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CTIV-1: The Turtle Game

ucel said:
Haven't we lost already then? Our people were shocked and almost scared to the death becoming AH before other techs from the first tier :eek:

...no one told the scientists *shhhhhh*

I don't think getting AH makes a difference though; if they had given us Fishing (for example), we'd be getting AH about the same time we're ready to pasture to cows.

What mjj55409 says makes sense though ... especially about how willing the AI will be to trade with us in the future (i.e. not very).

Re: Corn ... I have to check the save, but I think it might be awhile before its in our cultural borders, unless we build a city close by it. But yeah, once we have that hooked up a Granary may make sense.
I'd be willing to let them offer us tech outside our purview.
We have a much better chance that way.
Anyway, playing now.
----------------------------New entries----------------------------
Turn 20 (3200 BC)
User comment: Set nearby warrior to head back to Delhi

Turn 21 (3160 BC)

Turn 22 (3120 BC)
Delhi finishes: Fast Worker

Turn 23 (3080 BC)
Delhi begins: Warrior
User comment: Build a warrior to escort our first settler
Tribal village results: lots of gold

Turn 24 (3040 BC)
Tech learned: Fishing

Turn 25 (3000 BC)
Research begun: Pottery
Tribal village results: a little gold

Turn 26 (2960 BC)

Turn 27 (2920 BC)
User comment: pasture --> road
Delhi finishes: Warrior

Turn 28 (2880 BC)
Delhi begins: Barracks
User comment: 1 turn of work on a rax before switch to settler
Delhi grows: 3

Turn 29 (2840 BC)
Delhi begins: Settler
Scout defeats (0.40/1): Barbarian Wolf

Turn 30 (2800 BC)

Turn 31 (2760 BC)
Tech learned: Pottery

Turn 32 (2720 BC)
Research begun: Archery

Turn 33 (2680 BC)

Turn 34 (2640 BC)
Scout loses to: Barbarian Lion (2.00/2)

Turn 35 (2600 BC)
User comment: After this settler, I vote farmer's gambit and immediately build another settler to go unescorted, sealing the choke against liz and hatty. Both cities will need obelisks to seal, and those should be the first build.
If you're going to "autolog", please add the important stuff. What has the fast worker been doing? What have we explored? Where were the villages? Where did the scout die? Why choose Archery over another tech? Etc. etc.

And where are the screenshots? Remember, this is supposed to be a "learner" SG. Autologging dumps aren't very instructive.

[Personally, I hate the autologger but I've yet to decide whether I'm going to "ban" them from CTIV games (obviously I'm not for -1 or -2).]

I don't know how far we've explored, but I find it interesting that we've encountered only two other Civs so far. Perhaps it's just the three of us on this continent?

BotlGnomz (Just batted)
Ucel (UP -- 10 Turns)
mjj55409 (On Deck)

We probably need to discuss a dotmap, I'll try to do one tonight (have my company holiday party, so I may not get it done).
Augh. Evidently, I can't do more than 1 custom log a turn. I had a bunch of stuff in there, but it went foom. Blech.
For the record, the worker pastured the moocow, roaded it, then moved to camp an ivory and is now moving to camp another ivory. Why? Well, it produces the same shields/food as a farmed flood plains AND one more commerce when it's on a river (as all of ours are). So, for settler pumping, it's great.
The villages were 99g and 50g, respectively.
Scout died in our NE after learning the shape of our continent. It did its duty :salute:
@ucel: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=141164
BotlGnomz said:
Scout died in our NE after learning the shape of our continent. It did its duty :salute:

Let us take a moment to remember our fallen scout ... who cost us nothing but gave so much ... :hatsoff:


So are we alone on this SE corner of the continent?
Unless the scout missed something, yes we are.
A continent ripe for the picking :lol:
We should settle coasts first and lock borders ASAP so they can't ninja sites with galleys.
Let's not go too nuts, we don't want to pay too much maintenance ... we probably should limit ourselves to 7 or 8 (to get FP) cities -- I'm guessing we have enough space for that. We should probably settle based on resources rather than border locking (after we've cutoff the choke point, of course).
In the meantine...

really nothing to change. Settler due 5. Put warrior in place where city should be built.

1) 2560 BC

Scouting and found the 5th elephant! He is near Hatsy.

Great, two camps are ready, so started irrigating FP south of them

2) 2520 Bc
3) 2480 BC

4) 2440 BC
Panther tried to make our warrior boo boo. Tough guy he is. Unscratched.
Delhi: Settler->Archer

No gambits here - Barbs are coming soon and Archer takes only 3 turns.

5) 2400 BC
6) 2360 BC
Bombay found. We need one more city to close the passage to our southern territories.
Bombay: Obelisk

This city will be strongly pressured from Egyptian capitol, so Obelisk is needed badly.

