML, now that only valid positions are evaluated
DIFFICULTY: MaxPositions / MaxBranches / MaxChoicesPerUnit
Settler: 32 / 3 / 3
Chieftain: 64 / 3 / 3
Warlord: 128 / 3 / 3
Prince: 192 / 4 / 4
King: 256 / 4 / 4
Emperor: 512 / 4 / 4
Immortal: 768 / 5 / 5
Deity: 1024 / 5 / 5
- Improved trade route paths (azum4roll)
- Workers are now a higher priority choice for the AI
- Diplo AI now does a more thorough reevaluation of players
- City-States now properly evaluate building value instead of choosing largely at random
- Made it impossible to put 0 of something (Gold / GPT / resources) in the trade screen
- Size of Gold / GPT quantity boxes in trade screen is now expanded so you can see 6 digits
- Improved airport icon
- Various text fixes
Online as of 6:54 AM CST on October 22. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions. Some of these changes may negatively impact performance; please mention if turn times are unreasonably long.
Version 4.2.5 has been released. Link above has been updated.
- Fixed AI being very reluctant to expand past a few cities
- Fixed errors in trade route path, pillage gold calculations
- Fixed some issues when upgrading units
- Fixed a Mausoleum of Halicarnassus bug in Community Patch Only
- Clarified that 'someone demanded tribute recently' means YOU
- Fixed a text issue
- Tactsim Max Search Depth Tweaks
Prince: 192 -> 256
King: 256 -> 384
Online as of 1:41 PM CST on October 26. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions.
Version 4.2.6 has been released. Link above has been updated.
- Increased AI willingness to resurrect dead players
- Fixed a crash whenever the AI obtains a B17 Bomber
- Fixed longstanding early starvation bug
- Fixed NoMinorCivGift column not working properly
- Fixed an issue with the Find Player quest in Community Patch Only
- Fixed Global Liberation taking effect when a player with Iron Fist has teammates who don't
- Fixed the tooltip for Third Alternative
- Adjusted a compatibility file for EMR modmod
- Code cleanup
Online as of 9:39 AM CST on October 30. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions.
I declare 4.2.6 to be stable (now that a previously undiscovered crash in 4.2.5 is fixed).
Version 4.2.7 has been released. Link above has been updated.
- Tactical AI improvements and bugfixes
- Pathfinder fixes and performance improvements
- Improved Settler production logic, increased expansion further
Online as of 12:27 PM CST on October 30. Savegame compatible with 4.2 versions.
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