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CTIV-1: The Turtle Game

Now it came to me, that we should start with Barbarians. They have no starting techs and no UU :).
:bump: :D

As Scar said to the Hyenas ... BE PREPARED. First 20 turns coming in 12 hours.
Scar speaking
Scar singing
Hyena chorus

I never thought hyenas essential
They're crude and unspeakably plain
But maybe they've a glimmer of potential
If allied to my vision and brain

I know that your powers of retention
Are as wet as a warthog's backside
But thick as you are, pay attention
My words are a matter of pride

It's clear from your vacant expressions
The lights are not all on upstairs
But we're talking kings and successions
Even you can't be caught unawares

So prepare for a chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
A shining new era
Is tiptoeing nearer

And where do we feature?
Just listen to teacher

I know it sounds sordid
But you'll be rewarded
When at last I am given my dues
And injustice deliciously squared
Be prepared!

It's great that we'll soon be connected
With a king who'll be all-time adored

Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected
To take certain duties on board
The future is littered with prizes
And though I'm the main addressee
The point that I must emphasize is
You won't get a sniff without me!

So prepare for the coup of the century

Be prepared for the murkiest scam
(Oooh... La! La! La!)
Meticulous planning
(We'll have food!)
Tenacity spanning
(Lots of food)
Decades of denial
(We repeat)
Is simply why I'll
(Endless meat)
Be king undisputed
Respected, saluted
And seen for the wonder I am
Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared
Be prepared!

Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared -
Be prepared!

:crazyeye: What can I say? I love that damn movie.
Turn 0 -- 4000 BC
I move the Warrior to the hill on the east, doesn't reveal anything notable

I settle in place. Delhi is built, revealing ... THREE Ivory :D

Between the Cows, the Three Elephants, and the Flood Plains, Delhi should be a very strong city ... although I believe we're going to need Aqueduct. I start with a Warrior.

Hunting in 6.

Turn 1 -- 3960 BC
Wines to the Southeast

Turn 2 -- 3920 BC
Our World Is Supported! I find a 4th Elephant :groucho:

Turn 5 -- 3800 BC
Delhi's borders expand

Turn 6 -- 3760 BC
Hunting is in (I choose to chase only one rabbit), The Wheel due in 7 ... I also spy Pork to our North, and a Hut.

Turn 8 -- 3680 BC
I believe I may have spotted a coast to the NE...

Delhi grows. I decide to work a 1F2S1C tile instead of a 2F1S* tile ... gets the Warrior here sooner (and will help with research while we build the Fast Worker next). I already foresee health issues as we're 6v5 at size 2 ... Animal Husbandry can't get here soon enough.

Turn 9 -- 3640 BC

UH, is this soon enough?


Huh, well, on one level that sucks, on another ... :woohoo:

And there be horses!

Turn 11 -- 3560 BC
Hinduism has been found in a distant land.

Warrior finishes, I start Fast Worker.

Turn 13 -- 3480 BC
I put my shoulder to the Wheel, and start working on Agriculture. Due in 7.

Ooh, another hut

Turn 14 -- 3440 BC
Speaking of Scar ...


Fortunately, the Hut is on a Forested Hill, so I feel it's worth the risk.

Villagers give me a scout, and also reveal Wolves the next hill over ... my scouts run like the wind!

Turn 15 -- 3400 BC
They didn't run far enough ... but they kill the wolves. The Warrior successfully beat the Lions. And we meet a neighbor!


Turn 16 -- 3360 BC

Scouts find a hut, and give us a map. Hrm, it looks like this is a peninsula, maybe.


Turn 17 -- 3320 BC
Buddhism has been found in a distant land

Turn 19 -- 3240 BC
Scout kills a wolf, gets promoted (he's currently "fortified until healed -- 3 turns")

Turn 20 -- 3200 BC
Agriculture comes in, and I start Fishing
We meet another neighbor:

Guess we know who found Buddhism.

*Yes, I still say "Shields"
Where's the save?
And the 5th Elephant? :lol:
I'll take it. Play and post by tomorrow.
10 turns?
BotlGnomz said:
Where's the save?
And the 5th Elephant? :lol:
I'll take it. Play and post by tomorrow.
10 turns?

You can only upload 5 attachments per post, so I split mine out :p

15 turns. I'll have comments shortly.
Some thoughts:

We'll want to get the Cows online first (for the health), then the Ivory. Ivory won't need a road if you grab one by the river Delhi is on.

We probably need to start thinking about settler placement. It's possible there are no Civs SE of us, in which case we'll want to block Hattie and Lizzie from moving into our 'hood. If there is someone SE, we'll want to grab the Horses definitely (for all I know, Liz is SE ... she appeared from the West, but she may have already looped).