7) 2320 BC
Delhi: Archer -> Settler
Judaism found in distant land

8) 2280 BC

9) 2240 BC
Irrigation ready, camping 3rd Elephant

10) 2200 BC

Seems that we really share this continent only with two civs:

Good luck!
I've got it. I'll try to play my turns tonight.

We should talk about where we want that settler to go. My inclination is to the coast north of Delhi, which blocks access to our south. What? Open Borders? We don't need to steekin open borders. :D

And we'll probably end up with a Barb city somewhere in the south. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. :hammer:
I would prefer a city that is between the coast and the river, but looks like that'd be too much jungle (since it'll be awhile before we get Iron).

I wonder how big the continent really is ... Liz should've produced another settler by now, so either it's in the fog or its northeast of London (I'm assuming that's London unless Liz cranked out a quick one with Obelisk). There may be more Civs on this continent, but the Brits have already choked them off.

Ucel (Just batted)
mjj55409 (UP)
scowler (On Deck)
Here is my first attempt at a dot map. The red or white is where I would be inclined to go first. Some wasted tiles between there and Delhi, but it is so hard for me to give up the coast.

If we're going to settle blue dot, do we need the coast at Red/White? The riverbend (1 tile SW of white, or maybe 1 tile W of white) might be a better spot, as it could get us the corn.
As I said, it tough for me to give up my fascination with the coast. But now that you mention it, the tile 1W of white would be pretty good. It gives us access to the corn and the pigs, as well as being on a hill on a river. Anyone attacking from the West had better bring a lot of units.
Pre-flight check. Everything looks good. Bombay will grow in 4, so the time building the obelisk will drop. Settler due in 6.

Northern warrior moves closer to England's border to scout it out.

Eastern warrior defeats a wolf. All of the map is revealed to the East; I'll send this warrior back toward Bombay for garrison duty.

Worker finishes 2nd ivory camp. Move to hill outside Bombay to mine.

Worker begins mine. Northern warrior reaches North Coast. It looks like there is another land mass to the NW of where London is, connected by a small isthmus.

Discover Sailing; set research to Polytheism. Start moving northern warrior back home for garrison duty. Borders of Delhi expand.

According to Bede, we are the 2nd wealthiest Civ. Elizabeth is #5 and Hatty #6. Delhi finishes settler; I start moving it and the archer escort to the spot on the hill (1 tile west of white dot). Start working on a replacement archer (due in 4). England has founded York in the jungle on the dyes.

Units moving...

Northern warrior encounters a Barb warrior, and...(IBT)...defeats the warrior to earn a promotion. I'll leave him unpromoted for now.

Worker finishes Bombay mine; obelisk now due in 3. Move worker to farm the corn. (Wow, fast workers are fast...1st time playing as the India. Worker arrives on the corn.)

Delhi finishes archer. I'll let it continue working on barracks for the next player, though I think that Bombay will be a better military city. Worker begins farming the corn. Settler/archer arrive at the new city site. I have the warrior south of Bombay on a hill just outside of the borders, fortified until healed (3 turns). It can sit on the hill and keep a watch for Barbs. We need to spend some time building archers. The Barbarians are coming. We should think about another worker, too.

I forgot to mention...Elizabeth adopted slavery during my turnset. Which means she has bronze working.
mjj55409 (Just batted)
scowler (UP)
blackluck (On Deck)

scowler, don't feel compelled to play as fast as everyone else :groucho:

York presents an interesting situation ... Hattie isn't going to have much room to grow unless she can sneak South of us ... I foresee a catfight.

When the settler builds, we'll have choked off the land route South. Our next settler should make a grab for the horses, unless there's a more attractive Copper site (definitely research Bronze Working first when we get to the next row.

I want to reiterate: there's going to be a war sooner than later in our part of the world. I said 'catfight' above, but Egypt may be looking our direction. Especially if she doesn't have horses--so get them before she does !(remember, they need them for their UU).
Wow, we're certainly getting through this quickly. I'm sorry I didn't get here earlier. :)

Anyway, got the save, but probably won't be able to play until later today.

Initial thoughts: I suspect our new city will turn out to be a bit of a headache for us. It will have serious health issues thanks to the abundant jungle and the flood plains (one of which will overlap with Delhi - which city will get that one?), especially when the borders expand, and even with the health bonuses from the river, the pigs, and the corn. We can't start chopping those jungles until iron working, which is at least 6 techs away! :eek: We also lose a square to the mountain, and can't work the maximum yield from the 3 water tiles because we are not on the coast for a lighthouse.
Bearing in mind that it will be a front-line city, the production capability is alarmingly poor, meaning that troops will have to be brought in from elsewhere. Unfortunately, I can't think of a better alternative, and I'm not quite sure how to start off with it - obelisk? Any suggestions?

On the plus side, it will be connected to the capital right from the start, thanks to the river, and the river will also be a good source of income, especially with a few cottages. And it does block off the land route quite nicely.
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