Member of the Opposition
DG2 Section B of the Code of Standards:
-- Ravensfire
B. Chat Turn Instruction Thread
1. All instructions to be played out in the chat turn must be entered in the chat turn
instruction thread.
A. Any instructions that are not posted to the chat turn instruction thread
before the start of the chat turn are not considered official.
2. Thread organization
A. Threads will be created in the Main forum
B. One Thread will be used per Turn-Chat
C. The Thread will be called "Turn Instructions [save game date] [date of
turn chat]"
D. The Thread of the last and the upcoming turn-chat will be stickied
E. Only the upcoming turn chat thread and the last turn chat thread should
be open, the others should be closed if all info posted to stop
misposting of information.
3. Post organization
A. Specified files should be uploaded with the file server upload (link at
bottom of Forum pages) and a URL link should be put in the applicable
B. First Post:
1. Time and date when the chat will be held
2. Save game which will be used
C. Following Posts:
1. Chat turn instructions from the officials, one post per
department and province
D. Next Post
1. Used for uploading the intermittent saves during the chat.
E. Last Posts
1. Turn Summary
2. Chat-Log
3. Screenshots (if needed)
-- Ravensfire