The scouts are healing in the South. The warriors are both NW, you might want to move them both back, one towards the city and the other exploring eastward.
Thoughts without opening up the save:
After the Worker, I'm going to build a Warrior for garrison duty and keep the explorers doing their jobs. Reconnaissance is so key in the early game, I've often never recalled explorers. In fact, in my first solo Prince game, I was idly scrolling through my minimap a few turns before my spaceship launched when I noticed a fog-less spot in America. I checked it and burst out laughing as I saw my Warrior from the game start, who had leveled to 12 XP fighting barbs and bears, sitting on a hill in America. I must have left him there when my borders closed with America's neighbors and forgot all about him.
Anyway, back to this game. I think this was a great start. What tier two techs should I pursue? I'm thinking try to nab Polytheism if Hinduism has not yet been founded, or Pottery if it has. I love my granaries :D.

Improve Delhi.
Identify city site based on confinement and resource acquisition criteria.
Tech. Like a turtle.
We need a Great A'Tuin smiley :crazyeye:
We can build scouts, so it might be quicker to explore by building a scout instead of a warrior and putting the warrior in Delhi.

Hinduism is long gone.

I would avoid a Granary in Delhi until we can get healthier (right now I don't believe we can grow past 3). Pottery might be a good choice if we want to build cottages, none of the other ones strike me as immediately necessary. Remember, commerce is going to be key in this game so that we can research as much as possible. Check the cities when they grow or you improve something to make sure the AI isn't focusing on growth/production at the expense of commerce.
I see no reason to not grow past our unhealthiness limit.
Sure, we get a food penalty... BUT WE ARE SURROUNDED BY FLOOD PLAINS :crazyeye:.
Yeah, but Flood Plains don't have Shields ... and I want them to support the Elephant Camps so that we can have a strong balance of Food, Shields, and Commerce. What's the effect of unhealthiness?
Each unhealthness point over the health point takes one food from city away. With all those flood plains is Delhi a superior Worker/Settler factory.
One note: you shouldn't start worker before getting city size 3, espacially with all those flood plains around. The city growth os stopped when you produce settler or worker :(.
ucel said:
Each unhealthness point over the health point takes one food from city away. With all those flood plains is Delhi a superior Worker/Settler factory.
One note: you shouldn't start worker before getting city size 3, espacially with all those flood plains around. The city growth os stopped when you produce settler or worker :(.

We need commerce for research! Yes, Flood Plains are nice because they give us +1C, but the more tiles we can get cottaged or camped up* the more we can pull in.

But, this is a succession game, and BotlGnomz is free to swap out. I guess my main concern was: what would've been better to build? I even considered building the Worker first, but thought that'd be overdoing it.

*I reserve the right to verb words at any and all times!
That's one impressive river valley.

An early worker here isn't a bad choice; we'll be able to ramp up Delhi quickly with both health and happiness; without those early improvements most likely we would have needed to use the 'avoid growth' option.

Hatty is going to put early culture pressure on any western cities we have; she's creative and she has a religion. That, and the lack of trees for an early settler chop will probably prevent us from getting that western port city. In my games she's usually peaceful except for one, where she turned into a Holy terror. She eliminated two other Civs, ending up with a huge empire and my main rival.
Question about tech trading. You wrote: tech for tech is OK. Is tech for money OK as well?
Can we buy the tech we are not eglible to develop? For example Compass for Drama?
ucel said:
Question about tech trading. You wrote: tech for tech is OK. Is tech for money OK as well?
Can we buy the tech we are not eglible to develop? For example Compass for Drama?

I'm inclined to think No on both accounts, but the game is hard enough as it is ... what does everybody else think?
I think that our requirement to research all vertical techs before moving on should not preclude us from trading horizontally if possible. Our scientists are very thorough and perhaps a bit compulsive. They need to research all of a level before moving on. But if another Civ wants to present us with some of their research, they should feel free. Chances are, we won't have much opportunity to trade techs anyway.

Good start, btw. I also more inclined to wait a little before building a worker, but I can certainly see the desire to hook up the health resources. Eygpt is will probably be quickly expanding toward us; we'll need to think of a way to block her.

Also, re the granary discussion. If we can hook up some of that corn, the granary will improve health in Delhi.
ChrTh said:
I'm inclined to think No on both accounts, but the game is hard enough as it is ... what does everybody else think?

Haven't we lost already then? Our people were shocked and almost scared to the death becoming AH before other techs from the first tier :eek:
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