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COTM 17 Final Spoiler - End game

A mere 11,700 Jason points - you must be very dissappointed! :p

For my own efforts I managed an (open) domination in 1050 AD scoring which crept in above par at 10,007 jason points. A slightly lower score than the Indian game but a big improvement over my other entry which was a 1987 domination win on the Babylon warlord game.

I killed the other civs in the order of Persia, Zulu, Greece, Rome, Maya. The first three were killed with Gallics with the Romes being taken down with a combined force of Gallics and Knights with the Maya being killed by Cavalry.

I did several things much better in this game than previous games I think the big wins for me were;

i) Use of scientist farms to keep up/ahead in tech
ii) Use of Feudalism short rushing and mass irrigation to turn the corrupt parts of my empire into useful production centres
iii) Use of choke point strategy to kill off the AI excess units with the initial troops while the main force was being shipped over (really effective on Rome who had a huge amount of units by the time I got to them).
iv) Generally much better logistics

The big areas of improvement for me in future games that I have identified;

i) Improve the fairly horrible QSC MM. This time I forgot that wines were a food bonus and didn't irrigate or work the square for the first half of the QSC. I ended with 22 pop.
ii) Improve the fairly horrible QSC research pattern. I wimped out of doing the sling shot so went initially straight for iron. Then ended up researching in a very strange pattern, getting philosophy and taking contruction as my free tech!
iii) Speed up my wars. It takes me far too long to kill each civ because I am so risk averse. I hate losing units so much that I demand such huge odds before I attack. The result is each war takes about three times as long as it needs to!
iv) I need to square the circle of needing lots of cash (for upgrading - in this case warriors to Gallics) but not liking doing min teching because it seems to really slow you down too much!
First time out for 100K and achieved that in 1380AD without going to extreme efforts. Started as a typical conquest game, but built only gallics and set out for war. First Romans, then Zulu and Persia and then Greeks (by 10BC they were all practically gone). I got 4 armies by then and put only one gallic in them in order to get them over to other continent.

I then prepared for suiciding over to the other continent and by 200AD I started war against Maya. By 450AD I was at domination limit and at 600AD I could have had conquest. Sumer had pikes and Inca got pikes while I was at war with them (Inca slow at connecting their iron).

Maya got me ToA and Pyramids, which is why I wanted to take that continent. I discovered a bit late that other continent was only available with long ocean trips and lost the Lighthouse by 1 -one- turn to (luckily) the greeks.

At around 500AD I switched to Feudalism and started whipping culture (had practically nothing from before). I guess I didnt execute it very well, but got temples (free), cathedrals, libs and some colosseums.

Fun to play as conquest but 100K is boring. Looking forward to civ4.
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