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Crashes with Huge Maps?


Jul 20, 2015
Doesa anyone else get crashes and weird graphical glitches with leaderheads starting around early industrial when playing on Huge maps at Marathon speeds?

At first I thought it was from using RED, so I started again and still getting the same thing. Will just crash with no message usually on AI's turn.

EDIT: Better add more info: 8700K, 32Gb ram, 1080Ti, Win 10

Mods used: a lot of UI based ones from Whoward plus several others that shouldn't cause crash issues (Local Generals, Cit State Airbases, 2 Units Per Fort, 3 Units per City, etc). Also using Really Advanced Setup, Terrain ReTex and Thals Flag Promotions.

Checked the size of my saves and are currently sitting at 3.7Mb each.

Is the mod itself causing the crashing or something else? It obviously can't be memory related and it's not heat related.

Any suggestions?
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Civ5's 32bit so there is a memory limit to be wary of. Replace Thals FP with PromotionFlagsEUI (there's a setting to only show flags for your own units if memory is still an issue) and probably get rid of the textures too unless you switch to smaller maps.
I confirm ashendashin's post:
+ Civ is a 32 bit game, so it can only use 4GB it RAM. Every RAM above is useless. Which mean memory overflow is really easy to reach.
+ Switch version of Flag Promotion to the shiny new one from akamal. It is far lighter in term of memory.
+If you still have problems, get rid of texture enhancement, but I don't think it will be needed.
Wasn't aware it's a 32 bit game... darn. I will try the other flag promotion mod....I thought I was using the new but I guess not.

Thanks you two!
I have always run huge maps, and the only I have seen through the years is when my yield icons suddenly disappears when I move the screen too close to the north pole only to reappear when I go more south.. :P
I have always run huge maps, and the only I have seen through the years is when my yield icons suddenly disappears when I move the screen too close to the north pole only to reappear when I go more south.. :p
But you have not been using FlagPromotions, have you?
I have always run huge maps, and the only I have seen through the years is when my yield icons suddenly disappears when I move the screen too close to the north pole only to reappear when I go more south.. :p

I get that issue on Small Maps:) Its unfortunately not something that can be fixed. Every system hits the memory limit at some point, and the game starts making adjustments for it.
Which means you need to go into Strategic Mode at late game or constantly restart your save game every 10 turns(which can be annoying).
Guys wat ? An 8700k and GPU of that power should without problem push Huge maps up to turn 700 without CTD ? O.o
It's not not about CPU or GPU, but RAM.
Yeah but he has 32 gigs ram. A 32 bit system can use only 4 gigs but still without any mod bugs it should hit at least 700 turns. I am using an Acer Aspire N2940 laptop,4 gb ram,1.83ghz and still with several mods can hit turn 300-330 until CTD. A beast like his should hit 700 even without oc O.o
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Guys wat ? An 8700k and GPU of that power should without problem push Huge maps up to turn 700 without CTD ? O.o
Without Flag Promotion, I never had any problem. Even 43 Civ huge. With the newest version of FP, I never had problems, but I didn't tried Huge maps. With the old FP + improved texture, the memory overflow was quite easily reached.
Without Flag Promotion, I never had any problem. Even 43 Civ huge. With the newest version of FP, I never had problems, but I didn't tried Huge maps. With the old FP + improved texture, the memory overflow was quite easily reached.
Same here, and I even sometimes play huge Tectonic which is huger than huge :-)

But with the old FP activated I started getting graphical glitches or freezes (not CTDs) around industrial even on Standard.
Can you use task manager or process explorer or some utility that will tell you how much memory is left for civ to use?

Not really - memory allocation is a tricky beast because civ doesn't grab everything it needs from the get-go - it slowly increases as a game goes on (more and more crap being made).

A mod that shows real-time statistics like memory use/free and dll use during gaming would be nice. Otherwise it could just be an overlay from a third party program.
Not really - memory allocation is a tricky beast because civ doesn't grab everything it needs from the get-go - it slowly increases as a game goes on (more and more crap being made).

Are you aware of any memory leaks in original Civ5 or Vox Populi? That would explain crashes after few turns.
A mod that shows real-time statistics like memory use/free and dll use during gaming would be nice. Otherwise it could just be an overlay from a third party program.

Process explorer might be able to do it because it has a "virtual size" column.


So for 64bit operating systems there is a 4GB limit and for 32bit windows a 2GB (or 3GB) limit.

This is how it went for me:
Civ loaded to VP mod menu with EE and other mods: 2.0GB.
Save game loaded for modern age large map 9 civs turn 397 = 2.7GB

Save game takes up 0.7GB.

So I assume I have 1.3GB virtual memory left?

My game runs fine at the moment which agrees with the 1.3GB headroom measured by process explorer.

EDIT: There is a way to give a 32 bit app 3GB in a 32bit operating system. If you did that, the headroom left for my save game would only be 0.3GB:eek:. But since I'm on a 64bit windows, should be ok for another 1.3GB?

In my opinion though, a 4GB memory PC is not recommended. 8GB RAM recommended spec and definitely a 64 bit OS for best results.

I actually doubt that even a huge map with max civs and CS would run out of memory on a 8GB 64bit system unless you left it running for a long time and the "garbage" built up beyond 4GB.

Potential caveat to this. I'm not sure if the "virtual size" measurement in process explorer considers continuous memory blocks? So if memory is fragmented, maybe you don't get the full 4GB space to use?
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